Scientific and technical program “Aquaculture” (PCF) on 2021-2023 years.

 BR10264236 “Scientific-technological support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the implementation of innovative technologies and new fish-farming objects.”

Developer is the «Fisheries Research and Production Center» LLP. This program aims to achieve the objectives set out in the Concept of the Fisheries Development Program of Kazakhstan until 2030, the production of fish products from the current 7.6 thousand tons to 600,000 tons and increase the consumption of aquaculture products per capita from the current 6 kg to the recommended WHO norm of 16 kg. The work field will be based on qualifications and experience of the s. They have a lot of experience in research and have scientific publications on the topic of research. Employment time in the project is 3 years, up to 100% of the time.

 The aim of the program:

The development and implementation of effective technologies for reproduction, cultivation of promising aquaculture facilities and domestic feed production to increase the profitability of fish-breeding plants in various regions of Kazakhstan.

 Program objectives:

1.- Development and implementation of effective biotechnical techniques for conducting commercial lake fishery in various regions of Kazakhstan;

2.- Development and implementation of effective technologies for the formation of broodstock of rare endemic fish species in Kazakhstan in order to preserve biodiversity and develop aquaculture;

3.- Development and implementation of industrial technologies for growing promising fishery objects and invertebrate aquatic organisms in conditions of fishery enterprises in Kazakhstan;

4.- Genetic certification of broodstock of valuable, endemic species of fish and invertebrate hydrobionts

5.- Potential objects of aquaculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan;- Formation and effective use of sturgeon broodstock, taking into account their genetic diversity in the conditions of sturgeon fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

  1. – Development and implementation of technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feed and adaptation of technologies for the cultivation of promising live feed for valuable and endemic fish species at fishery enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

During the implementation of the program, it is planned to increase marketable fish products through the development and implementation of effective biotechnical techniques for conducting lake commercial fishery in various regions of Kazakhstan, the formation of stocks of valuable, rare endemic fish species of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to preserve biodiversity and develop aquaculture, develop industrial technologies for growing promising fishery objects and invertebrate aquatic organisms in the conditions of fishery enterprises of the country, technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feed and adaptation of technologies for the cultivation of promising live feed for valuable and endemic fish species at fishery enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Genetic certification of broodstock of valuable, endemic species of fish and invertebrate aquatic organisms will allow preserving biological diversity and increasing the efficiency of artificial reproduction and stocking, as well as increasing fish-biological indicators when grown in aquaculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The introduction of genetic certification for fishery enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan in general should contribute to the traceability of fish products and an increase in production volumes. The formation of sturgeon broodstock at sturgeon fish farms in the Republic of Kazakhstan will effectively reproduce and increase commercial production of sturgeon fish and increase the export potential and reduce the pressure on sturgeon stocks in their natural habitat.

 The results obtained for 2021:

Certification of reservoirs of local importance was carried out in the Kyzylorda, North Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan regions for the organization of a model lake-commodity fish farms in their region. The assessment of the current state of hydrochemical parameters, natural food supply and ichthyofauna of the studied reservoirs was carried out. Work has begun on the development of effective technologies for the formation of repair broodstock of valuable rare fish species. Effective technological methods of growing fish-planting material of promising fish farming objects were developed and improved: jade perch, pike, walleye and invertebrate hydrobionts (crayfish) in industrial conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan. Work has begun on genotyping with the use of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers (STR, Dloop) of valuable fish species: the aral barbel, balkhash marinka; markakol lenok for the selection of producers and juveniles for the formation of repair broodstock in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Work has begun on genotyping using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers (STR, Dloop) of invertebrate hydrobionts (artemia, crayfish, etc.) for cultivation in fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Work has begun on the genetic certification of producers selected for the formation of repair herds of rare endemic fish species. Work has begun to assess the genetic polymorphism of sturgeon fish contained in sturgeon fish farms of Atyrau and West Kazakhstan region. Work has begun on the genetic certification of sturgeon fish kept in sturgeon hatcheries. Work has begun on developing methods of domestication of producers and assessing their condition according to fish-breeding and biological indicators at sturgeon hatcheries. Work has begun on the development and implementation of technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feeds for valuable and endemic species of fish and invertebrate hydrobionts. The technology of rotifer cultivation in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been developed. Artificially created populations of rotifers in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been studied. The assessment of fish-breeding and biological indicators of juveniles of valuable fish species when feeding them with rotifers is given. An assessment of the economic efficiency of the developed technologies for the cultivation of rotifers on fish farms in Kazakhstan is given.

10 scientific articles were published (including 1 СQASE ME RK article), 7 seminars/field days were held and 2 articles were published in the media.

 The results obtained for 2022:

Typical standard technologies have been developed for the creation and operation of lake-commodity farms, taking into account the regional conditions of each reservoir. Work has begun to assess the economic efficiency of biotechnical techniques for the operation of lake-commodity fish farms created on model reservoirs in various regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The development of effective technologies for the formation of repair broodstock of valuable rare fish species was continued. Effective technological methods of growing commercial products of promising fish farming facilities have been developed and improved: jade perch, pike, walleye and invertebrate aquatic organisms (crayfish) in the industrial conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan. An assessment of the economic efficiency of the developed industrial fish farming technologies for the studied objects was carried out.

