The Expanded Academic Council is being held at the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP

On November 22-23, 2022, the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP hosts the Expanded Scientific Council for the review and approval of biological justifications for 2022 as part of program 256 of subprogram 102 “Ensuring the conservation, reproduction and rational use of wildlife resources”. 

Chairman of the Academic Council: Isbekov K.B., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, CEO of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, Program Manager: Kulikov E.V., Ph.D., Leading Researcher at the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP.

The work of the Academic Council is attended by: the Fisheries Committee of the MEGNR RK, heads of interregional territorial fish inspections, UJP Republican Association of Fisheries and Aquaculture “Qazaq balyk”, “Kasekoproekt” LLP, members of the Academic Council of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP and other interested persons.The agenda of the Academic Council is to consider biological justifications for the Yertis, Nura-Sarysu, Zhaiyk-Caspian, Aral-Syrdarya, Esil, Tobyl-Torgai, Balkash-Alakol basins and conduct integrated marine research to assess the status of biological resources of the Kazakh part of the Caspian Sea. 

The considered research work on the maximum allowable catches in the fishery basins of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2024 was carried out within the frame of the Law “On the protection, reproduction and use of wildlife”, which is aimed at ensuring the conditions for the conservation of wildlife and its biological diversity, sustainable use of objects wildlife and the approved Rules for the preparation of a biological justification for the use of wildlife as amended by the order of the Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 10/18/2022 No. 662.