A seminar on topic «Inland Fisheries Management and Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation» is taking place in Czech Republic

Between 9 and 13 of October, a seminar on topic «Inland Fisheries Management and Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation» in university of CENAKVA «South Bohemian Research Centre of Aquaculture and Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses» (Vodňany, Czech Republic) is taking place.

The seminar is attended by research associate of the laboratory of aquaculture of LLP «Fisheries Research and Production Center» – PhD student Barakov R.T.

The seminar will address the following issues:

1)      Conservation of biological diversity in inland water bodies in the context of ecosystem transformations under the influence of biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors;

2)      Open water fisheries management and food chain regulation in fish stock management;

3)      Fish farming in open waters and rational approaches to fish cultivation in the RAS;

4)      Methods for assessing fish migrations and fishing;

5)      Cultivation of live feeds and the consequences of replacing fish meal with alternative sources on fish immunity;

6)      Methods of cryoconservation of fish sperm and conservation of generical diversity in situ.

In addition, during the seminar it is planned to visit fish farms.