KazNARU held a dialogue platform “Technology Commercialization Point”

Today, Deputy Director General Asylbekova S.Zh. and Head of the organizational and legal Department Turguldinov E.S. LLP  «Fisheries Research and Production Center» took part in the dialogue platform “Technology Commercialization Point” on the topic “Problems of commercialization of the result of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activity in the field of agriculture” in Almaty.

Organizers of the event: Joint-Stock Company “Science Foundation”, Non-profit joint-stock company “National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Non-profit joint-stock company “Kazakh National Agrarian Research University”.

Within the framework of the dialogue platform, an exhibition of the results of scientific activities of KazNAIU and research organizations in the field of agriculture was organized.

Also, in the program of the event, speakers will speak about the results and problems of commercialization projects, about the effectiveness of business processes of interaction between business and science representatives, about the problems and ways to solve the integration of science and business and the role of the Science Foundation in this, about International experience in improving the efficiency of commercialization of technologies in the field of agriculture, about the role of patent analytics in commercialization technology and much more.

Based on the results of the dialogue platform, it is planned to develop recommendations and discuss further steps.