Summer comprehensive research work on Lake Kolsay

From August 10 to the present, employees of the FishRPC (head of the expeditionary team Makambetov S.Zh., research associates Pangereev B.S., Igilik R., Zhdanko L.A. and laboratory assistant Abishev N.B.) have been conducting the following comprehensive research work on the Lower and Middle Kolsay lakes located in the specially protected natural areas (SPNA) of the Kolsay Kolderi State National Nature Park (SNNP) under BP 021 (subprogram 100) “Determination of fish productivity of fishery water bodies and/or their sections, development of biological justifications for maximum permissible catch volumes of fish and other aquatic animals, the regime and regulation of fishing in fishery water bodies of international, republican significance and SPNA water bodies Balkhash-Alakol basin. Section: Water bodies located in specially protected natural areas (SPNA) of Lake Middle Kolsay and Lake Lower Kolsay:

– collection of hydrochemical samples and field and laboratory studies;

– collection of hydrobiological samples during the growing season (zooplankton, phytoplankton and zoobenthos);

– collection of samples of natural reproduction of juvenile rainbow trout with a fry drag in shallow waters on the Kolsay lakes;

– setting of nets for assessment of commercial fish stocks.

Lakes Lower and Middle Kolsay are located in the Almaty region. On the Kolsay lakes, comprehensive research work has been carried out by the FishRPC since 2017.



Expeditionary departure of employees of the West Kazakhstan branch

Field work continues on the according to scientific and technical programs BR21882122 “Sustainable development of natural-economic and socio-economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region in the context of green growth: comprehensive analysis, concept, forecast estimates and scenarios”.

Employees of the West Kazakhstan branch organized an expeditionary trip to collect material for the following water bodies of the Aktobe region: the Turgai and Irgiz rivers, the Baitakkol and Karmakkol lakes, and the Sazdinskoye reservoir.

During the work, the following samples were collected: phyto- and zooplankton, zoobenthos, as well as samples for hydrochemical and toxicological studies.


Scientific expedition to the Caspian Sea

Monitoring and sampling work continues in the Kazakhstan part of the Caspian Sea within the framework of the scientific and technical program BR21882122 “Sustainable development of natural-economic and socio-economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region in the context of green growth: comprehensive analysis, concept, forecast estimates and scenarios” for 2023-2025. (block: fish resources).

Currently, the expedition group of the FishRPC is in the area of ​​the bay of Kenderli Island, at station No. 1.

During the research fishing, a specimen of Caspian salmon or Caspian trout (Salmo caspius) was caught. According to the biological indicators taken during life, the body length of the fish is 47 cm, weight 1.3 kg. After that, the fish was released into the Caspian Sea. The expedition team took photos and video footage of the fish and drew up a report with the crew of the sea vessel “Akku” on the capture, life-long research and release of such a rare specimen into the sea.


Scientific research in the Caspian Sea

The employees of the FishRPC LLP continue research work in the Kazakhstan part of the Caspian Sea. To date, 9 stations in the northern part of the Caspian have been studied:

– Toxicological, hydrobiological and hydrochemical samples have been taken;

– Samples of fish and other aquatic organisms have been taken;

The research is being carried out within the framework of the scientific and technical program BR21882122 “Sustainable Development of Natural-Industrial and Socio-Economic Systems of the West Kazakhstan Region in the Context of Green Growth: A Comprehensive Analysis, Concept, Forecast Estimates and Scenarios” for 2023-2025. (block: fish resources).

On August 2, the expedition team leaves on the sea vessel “Akku” to the stations towards the Kenderli Bay.


Scientific research works on the lakes of the Alakol system

From July 15 to the present, employees of the FishRPC (head of the expeditionary team Karlybayuly S., junior researcher Otegen S. A., Maratovich K. and laboratory assistant Sakharin. N. K.) have been conducting summer research work on the lakes of the Alakol system according to BP 021 (PP 100) “Determination of fish productivity of fishery reservoirs and/or their sections, development of biological justifications for maximum permissible catch volumes of fish and other aquatic animals, the regime and regulation of fishing in fishery reservoirs of international, republican significance and reservoirs of the protected natural areas of the Balkhash-Alakol basin. Section: ALAKOL SYSTEM OF LAKES.

The objective of this work is to assess the current state of the populations of the main commercial fish species to calculate the maximum permissible volumes of extraction of fish resources and other aquatic animals and to develop recommendations for the rational management of fisheries in the lakes of the Alakol system.

Currently, the expeditionary team is carrying out the following work:

– collection and analysis of hydrochemical samples;

– collection of hydrobiological samples during the growing season (zooplankton, phytoplankton and zoobenthos) and fish nutrition during the fattening period;

– collection of samples of natural reproduction of juvenile fish with a fishing seine;

– setting up a net for biological analysis of commercial ichthyofauna in fishing areas (biotopes).

– an echo sounder survey is being carried out to count the number of fish in the Alakol lake system.

During the research work on the reservoirs, the acting head of the Alakol fish inspection department, B.A. Sultanov, took part.

