Kapshagai Expeditionary Detachment carry out research work on the control trap in the Kapshagai Reservoir

Since May 25, 2023, the Kapshagai expeditionary detachment consisting of: Makambetov S.Zh., Ismukhanov H.K., Igilik R. have been conducting research on control trap at the Kapshagai reservoir in order to determine the catchability and selectivity of nylon (permitted) nets and synthetic nets of monofilaments and monofilament. The work is being carried out within the framework of the budget program on forecast topics (256-102-159).

To date, 15 network stops have been carried out on the Kapshagai reservoir by different networks, including nylon networks (5 network stops), monofilament networks (0.25 mm thick) and monofilament networks (0.30 mm thick) for 5 network stops.

The chief specialist of the department of Kapshagai fish inspection of Balkhash-Alakol inter-regional basin inspection of fisheries Samsybaev E. participates in the work and registration of relevant acts.

Work continues.