The work on genotyping with the use of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers (STR, Dloop) of valuable fish species was continued: the aral barbel, balkhash marinka; markakol lenok for the selection of producers and juveniles for the formation of repair broodstock in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The work on genotyping using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers (STR, Loop) of invertebrate hydrobionts (artemia, crayfish, etc.) for cultivation in fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was continued.

Genetic certification of producers selected for the formation of repair herds of rare endemic fish species was carried out. Work has begun on the development of recommendations for the genotyping of rare endemic species: the aral thorn; the aral barbel, balkhash marinka; markakol lenok on fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Work was continued to assess the genetic polymorphism of sturgeon fish kept in sturgeon fish farms of Atyrau and West Kazakhstan region. Genetic certification of sturgeon fish kept in sturgeon hatcheries was carried out. The methods of domestication of producers were tested and their condition was assessed according to fish-biological indicators at sturgeon hatcheries. Adaptation and introduction of methods of early sex diagnosis in sturgeon fish were carried out for the directed formation of their sexual structure at fish-breeding enterprises.

The development and implementation of technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feeds for valuable and endemic species of fish and invertebrate hydrobionts were carried out. A scientifically-based adjustment of the recipes of production compound feeds for valuable and endemic fish species, invertebrate hydrobionts, taking into account their production inspection, was carried out. The technology of cultivation of the black soldier fly in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was developed. Artificially created populations of the black soldier fly in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan were studied. An assessment was made of the fish-breeding and biological indicators of juveniles of valuable fish species when feeding them with black soldier fly. An assessment of the economic efficiency of the developed technologies for cultivating black soldier fly on fish farms in Kazakhstan was given.

29 scientific articles were published (including 2 articles in the Web of Science/Scopus and 11 articles of the СQASE ME RK), 4 patents were obtained, 3 applications for inventions were filed, 5 seminars were held, 14 media articles were published and 1 implementation act was signed.

The results obtained for 2023:

The programme’s novelty lies in internationally spearheading the development of technologies aimed at progressively transforming Kazakhstan’s food systems. Consequently, this contributes to economic development, reduces pressure on the environment, preserves populations of valuable fish, improves food security, and supports the achievement of ambitious targets set for the industry’s development by 2030. The programme’s objectives align with Kazakhstan’s national aquaculture development goals by enhancing the technological infrastructure for sustainable aquaculture, employing a value-added production approach, and elevating Kazakhstani fish products in both domestic and international markets. The programme’s outcomes have been successfully implemented at local fish farms. The programme’s results are outlined in peer-reviewed scientific articles, recommendations, and a monograph . A conducted search for patents and information on establishment of an RBS for the rare endemic fish species of Kazakhstan affirms the novelty and importance of this research .

Within the scientific and technical programme “Scientific and technological support of complex development of aquaculture of Kazakhstan through development and introduction of innovative technologies and new objects of fish farming” 82 scientific articles were published (6 of them in Scopus database (of these, 6 articles are in journals indexed in the Scopus database (including 1 article with the Q2 quartile, and 3 articles with the Q3 quartile)) 17 articles of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education), 1 monograph and 20 methodical recommendations were published, 22 publications in mass media, 11 patents were granted, including 3 patents for inventions, 14 seminars/field days were held. Developments on all tasks were implemented, 26 acts of implementation were issued. 

Grant from MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KMU) for development of the fish-protecting device on 2021-2023 years.

IRN АР09058066 «Development of the active mobile hydroacoustic fish-protecting device for protection of juveniles from hit in spillways of HPS dams, reservoirs»

Premises to development of the project:

Now effective fish-protecting devices are not made for protection of fishes and juveniles of fishes against hit in water waste constructions of dams of large hydroelectric power stations and water reservoirs. The water waste constructions of large water-engineering systems, are characterized ultrahigh (up to 500 m 3 /s) volumes of the dumped water. And dumping of water can go in the volley way – when there is technical need, for short period large amount of water is dumped. At the same time on the big site before spillway quickly there is powerful current of the flowing-away water which tightens through water waste the channel all fish and whitebaits. Traditional types of fish protection are of little use here, in view of extreme conditions of volley spillway. The scientific novelty of the project consists in implementation of new approach in the field of fish-protecting devices – the active mobile high-intensity acoustic fish protection capable to effectively protect fishes and juveniles on spillways of dams of large hydroelectric power stations and water reservoirs.

The project purpose:

 Тo develop the effective fish-protecting device (further FPD), for protection of fishes and juveniles of fishes from hit in water waste constructions of hydroelectric power station and other large water-engineering systems.

  The expected results:

 А development of the effective fish-protecting device for large water-engineering systems with volley spillways, production and testing of prototype, execution of the package of documents for production and operation.

