The assessment of genetic polymorphism and fish-breeding and biological indicators of sterlet rice is carried out

According to the work program for 2023, the objectives of the Target Financing Program for aquaculture “Formation and effective use of repair and brood stocks of sturgeon fish, taking into account their genetic diversity in the conditions of sturgeon fish farms in the Atyrau region”, an assessment of genetic polymorphism and fish–biological indicators of the RMS sterlet contained in sturgeon fish farms of the Atyrau region is carried out.

Work continues on the genetic certification and domestication of producers and their condition according to fish-breeding and biological indicators, monitoring and evaluation of the quality of adaptive (fitness) indicators obtained during artificial reproduction of juvenile sterlet.

The work involves the head of the PC Program, Deputy. Director General, Doctor of Biological Sciences Asylbekova S.Zh., researcher of the aquaculture laboratory Maratova G.M. employees of the Atyrau branch of the LLP «Fisheries Research and Production Center».