Stocking season with fish is coming to the end

Stocking season with fish is coming to the end.

Thousands of underyearlings of grass carp, bighead carp and sazan were released into Lake Balkhash and the Kapshagai reservoir. Stocking by fish at the end of autumn in these reservoirs is the most optimal period, according to experts. The weight of underyearlings is at least 20 g, after 4 years each of them will weigh about 3-4 kg.

“The material for artificial cultivation was caught in Lake Alakol. Before that, we also had a project for genetic research on the polymorphism of sazan, that is, we studied in which reservoirs sazan is more polymorphic in order to grow it in the future” – Asylbekova S.Zh., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director of LLP “RPC of Fisheries”.

(с) Khabar24