 The achieved results for half a year:

 The research of hydrological and icthyological conditions of a reservoir and spillway of a dam is conducted. For these purposes in quality of a model reservoir the Kirov reservoir UKOOS in the West Kazakhstan region is chosen. As a model spillway the dam of the Kirov reservoir was chosen. According to the plan of performance of hydrological researches 75 measurements of depths and 85 measurements of speed of a current, on the water area of a reservoir and around a water waste construction of a dam were carried out. According to the plan of performance of icthyological researches 10 scientific lov were carried out, concentration and ways of migrations of fishes were established. Were taken on determination of specific, age and dimensional and weight structure of a fish fauna of 320 copies of fishes. To determine the concentration, migrations and downstream migration of juvenile fish, 20 samples of early juveniles were taken with the help of the Russ’s circle, and 10 samples of late juveniles with the help of juvenile drag device. As a result of the conducted researches, basic hydrological and icthyological data in order that it was possible to make the correct decisions on a design, complete set and mode of operation of the active mobile hydroacoustic fish-protecting device were obtained. As a result of the research, the initial hydrological and ichthyological data were obtained for making the right decisions on the design, configuration and operation of an active mobile hydroacoustic fish protection device.

 Achieved results in 2021:

 The conducted hydrological studies made it possible to study the depths and the carrying speeds of the water flow at the approach to the spillway of the dam. Ichthyological studies have made it possible to obtain data on the species, age and size composition of the ichthyofauna, the biological characteristics of protected fish and juveniles. The studies of the first year served as the basis for making the right decisions on the design, configuration and operation of an active mobile sonar fish protection device for effective protection of fish and juveniles from entering the spillways of large hydroelectric dams and reservoirs. The Kirov reservoir Ural-Kushumskaya irrigation and watering system (UKIWS) in the West Kazakhstan region was chosen as a model reservoir. The dam of the Kirov reservoir was chosen as a model spillway. 1 article was published in a foreign publication recommended by CQASES, 1 field day was carried out.

 List of published works in accordance with the calendar plan for 2021:

  1. Tumenov A. N., Assylbekova S. Zh., Kim A. I., Mukhramova A. A. Research of Kirovsk Reservoir for developing mobile active hydroacoustic fish protecting device. Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Fishing Industry.-2021.-№3.-С.102-108. (In Russ.) DOI:10.24143/2072-9502-2021-3-102-108.
  2. A field day was held at «Firma Aktilek» LLP, for nature users of the Kirov reservoir, with the participation of employees of the fish inspection for the West Kazakhstan region and scientists from the West Kazakhstan branch of «RPC of Fisheries» LLP, on the topic: “Development of fish protection devices for dams of spillways, dams of reservoirs and gravity irrigation canals”, 07/12/2021

 Achieved results in 2022:

 A design was developed and a prototype of an active mobile hydroacoustic fish protection device was developed to effectively protect fish and juveniles from entering the spillways of large hydroelectric dams and reservoirs. 2 patents were received in the Kazakhstan patent bureau, 1 seminar was held.

 List of published works in accordance with the calendar plan for 2022:

 Method of ecological protection of fish and juveniles from getting into culverts: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 6982.Active mobile sonar fish protection device for hydroelectric dams and reservoirs: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7135.A seminar was held on the topic “Development of fish protection devices to protect fish and juveniles from falling into the spillways of large hydroelectric dams and reservoirs”.

 Full names of members of the research team with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if any) and links to the corresponding profiles:

Tumenov A.N., director of the West Kazakhstan branch of SPCF,;;

 Pilin D.V., senior science researcher of the West Kazakhstan branch of SPCF,;;

 Mukhramova A.A., chief scientific secretary,; Web of Science Researcher ID — AAU-9605-2020;;

 Tuleuov A.M., head of the expeditionary team of the West Kazakhstan branch of SPCF LLP,;

 Bulekov N.U., science reasearcher of the West Kazakhstan branch of SPCF LLP;

 Bayandina A.M., head economist,

 Information for potential users

 This type of fish protection device can be used in the field of water and agriculture for water users, at large hydroelectric power plants and reservoirs, to increase the safety level of fish fry. According to the existing Water code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, operation of water intakes without FPD is not allowed. This development is directed to the solution of pressing problem of equipment of spillways of dams of large hydroelectric power stations and water reservoirs (for example, a cascade of hydroelectric power plants on the Ertys river, Kapshagai hydroelectric power station, dams of reservoirs of the Aktobe Sea, Shardara, UKOOS, etc.), effective domestic FPD.

Achieved results in 2023:

In 2023 an active mobile hydroacoustic fish protection device was tested to effectively for protect fish and juveniles from entering the spillways of large dams and hydroelectric power plants and reservoirs. The effectiveness of the developed fish protection device has been determined. FPD’s tests showed that the average efficiency is 63.4%. This indicator meets the Requirements for fish protection devices of water intake and discharge facilities, dated May 31, 2019 No. 221. According to Annex 1 of the Requirements, the efficiency of the FPD for juvenile fish larger than 12 millimeters is at least 60% for discharge facilities. In that way, the developed active mobile hydroacoustic fish protection device to protect fish and juveniles from entering the spillways of large dams and hydroelectric power plants and reservoirs has an average efficiency 3.4% higher than in the regulatory requirement.

