The head division of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP sincerely congratulates the staff of the Altai branch on the 70th anniversary!

The head division of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP sincerely congratulates the staff of the Altai branch on the 70th anniversary!

Since the formation of the Altai branch in 1951 and up to the present time, it has been annually carrying out fisheries research in the reservoirs of the East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar regions, and in the 70-80s of the last century, the field of activity of the Altai branch also included reservoirs of Northern and Southern Kazakhstan. It was then that the foundations for the development of fish protection measures were laid in the southern reservoirs to protect juvenile of fish from getting into water intake facilities.

At present, the Altai branch is doing complex fisheries research throughout the Yertis basin, and is productively developing technology for the artificial reproduction of rare and endemic fish species, thanks to which the protection, reproduction and use of fish resources in this basin is effectively carried out.

The path that the Altai branch has traveled for 70 years – this is years of hard work, scientific and creative research, well-deserved recognition of scientific achievements and successful practical activities of the team.

We wish the staff of the Altai Branch inspiration in solving difficult problems at the intersection of science and practice, professional success, new victories and achievements!