Research works carried out in the summer period on the Ili River and Kapshagai Reservoir

Currently, the staff (head of the expedition team Makambetov S.J., senior researcher Ablaisanova G.M., acting researcher Bekturov D.E., junior researcher Bakkozha J.M.) of LLP “FishRPC” in the Ile River and Kapshagai Reservoir are carrying out the following works:  

– Complex research works in Kapshagai reservoir on BP 256 (subprogramme 102):

– sampling of natural reproduction of juvenile fish by fry dragging (rags) in shallow waters, in the coastal zone of Kapshagai reservoir;

– hydrobiological sampling during the growing season (zooplankton, phytoplankton and zoobenthos) and fish feeding during the feeding period;

– hydrochemical sampling and analysis;

– netting for biological analysis of commercial ichthyofauna by fishery areas (biotopes).

Also are carried out research and development on inventory of spawning grounds of spike in the upper reaches of the Ile river on the project of Programme Targeted Financing, works on control trapping in order to determine the catchability and selectivity of traditional (kapron) nets and nets made of monofilament and monofibre.

Chief specialist of the department Kapshagayskoy fish inspection Balkhash-Alakol interregional basin fisheries inspection Samsybaev E. takes part in the work and registration of relevant acts