A package of technical documentation has been developed for the manufacture and operation of an active mobile hydroacoustic fish protection device to protect fish and juveniles from entering the spillways of large dams and hydroelectric power plants and reservoirs. The purpose of the documentation is the manufacture of this FPD at Kazakhstani enterprises. This will significantly reduce the cost of FPD by cost reduction of delivery and maintenance from another country. The technical documentation structurally contains two sections. The first section to the issues of the FPD’s manufacturing and layout. The second section dedicated to the issues of the FPD’s operation.

In 2023 articles on theme of the grant project were sent to reviewed publications: «Method for environmental protection of fish from going into water discharge facilities» and «Experiments on frightening effects to fish by underwater sound emitters for diversion from dangerous areas of reservoirs». These articles have been sent for publication in the reviewed edition of the Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences with an impact factor of 44 percentiles.

Grant from MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KMU) for study Artemia franciscana on 2021-2023 years.

IRN AP09058158 Study of export-oriented bioresource — Artemia franciscana for biological justification development on their introduction, to increase productivity of RK saline waterbodies.



This work will provide an opportunity to increase the productivity of bitter-salt water reservoirs of the country by implementation a new biological species for Kazakhstan – Artemia franciscana. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that there has been no work aimed at increasing the stocks and quality of Artemia’s cysts so far this year in Kazakhstan.



To study opportunities, the main criteria of crustacean Artemia franciscana survival and to compare production characteristics of two populations of valuable bioresource – Artemia parthenogenetica, Artemia franciscana, for the purpose of increase in productivity bitter-salty RК reservoirs, for receiving high-quality competitive products for implementation in the internal and external markets.


Expected results:


The implementation of the tasks will help to reveal the interpopulation competitiveness of two populations of crustaceans, the degree of their survival, as a consequence, which will determine the prevalence of more productive populations. There are practically no studies that determine the economic aspects of the cultivation of Artemia in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and therefore, there is a need to conduct work to assess the influence of various factors on the productional population characteristics of Artemia franciscana during the introduction of Artemia cysts into natural water bodies.


The achieved results for half a year:


We searched for suppliers and signed contracts for the supply of equipment and consumables, the equipment and consumables for implementation of the project are purchased. A survey of the physical-geographical and morphological characteristics of the bitter-saline reservoirs of the Petropavlovsk (Mengesor and Stanovoe lakes) and Pavlodar (Sharbakty, Seyten, Kazy and Kalatuz lakes) regions with use of navigation devices, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc. has begun. For each reservoir, coordinates, measurements of depths, water salinity, temperature and water transparency were received. An assessment of the hydrochemical regime of the selected reservoirs of Kazakhstan was carried out, the material on hydrobiology, hydrochemistry, genetics and biotechnology was collected.


Achieved results in 2021:


The physical-geographical and morphological characteristics of bitter-salty water reservoirs of Pavlodar region were examined using navigation devices, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc. Studies were carried out in bitter-salty water reservoirs to determine the concentration of Artemia cysts. The physical-geographical and morphological characteristics of bitter-salty water reservoirs of Pavlodar region were examined using navigation devices, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc. Studies were carried out in bitter-salty water reservoirs to determine the concentration of Artemia cysts. Research work was carried out on selected salt reservoirs (Pavlodar region). An assessment of the hydrochemical regime of selected reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out, and the structure of the Artemia population of the studied reservoirs was determined. Materials on hydrobiology, hydrochemistry, genetics and biotechnology have been collected. Research work was carried out on selected bitter-salty water reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Collected data on habitat conditions, distribution and population structure of Artemia in water reservoirs. The genetic diversity of cysts and crustaceans of Artemia parthenogenetica and Artemia franciscana was assessed by molecular genetic methods (nuclear and mitochondrial D1IK markers). The received material was processed and the data was analyzed, 1 (one) article was published in a reviewed foreign publication recommended by the CQASES MES RK. The analysis of the received data was carried out, an interim report on research was drawn up and submitted in accordance with GOST.


List of published works in accordance with the calendar plan for 2021:


1.Mazhibayeva Zh. O., Barakbayev T. T., Shalgimbayeva G. M., Isbekov K. B., Assylbekova S. Zh., Fefelov V. V. Populations of Artemia crustaceans of Karabassky floods of Pribalkhashye. Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Fishing Industry.- 2021.-№3.-47-54. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.24143/2072-9502-2021-3-47-54.


