• The technology of growing fish stock for sazan, zander, tilapia, whitefish, trout, african catfish, balkhash marinka, markakol lenok;
  • A deep hydroacoustic facility for scaring off fish and juveniles from hydraulic structures and other designs of fish protection devices at water intakes;
  • The GIS-project “Fishery and protection of fish stocks”. Spatialdigital database of scientific recommendations in the field of fisheries and protection of fish;
  • The GIS-project “Scientific recommendations for the use and protection of fish stocks in the reservoirs of Kazakhstan” exists in the format of a web map on the ArcGIS Online server. It includes the recommended number and distribution of fish sites in the water area of large reservoirs, recommended fishing effort standards, recommended location, number and equipment of fish protection organizations;
  • Aquaculture calculator – a computing application for calculating the volume of fish production depending on the region;
  • Boundary landmarks (standards) for fisheries in water reservoirs of international and national importance;
  • Development, improvement and justification of the optimal set of fishing gear in  large fishery reservoirs, taking with characteristics of ichthyocenosis and other biotic and abiotic conditions of reservoirs;
  • All departments are equipped with the necessary machinery and equipment for performing scientific work in the field and processing the collected material in stationary laboratory conditions;
  • We have developed many recommendations on aquaculture, the preservation and reproduction of fish stocks and other aquatic animals, we have issued 15 collections of scientific papers, our team has published more than 2000 scientific articles;
  • We have more than 150 patents for inventions and utility models of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Scientists of the RPC of Fisheries participate in the development of regulatory legal acts in the field of fishing (rules for the distribution of quotas, rules for fixing fish sites, restrictions and prohibitions on fishing, fishing effort standards), protection of aquatic ecosystems (methods for assessing damage to fishery, rules for classifying water reserviours as especially valuable, lists of animal species ), economics of fishery (methods for determining the rates of payment for the use of wildlife).