A seminar has begun in Antalya (Turkey)

A seminar within the framework of the FAO project “Capacity building for sustainable fisheries management and Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Turkey” (FISHCap), carried out by the “Mediterranean Research and Training Institute of Fisheries” (MEDFRI) has begun in Antalya (Turkey). The seminar is attended by representatives of the following countries: Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Turkey on February 27, 2023..

  • The head of the aquaculture Laboratory Abilov B.I. and senior researcher Bulavina N.B. take part in the seminar from the Research and Production Center of Fisheries LLP, Kazakhstan.
  • The main purpose of the seminar is to support the exchange of knowledge, technologies and best practices for their promotion among countries.  
  • The duration of the seminar is 5 days. Laboratory workshops, a review of the MEDFRI fish breeding site and a visit to the trout farm are planned.