This year, the state allocated 500 million tenge for the project to preserve the North Aral Sea

This year, the state allocated 500 million tenge for the project to preserve the North Aral Sea.

The cracked section of the Kokaral dam in the Kyzylorda region, which divides the Aral Sea, is being re-strengthened. This year, the state allocated 500 million tenge for the project to preserve the North Aral Sea.

More than 200 meters of the dam, which was called the construction of the century, were in danger of losing the Small Aral. According to experts, the work to strengthen the dam was started on time. At the meeting of fishermen, held in this sea region, the topic of preserving the Small Aral, as well as a number of projects for the development of fisheries, was discussed.

Today, over 700 fishermen in the area make their living from the sea. There are 10 fish factories in the region. Currently, scientists are working on the restoration of corals in the North Aral Sea.

Interview with Maira Kalymbetova, researcher of the Aral branch of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, dedicated to the work with the Aral barbel in the North Aral Sea

(с) National TV channel “Qazaqstan”