Achieved results in 2022:


The necessary equipment has been made. Work has been carried out to identify the effectiveness of the use of various feed components in the cultivation of juvenile of Artemia. Studies have been carried out to determine suitable food objects for Artemia larvae and nauplii.The biochemical composition and energy value of the biomasses of two crustacean populations and their cysts were assessed for commercial use. The laboratory determined the biochemical composition of Artemia cysts, followed by analysis of the results.Research work was carried out on selected bitter-salty water reservoirs (Aral Sea: Tushchybas and Chernyshev bays). An assessment was made of the hydrochemical regime of selected reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the structures of the Artemia population in the studied bays were determined. Materials on hydrobiology, hydrochemistry, genetics and biotechnology were collected.The optimal stocking density of larvae and juvenile invertebrates under various conditions was established. Experimental work has been carried out.Research work was carried out on selected bitter-salty water reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Data on habitat conditions, distribution and structure of the population were collected, 2 (two) articles were published in foreign and (or) domestic publications recommended by the CQASSHE. 1 patent was obtained for a utility model for transporting or catching Artemia cysts. 1 training seminar was held.The genetic diversity of cysts and crustaceans of Artemia parthenogenetica and Artemia franciscana was assessed by molecular genetic methods (nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers). Differences between populations of the crustacean Artemia parthenogenetica and Artemia franciscana were determined using microsatellite (STR) and mitochondrial (CtB gene) DNA markers in the Tushchyba Bay of the Aral Sea. An analysis of the data obtained was carried out and a report was prepared in accordance with GOST.


List of published works in accordance with the calendar plan for 2022::


01.Moldrakhman A.S., Mazhibaeva Zh.O., Dolgopolova S.Yu., Kozhizhanova B.A., Suleimenova A.M. Hydrochemical studies and phytoplankton of saline lakes in Pavlodar region. Bulletin of Science of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin (interdisciplinary). -2022 -#1 (112). – p. 145-152.


02.Moldrakhman AS, Mazhibaeva Zh.O., Minat A. Study of hydrochemical parameters and structure of phytoplankton in hyperhaline lakes of the North Kazakhstan region. Bulletin of Science of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin (interdisciplinary). -2022 -#2 (113). – p. 189-196.



Achieved results for the 1st half of 2023:

Work has begun on the development of temporary standards for the conditions of keeping and growing two populations of Artemia crustaceans (hydrochemical regime, biological data, calculation of the optimal stocking density) Franciscan. To determine the size and growth rate of crustaceans, morphometric measurements (body length and abdominal width) of Artemia were performed. Research work was carried out on selected bitter-salty water bodies (North-Kazakhstan region, near the city of Petropavlovsk). An assessment of the hydrochemical regime of selected reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out, the structure of the Artemia population of the studied reservoirs will be determined. The hydrological and hydrochemical parameters of the habitat of the crustacean, their seasonal variability in 4 lakes (Lake Zhamantuz, Lake Mengesor, Lake Stanovoe, Lake Kalibek) were established in the early summer period of 2023. Phytoplankton was studied as a food base for Artemia crustaceans. The morpho-biological and population characteristics of two Artemia populations were revealed. Studies of Artemia crustacean populations were carried out to determine the places of their concentration. The sensitivity of two types of Artemia to fluctuations in the parameters (salinity, oxygen content, temperature and pH value) of the environment is being assessed.

An assessment of the genetic polymorphism of cysts, larvae and nauplii of Artemia crustaceans of two species was carried out, a molecular genetic analysis of various populations of the crustacean Artemia parthenogenetica was given. As a result of sequencing of the gene for cytochrome oxidase (COI) and cytochrome b (ctb) of mitochondrial DNA, a fragment of the nucleotide sequence with a length of 648 and 750 base pairs was obtained. A seminar was organized to disseminate knowledge among nature users and fish farm workers to attract public attention on the topic “Modern methods for studying the biological characteristics of Artemia gill crustaceans and assessing the quality of cysts.” The development of a biological justification for increasing the productivity of saline and/or hypersaline water bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan has begun. 1 scientific article has been published in a domestic journal recommended by the CQAFSHE.




Device for collecting artemia cysts: Utility model patent No. 6921 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, IPC A01K 61/00, «RPC of Fiheries» LLP, Mazhibaeva Zh.O., Barakbaev T.T., Kim A.I., Asylbekova S.Zh., Application No. 2022/0033.2 Application No. 24.01.2022 Bulletin number and date: No. 9 of 03/04/2022.A seminar was held on the topic: “Modern methods for studying the ecological and biological characteristics of the Artemia gill crustacean and assessing the quality of cysts.”


Full names of members of the research team with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if any) and links to the corresponding profiles:


Barakbayev T.T., doctor of philosophy (PhD), director of the Aral branch of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP, project manager,;


Mazhibaeva Zh.O., doctor of philosophy (PhD), head of the laboratory of hydrobiology of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP,;


Fefelov V.V., head of the support base of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP on Kostanay city,;


Aubakirova M.O., doctor of philosophy (PhD), senior science researcher of laboratory of hydrobiology of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP,;


Kozhizhanova B.A., science researcher of laboratory of hydrobiology of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP, master of degree,;


Moldrakhman A.S., science researcher of laboratory of hydrobiology of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP, performer, undergraduate,;


Adyrbekova K.B.., head of the laboratory genetics of hydribionts of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP, doctoral candidate,;


Bocharova E.S., specialist geneticist,;


 Information for potential users


The work on the project is aimed for increase the stocks and quality of Artemia cysts, which has not been available in the Republic of Kazakhstan until now. The implementation of the project is important for the national economy. Kazakhstan possesses 10-15% of artemia world reserves; the production limit cyst from republic reservoirs for 2019 is set in the amount of 1492.81 tons (limit/quota) [3, 4]. The main part of the specified volume is made by Pavlodar region lakes (1116.0 tons per year). The development and increase in the productivity of the biological resource of Artemia cysts in the salt-water bodies of Kazakhstan can be one of the main directions of the development of domestic production of starter bio-feeds of aquatic origin for the needs of fish farming and aquaculture.


