The transportation and domestication of Kapshagai ship sturgeons on the basis of the Balkhash branch is carrying out

Today, the employees of the main department carry out transportation and domestication of Kapshagai ship sturgeons on the basis of the Balkhash branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP. The following persons take part in the work:Doctor of Sciences in Biology, Deputy CEO Asylbekova S.Zh., Director of the Balkhash Branch Kumataev E.E., Head of the Laboratory of Aquaculture Abilov B.I. and researcher of the Balkhash branch, fish farmer Makhmetov I.S.

The work is carried out within the task of the scientific and technical program «The study of populations of rare and endangered fish species and alien hydrobionts in order to develop recommendations for the artificial reproduction of rare species and the prevention of the spread of alien species of fish and other hydrobionts».