Research continues on the project Formation and effective use of repair and brood stock of sturgeon fish

Today, R&D of the PCF on aquaculture “Formation and effective use of sturgeon brood stocks, taking into account their genetic diversity in the conditions of sturgeon fish farms in the conditions of the Atyrau region”, to control the maturation of RMS of the sterlet herd, assess genetic polymorphism, morphometric and conformation indicators contained in sturgeon fish breeding enterprise Caspian Royal Fish LLP.

The head of the PCF Program, Deputy General Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences, is participating in the work. Asylbekova S.Zh., Scientific Researcher of the Laboratory of Hydrobiont Genetics Shalgimbaeva G.M., Scientific Researcher of the Laboratory of Aquaculture Maratova G.M. employees of the Atyrau branch of LLP Scientific and Production Center for Fisheries and LLP “Caspian Royal Fish”, Volkov A.A. ch. Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, VNIIPRKh, Moscow.