The objectives of the project in 2023 were to analyze the data obtained for 2021-2023 from lakes Stanovoe and Mengisor in the North Kazakhstan region; lakes Kazy, Kalatuz, Seyten, Sharbakty of Pavlodar region; Tuschybas and Chernysheva bays and areas of the western part of the Great Aral Sea in the Kyzylorda and Aktobe regions. According to the project program, studies of bitter-salty reservoirs were conducted. Besides, brine shrimp Artemia franciscana from three geographical locations: America, China and Thailand. Data were obtained as a result of the project on the current state of the habitat of Artemia in nine bitter-salty reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (assessment in a seasonal aspect of hydrological and hydrochemical parameters and parameters of the food supply – phytoplankton); about the morpho-biological and population characteristics of the crustacean; about the genetic status of the objects in question; on the assessment of biochemical and toxicological parameters of cysts, nauplii (larvae) and crustaceans of two populations of Artemia A. parthenogenetica and A. franciscana; about the possible coexistence of two Artemia populations.

New biological justification and temporary standards for the introduction and rational use of commercially valuable invertebrates in the bitter-salty water bodies of Kazakhstan were developed based on the analysis of research results.

Area of application: processing and production of feed for hydrobionts and other animals, environmental genetics, development of measures for the rational use of reserves of Kazakhstan populations of the Artemia brine shrimp.

In 2023, based on the results of the project, manuscripts were prepared and sent to a journal included in the Scopus database: Mazhibaeva Zh., Orazova S., Barakbayev T., Aubakirova M., Isbekov K., Moldrakhman A.  Influence of microalgae in the composition of phytoplankton on the fatty acid composition of lipids of Artemia cysts in the conditions of lakes of Northern Kazakhstan // Caspian Journal of Environmenta Sciences. 2024; Mazhibaeva Zh., Orazova S., Barakbayev T., Aubakirova M., Isbekov K., Bolatbekova Z., Kozhizhanova B.  Seasonal dynamics of fatty acid composition of Artemia cysts lipids from lakes of Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan // Caspian Journal of Environmenta Sciences. 2024.

Also, based on the results of the project, one article was published in a journal included in the databases Web of Science (Quartile Q2) и Scopus (Procentile 72%): Aubakirova, M.; Mazhibayeva, Z.; Assylbekova, S.Z.; Isbekov, K.B.; Barbol, B.; Bolatbekova, Z.; Jussupbekova, N.; Moldrakhman, A.; Satybaldiyeva, G. The Current State of Zooplankton Diversity in the Middle Caspian Sea during Spring. Diversity 2023, 15, 798.

According to the calendar plan, one planned article was published in the journals recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education – Moldrahman A.S., Mazhibaeva Zh.O., Kozhizhanova B.A., Barakbaev T.T., Isbekov K.B. Phytoplankton of the Aral Sea bays, Science Bulletin of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin. №1 (116) 2023, pages 158-164

In July 2023, a workshop was held on the topic “Modern methods intended to study the biological characteristics of the brine shrimp and assessing the quality of cysts” for nature users of the Limited Liability Partnership “Vostok-Aquaculture” (Dubovoy P.N. and others) with the participation of employees of the Scientific and Production Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 2023, two publications on the topic grant project: “Influence of microalgae in the composition of phytoplankton on the fatty acid composition of lipids of Artemia cysts in the conditions of lakes of Northern Kazakhstan” and “Seasonal dynamics of fatty acid composition of Artemia cysts lipids from lakes of Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan” headed the Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences with a percentage of raw 44.


2017 year

In 2017, FishRPC LLP developed a technology for the production of fish planting material and commercial product of pike perch, which has a world-wide novelty. The pilot project “An artificial reproduction, a cultivation and a sale of a fish stock of a pike perch for stocking of natural reservoirs” to obtain pike perch fry for stocking natural reservoirs is implemented by research associates of FishRPC in Kyzylorda region. The design capacity of 240 thousand perch of year perch. The implementation of the project on commercialization of pike perch will help maintain the commercial stocks of this fishery object, stabilize catches and supply of commercial products of perch to the domestic and foreign markets, which will enhance the export opportunities of Kazakhstan. This project is being implemented with the support of JSC “Science Foundation”. Currently, the project is completed, the post-implementation period is underway.

2018 year

In 2018, the institute received a grant through the Science Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the project: «An artificial reproduction and cultivation of fish stock carp for the purpose of its further implementation for stocking natural reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan». The stocking of natural reservoirs of Kazakhstan with viable fish stock of carp will help maintain the commercial stocks of this fishing object, stabilize catches and supply of carp products to the domestic market of Kazakhstan. The proposed technology of breeding and growing fish stock carp is effective for use in fish farms in Kazakhstan. Currently, the project is completed, the post-implementation period is underway.

