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For more than 90 years of its activity FishRPC continuously monitors the state of ecosystems, water bodies of Kazakhstan and their biological resources, the development of the biological bases of rational use and reproduction of fish stocks, gives annual forecasts of fish catch volumes, proposals for rules and mode of fishing. Every year, on the basis of science – based data KazNIIRH goes Government Decision on limits of fish catch from the Republic of reservoirs. Accumulated many years of data bank on hydrology, hydrobiology, hydrochemistry, toxicology in terms of human impact on the ecosystems of water bodies.Conducted acclimatization work on the introduction of feed and fish fauna of invertebrates.Together with the production of the works on the lake-commercial fish farming.Estimated reserves of valuable bioresource – crustacean Artemia cysts and across the waters of the mineralized waters of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It introduces the industrial fishery: developed technology of cultivation and breeding of fish with warm water and warm-water power stations. By using the latest genetic techniques (chemical mutagenesis and radiation gynogenesis) created highly productive breed groups of carp and silver carp. Scientists fish farmers developed general layout of fish farms, breeding and biotechnology regulatory framework for specific regions of Kazakhstan. A resource-saving technology of fish breeding in polyculture using cheap feed mixtures. Recommendations for prevention and treatment of fish diseases in fish and spawning-vyrastnyh farms, to reduce the incidence of fish in natural waters. Research on the technique of fishing, which allowed to offer new and more effective methods and fishing gear, machines and equipment for mechanization of labor-intensive processes in the fishing industry. It was introduced into production horizontal vacuum boilers of domestic production for the production of fish meal and progressive technology canning sardines. A number of manufacturing technologies and methods of manufacture of canned fish, sausages, fish products smoked, various range of low-value fish glue from fish scales, etc. Economic research has focused on the analysis of economic activities of fisheries in order to increase their economic efficiency and improving work organization.Since 2001, carried out comprehensive environmental studies aimed at assessing the status of living aquatic resources of transboundary water basins.A refined and developed principles and criteria for the distribution of living aquatic resources between neighboring countries. The research results are used in the work of the Commission on Aquatic Bioresources of the Caspian Sea at the interstate distribution of total allowable catches of sturgeon and other commercially valuable fish. Based on these studies and interaction with scientific – research organizations of the Caspian states to develop common methods for estimating the number of sturgeon species, developed a regional program for conservation and sustainable use of biological resources of the Caspian Sea.Currently performed research work in the following budget programs:”Applied research in the field of fisheries for the conservation and restoration of fish resources and other aquatic organisms in the water bodies of international and republican significance Republic of Kazakhstan” on the following projects:The study of population dynamics and a comprehensive threat assessment factors Caspian seal population Assessment of natural and artificial reproduction of sturgeon species Ural river Research on the effectiveness of devices used by fish protection and development recommendations on the modernization and introduction of new fish protection devices in order to preserve fish stocks in Kazakhstan waters Study of the current state of fisheries hydroecological reservoirs and development of biological studies on the feasibility and priority of the fishery reclamation to preserve and enhance the capacity of fishery ponds Assessment of the main fishery resources fishing ponds Kazakhstan to develop a careful inventory management strategy and ensure sustainable fisheries – “Development of effective commercial fish farming technologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan” the following 5 projects:Development of cost-effective technologies of cultivation of valuable species fish and their introduction to the hatcheries in Kazakhstan Development and implementation of domestic formulations specialized feed Ichthyopathological and microbiological evaluation of fish grown in fish farms Genetic evaluation and updating of the genetic data bank aquaculture Assessment of the economic and social efficiency of technology of cultivation of fish species – “Grant funding for research” on the themes:Development and implementation of biotechnological methods trout cultivation using domestic feed products with the inclusion of probiotic action to improve the conditions of cultivation and increase fish production Genetic differentiation among populations of the crustacean Artemia as a valuable bioresource salt ponds Kazakhstan Genetic monitoring of natural and artificial reproduction of sturgeon of the Ural-Caspian basin to preserve their biodiversity and restoration of Aquatic invertebrates as regional biological indicators of ecological status of water bodies in Kazakhstan.- “Normative – methodical support of agribusiness industries”;- “Carrying out activities for the dissemination and implementation of innovative experience”Running large amount of extrabudgetary contracts in areas such as:- Scientific support of fisheries management in the fixed reservoirs;- Certification of fishery reservoirs and identify promising reservoirs for fisheries management (commercial fish farming, fishing, shrimp production);- The development of fish farming – biological foundations of creating fish farms of various types;- Development of biological studies on acclimatization and stocking;- Development of biological studies for the calculation of the damage to fisheries of economic activity and recommendations for its reduction;- Development of methods and fish breeding and technological standards for artificial reproduction and commodity cultivation of new aquaculture species and a large number of other applied research work.