Research work on the certification of reservoirs of local importance in the Zhetysu region.

From August 29 to the present, the employees of LLP “NPTS RH” (Acting head of the expeditionary detachment Igilik R., junior researcher Otegen S., researcher Rakhova N.M., senior laboratory assistant Tursynaly Sh.N.) have been carrying out the following research work on the certification of reservoirs of local importance in the Zhetysu region (within the framework of agreements with the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the Zhetysu region):

  1. Selection and processing of hydrochemical samples, field and laboratory studies;
  2. Selection and processing of hydrobiological samples (zooplankton and zoobenthos);
  3. Sampling of the natural reproduction of juvenile fish by juvenile sledge (delirium) in the shallow waters of local reservoirs in the Zhetysu region;
  4. Ichthyological setups for the assessment of commercial fish stocks.