Commercialization project: “Artificial reproduction, cultivation and sale of young-of-the-year grass carp in the conditions of the second and third fish-breeding zones.”

Applicant: LLP “Research and Production Center for Fisheries”

Grantee/Private Partner: Bukhtarminskoye Spawning and Rearing Farm LLP

Goal: Organization of a pond fish farm in the III fish-breeding zone for the artificial reproduction, cultivation and sale of grass carp fish stock for stocking natural reservoirs with fish


1) Creation of a production site for pond rearing of young-of-the-year grass carp in the third fish-breeding zone.

2) Organization of work to obtain grass carp larvae and raise them to the stage of grown juveniles.

3) Organization of sales of final products (grass carp fingerlings).

Project implementation location: East Kazakhstan region, Kurchum district, Malkovoe village, Bukhtarma spawning and rearing farm LLP.

Project implementation period: 2022-2024.

Post-implementation period of the project: 2025-2027.

Expected results:

1) A production site for pond rearing of young-of-the-year grass carp will be created in the third fish-breeding zone.

2) Work will be organized to obtain grass carp larvae and raise them to the fingerling stage in ponds.

3) The sale of final products (grass carp fingerlings) will be organized.

Results obtained in 2022: A search for suppliers was carried out and contracts were concluded for the purchase of equipment and materials to carry out activities

Results obtained in 2023: A production site has been created for pond rearing of white carp fingerlings in the second and third fish-breeding zones, Work has been organized to obtain grass carp larvae and their rearing to the stage of grown-up juveniles, The sale of the final product (grass carp fingerlings) has been organized.

Scientific publications

Scientific publications in journals, indexed in the Scopus and Web ofScience databases:

2003 year :

  1. Devyatkov V.I.  Yoraperla altaica, a new species of Peltoperlidae (Plecoptera) from East Kazakhstan (Central Asia) // Aquatic Insects. – 2003. – Vol. 25(4).  – P. 269-276.

2006 year:

  1. Piontkovski S.A., O’brien T.D., Umani S.F., Krupa E.G., Stuge T.S., Balymbetov K.S., Grishaeva O.V., Kasymov A.G. Zooplankton and the North Atlantic Oscillation: A basin-scale analysis // Journal of Plankton Research. – 2006. – Vol. 28(11). – P. 1039-1046. DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbl037.

2008 year:

  1. Harkonen T., Jussi M., Baimukanov M., Bignert A., Dmitrieva L., Kasimbekov Y., Verevkin M., Wilson S., Goodman. S. Pup production and breeding distribution of the Caspian seal (Phoca caspica) in relation to human impacts // Ambio. – 2008. – Vol. 37(5). – P. 356-361. DOI: 10.1579/07-R-345.1.

2010 year:

  1. Doukakis P., Babcock E.A, Pikitch E.K., Sharov A.R., Baimukhanov M., Erbulekov S., Bokova Y., Nimatov A. Management and Recovery Options for Ural River Beluga Sturgeon // Conservation Biology. – 2010. – Vol. 24(3). – P. 769-777. DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01458.x.

2012 year:

  1. Harkonen T., Harding K.C., Wilson S., Baimukanov M., Dmitrieva L., Svensson C.J., Goodman S.J. Collapse of a Marine Mammal Species Driven by Human Impacts // PLOS ONE. – 2012. – Vol. 7(9). – e43130. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043130.

2013 year:

  1. Dmitrieva L., Kondakov A.A., Oleynikov E., Kydyrmanov A., Karamendin K., Kasimbekov Y., Baimukanov M., Wilson S., Goodman S.J. Assessment of Caspian Seal By-Catch in an Illegal Fishery Using an Interview-Based Approach // PLOS ONE. –Vol. 8(6). – e67074. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067074.

2014 year:

  1. Barmintseva A.E., Shalgimbayeva G.M., Koishybayeva S.K., Sarbakanova S.T., Asylbekova S.Z., Isbekov K.B., Mugue N.S. Genetic study of pike perch Sander lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758) and bersh Sander volgensis (Gmelin, 1789) from the fishery water-bodies of Kazakhstan // Russian Journal of Genetics. – 2015. – Vol. 50(7). – P. 749-756. ISSN: 1022-7954. DOI: 10.1134/S1022795414070047.
  2. Myrzagaliyeva A.B., Samarkhanov M.N., Kushnikova L.B., Amanzholov S. Hydrobiological characteristics of lake Tayinty // Life Science Journal. – 2014. – Vol. 11(1s). ISSN 1097-8135/

2015 year:

  1. Barmintseva A.E., Shalgimbayeva G.M., Asylbekova S.Z., Isbekov K.B., Danko E.K., Mugue N.S. Genetic differentiation of Balkhash perch Perca schrenki kessler, 1874 from lake Balkhash and Alakol lake system of Kazakhstan // Russian Journal of Genetics. – 2015. – Vol. 51(9). – P. 871-876. ISSN: 1022-7954. doi:10.1134/S1022795415090033.
  2. Barakbaev T.T. Badryzlova N.S. Fedorov E.V. Assylbekova S.Zh. Nurgazy K.Sh. Variability of biological treits and fish capacity groups of three yearsold Russian sturgeons hatchedin ponds // Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. – 2015. – P. 315-324.  ISSN: 1680-5593 SGR_2014.
  3. Dmitrieva L., Harkonen T., Baimukanov M., Bignert A., Jussi I., Jussi M., Kasimbekov Y., Verevkin M., Vysotskiy V., Wilson S., Goodman S.J.  Inter-year variation in pup production of Caspian seals Pusa caspica 2005-2012 determined from aerial surveys // Endangered Species Research. – 2015. – Vol. 28(3). – P. 209-223. doi: 10.3354/esr00689.

