The 1st Central Asian Forum of manufacturers of high-tech laboratory solutions “Lab-Quryltai 2022” was held in Almaty.

The 1st Central Asian Forum of manufacturers of high-tech laboratory solutions “Lab-Quryltai 2022” was held in Almaty. The organizer of the forum is Micro Solutions LLP, a professional integrator of laboratory solutions that has been operating since 2016 in 8 countries of Central Asia. 

Employees of the Research and Production Center for Fisheries LLP were also invited to this event: head of the laboratory of hydrobiont genetics Adyrbekova K.B., senior researcher and researcher of the laboratory of hydrobiology and hydroanalysts Dolgopolova S.Yu., Mұқatai A.A., who took part in the work of the session “General chemistry (toxicology, pharmaceuticals, ecology, food, heavy and oil industry)” and “Molecular diagnostics and genetics”.

The plenary session considered the following issues:

  • High quality chemical reagents for accurate results and analytical studies;
  • Planning for equipping chemical laboratories according to European standards;
  • Modern methods of genetic research of the “CeGaT” laboratory, Germany.

At the end of the forum, participants were awarded certificates.