Research of the Alakol lake system continues.



From July 16 to the present, the employees of the FishRPC (acting head of the expeditionary team Bakkozha Zh., head of the ichthyology laboratory Sansyzbaev E.T., laboratory assistant Iskakov A.B.) have been conducting research work on the Shu-Talas basin under Program 267 (subprogram 101) “Analysis of biological diversity, molecular genetic identification of alien species and assessment of the sustainability of hydrobiocenoses of fishery waters to external influences” and research on “Development of the Red Book of Animals of Kazakhstan and an electronic database of rare and endangered animals.”

The purpose of the work is to analyze the dynamics of biological diversity and develop measures for its conservation.





The expedition

Today, the sea vessel “Zaisan” set out for 20 days from the port of Bautino, Mangistau region, for monitoring studies of the Kazakh part of the Caspian Sea within the framework of research work on scientific and technological progress for 2023-2025 BR21882122 “Sustainable development of natural-economic and socio-economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region in the context of green growth: comprehensive analysis, concept, forecast estimates and scenarios.”

Research will be carried out on sampling stations (hydrochemical, toxicological, hydrobiological), setting nets, trawl catches will also be carried out, and reports on the research work done will be drawn up.

For 2024, the following tasks are planned for the “Fish Resources” block:

1 Monitoring of environmental factors (hydrology, hydrochemistry, toxicology, fish food supply) and creation of information and assessment maps of the Zhaiyk-Caspian water basin in the territory of Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and Aktobe regions. Assess the anthropogenic load on reservoirs and watercourses.

2 Environmental mapping of the Kazakh part of the Caspian Sea in the Atyrau and Mangistau regions, identifying zones of varying degrees of environmental risk (migration corridors, sources and nature of pollution, etc.).

3 Assessment of the natural capital of water bodies (bioresources, water supply, refugia, genetic resources) and the value of ecosystem services (water supply, water regulation, bioregulation, food production, tourism and recreation).

Members of the expeditions squad: Abilov B.I. PhD, head of aquaculture of the head unit (group leader), Minat A. – head of expedition. Department of the Laboratory of Hydroanalytics, Uteuliev T.A. – senior researcher, Suleimenov S.B. and Batyrbek N.M. – junior researchers of the integrated fishery laboratory of the Atyrau branch. Research will be carried out at the following stations of the KChKM: 1 – Kazakh Bay; 2 – al-Farabi structure; 3 – Aktau; 4 – Seal Islands; 5 – Karzhanbas; 6-7 – SKMT Prorva; 8-9 – MSK Kashagan; 10 – untitled; 11 – opposite the estuary of the Zhaiyk River; 12 – pre-estuary of the Kigash River.




Meeting in the Mangystau region

Today in the Akimat of Mangistau region there was a meeting of the deputy. General Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences Asylbekova S.Zh. and director of the Atyrau branch Kadimov E.L. with Deputy Akim of Mangustau Region Kulzhanov K.Zh. and the head of the Fisheries Department of the Mangystau region.

During the meeting, the tasks of developing the Fisheries Program until 2030 in the Mangistau region, as well as research work on the Megaproject, with upcoming monitoring studies of the Kazakh part of the Caspian Sea, were discussed.

Issues regarding the 019 program, innovative projects in the field of fisheries in the Mangistau region were discussed.


BOSIET course

This year, employees of the Fisheries Research and Production Center LLP continue scientific research on the topic: “Sustainable Development of Natural-Industrial and Socio-Economic Systems of the West Kazakhstan Region in the Context of Green Growth: A Comprehensive Analysis, Concept, Forecast Estimates and Scenarios” of the research and technical program “Comprehensive Research to ensure sustainable development of natural-economic and socio-economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region (Mangistau, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and Aktobe regions) in the context of green growth” PTF 2023-2025.

According to the calendar plan for July – August 2024, monitoring of environmental factors (hydrology, hydrochemistry, toxicology, fish food supply) of the Kazakhstan part of the Caspian Sea is planned, in this regard, employees of the head unit and the Atyrau branch (group leader, PhD Abilov B. I.) to go to sea they take a course on safety precautions and emergency response at sea (BOSIET) in the village. Bautino, Tupkaragan district, Mangistau region. The BOSIET course lasts 3 days and includes the following segments: familiarization with safety, use of rescue equipment before the arrival of rescue services, first aid for various injuries, etc. Only after passing the exams and certificate, researchers are able to go to sea to network installation and take samples for analysis.









Dear colleagues and workers in the fishing industry!

The Fisheries Research and Production Center for congratulates you on your professional holiday – Fisheries Workers’ Day!

On this day, we congratulate veterans, fishery workers, fishery scientists, ichthyologists, fish inspectors, professional fishermen, sports fishermen and amateurs.

Currently, much attention is paid to the development of fisheries in the Republic of Kazakhstan in light of the implementation of the government Fisheries Development Program until 2030.

We express our sincere gratitude to everyone for their dedicated work, high skill and dedication to their work. We wish you great health, tireless strength, happiness and prosperity to your families!