Methods of acoustic tracking of sturgeon species are being tested on the example of stellate sturgeon

To date, research continues on the river. Zhaiyk on the research vessel “D.Amangaliev” within the framework of the project “Ecological and genetic monitoring of sturgeon species of fish of the Zhaiyk-Caspian basin”.

On the example of stellate sturgeon, methods of acoustic tracking of sturgeon species are being tested, which will make it possible to determine the spawning sites of sturgeons in order to develop recommendations for the protection and passage of spawners to spawning sites. To do this, acoustic tags are installed on stellate sturgeon spawners during their lifetime by sending a signal at a frequency of 76 kHz, which is picked up by hydrophones from the hydrophone, the signal is transferred to an acoustic mobile receiver. The receiver (receiver) is located on the water transport, which follows the tagged fish along the Zhaiyk River after release. The marks are placed on the dorsal or pectoral fin of the fish. Acoustic signals can be tracked at a distance of 220-300 m.

The work is attended by the Deputy General Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences. Asylbekova S.Zh., Scientific Researcher of the Laboratory of Hydrobiont Genetics Shalgimbaeva G.M., Scientific Researcher of the Laboratory of Aquaculture Maratova G.M. employees of the Atyrau branch of LLP Scientific and Production Center for Fisheries and the Zhaiyk-Caspian Basin Inspectorate for Fish Protection, Volkov A.A. ch. Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, VNIIPRKh, Moscow.