The international scientific conference “Zoological research in Kazakhstan in the XXI century” is being held: Results, Problems and Prospects” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the RSE “Institute of Zoology”

The 2nd day of the International Scientific Conference “Zoological research in Kazakhstan in the XXI century” is being held in Almaty, on the assignment of the Institute of Zoology: Results, Problems and Prospects”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the RSE “Institute of Zoology” of the KN MNVO RK.

The conference was attended by the General Director of “Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries” LLP Isbekov K.B. In turn, Kuanysh Baibolatovich congratulated the staff of the Institute of Zoology on its 90th anniversary, wishing well-being, new grandiose projects and achievements, success and prosperity, noting friendly and fruitful relations between the institutions.

Also, Rinat Tairovich Barakov, a junior researcher at the Aquaculture Laboratory, took part in the conference. Topic of the report: “Biological characteristics of carp (Cyprinus carpio) Kapshagai Reservoir (2016-2021)”.

“Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries” LLP once again, sincerely congratulates the staff of the Institute of Zoology on the anniversary and wishes everyone brave enthusiasm, high performance, creative ideas and excellent work, friendship in the team and mutual understanding, personal well-being and a happy life!