Sampling of the Aral thorn for genetic certification and analysis of genetic variability

Within the framework of the project “Genetic certification of valuable, endemic species of fish and invertebrate hydrobionts — potential objects of aquaculture”, work is being carried out on the basis of the Balkhash branch of the FishRPC within the framework of the project “Genetic certification of valuable, endemic fish species and invertebrate hydrobionts – potential objects of aquaculture” to fulfill the tasks of the project: sampling of the Aral thorn for genetic certification and analysis of genetic variability.

 The repair herd of the Aral thorn is formed from individuals caught from the natural environment (the Ile River and the Kapshagai reservoir). Knowledge of the genetic structure of the Aral thorn is necessary for the competent formation of a repair herd with a high adaptive potential.

 Performers: Shalgimbayeva G.M. – senior researcher of the Laboratory of hydrobiont Genetics of the FishRPC; Makhmetov I.S. – research fellow of the Balkhash branch of the FishRPC., Sharipova O.A. —Head of the integrated fisheries laboratory of the Balkhash branch of the FishRPC; Volkov A.A. — geneticist of VNIIPRH (Moscow).