Regular control fishing of Jade perch was carried out

Due to the agreement of LLP “Fisheries Research and Production Center” with LLP “Research and Production Center of Microbiology and Virology” on the basis of project “Development of a domestic probiotic drug cuzing increase the resistance and productivity of valuable fish species in aquaculture” on the basis of LLP “Kapchagai spawning farm-1973”, studies are continuing to assess the effectiveness of the effect of the developed domestic probiotic drug on fish-biological indicators of trout. The final catch was carried out and measurements were taken from trout grown in the pools by scientific staff of the aquaculture laboratory of LLP “Fisheries Research and Production Center” Badryzlova N.S., Barakov R.T. and Khalelov A.T. in LLP “Kapchagai spawning farm-1973”.

During the implementation of the Targeted funding program project “Development and implementation of industrial technologies for growing promising fish farming facilities and invertebrate hydrobionts in conditions of fish farming enterprises”, another control catch of jade perch grown in Yeisk-type trays using pond water was carried out at the fish breeding site in LLP “Kapchagai spawning farm-1973”.