2016 year:

  1. Shalgimbayeva S., Isbekov K., Assylbekova S., Sadvakasova A., Akmuhanova N., Koishybayeva S. Study of the influence of combined feed of domestic production of trout microflora // // Journal of Biotechnology. – Vol. –P. S5051. App.: S.
  2. Kurzhykayev Zh., Akhmedinov S.N. Quantitave development and distribution of zooplankton in medium lakes of the Kostanay reqion (North Kazakhstan reqion) // International Journal of Environmetal et Science Education. – 2016. – Vol. ll. – № 15. – P. 8193-8210.
  3. Dmitrieva L., Jussi M., Jussi I., Kasymbekov Y., Verevkin., Baimukanov M., Wilson S., Goodman S.J. Individual variation in seasonal movements and foraging strategies of a land-locked, ice-breeding pinniped // Marine Ecology Progress Series. – 2016. –Vol. 554. – P. 241-256. doi: 10.3354/meps11804.

2017 year:

  1. Levin B., Levina M., Interesova E., Pilin D.V. Phylogeny and phylogeography of the roaches, genus Rutilus (Cyprinidae), at the Eastern part of its range as inferred from mtDNA analysis // Hydrobiologia. – 2017. – Vol. 788. – P. 33-46. ISSN:0018-8158.
  2. Wilson S.C., Trukhanova I., Dmitrieva L., Dolgova E., Crawford I., Baimukanov M., Baimukanov T., Ismagambetov B., Pazylbekov M., Jüssig M., Goodman S.J. Assessment of impacts and potential mitigation for icebreaking ve ssels transiting pupping areas of an ice-breeding seal // Biological Conservation. – 2017. – Vol. 214. – P. 213–222.
  3. Mazhibayeva Zh., Asylbekova S., Kovaleva L., Barakbayev T., Scharapova L. Comparative assessment of food resources of valuable Sander lucioperca m the natural habitat and in ponds of the South-Eastern Kazakhstan // Ecology, Environment and Conservation. – 2017. – Vol 23 (3). – P. 1728-1737.
  4. Zharkenov D.K., Isbekov K.B., Sadykulov T.S., Pekli J., Badryzlova N.S. Тhe results of nile tilapia (Оreochromis niloticus l.) breeding in pond farm of Almaty region using locally made experimental productive food // Ecology, Environment and Conservation Journal. – 2017. – Vol 23(3). – P. 1273-1280.
  5. Uderbayev T., Patoka J., Beisembayev R., Petrtyl M., Blaha. M., Kouba A. Risk assessment of pet-traded decapod crustaceans in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the leading country in Central Asia // Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. – Vol. 418. – № 30.
  6. Krupa E.G., Barinova S.S., Tsoy V.N., Lopareva T.Y., Sadyrbaeva N.N., Spatial analysis of hydro-chemical and toxicological variables of the Balkhash Lake, Kazakhstan // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences. – 2017. – Vol. 8(3). – P. 1827-1839. ISSN: 0975-8585..
  7. Wilson S.C., Dolgova E., Trukhanova I., Dmitrieva L., Crawford I., Baimukanov M., Goodman S.J. Breeding behavior and pup development of the Caspian seal, Pusa caspica // Journal of Mammalogy. – 2017. _Vol. 98(1). – P. 143-153. doi: 10.1093/jmammal/gyw176.

2018 year:

  1. Krupa E., Barinova S., Assylbekova S., Isbekov K. Structural Indicators of Zooplankton in the Shardara Reservoir (Kazakhstan) and the Main Influencing Factors // Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. – 2018. Vol. 18. – P. 659-669.
  2. Krupa E., Barinova S., Isbekov K., Assylbekova S. The use of zooplankton distribution maps for assessment of ecological status of the Shardara reservoir (Southern Kazakhstan) // Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology. – 2018. – Vol.18(1). – P. 52-65.
  3. Koishybayeva S., Alpeisov Sh., Assylbekova S., Barakbayev T. Morfometric parameters of a three-year-old pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca) grown in pond farm in the Almaty region in a polyculture with carp and herbivorous fish // EurAsian Journal of BioSciences. – 2018. – Vol. 12. –P. 69-75.
  4. Barinova S., Krupa E., Tsoy V., Ponomareva L. The application of phytoplankton in ecological assessment of the Balkhash lake (Kazakhstan) // Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. – 2018. – Vol. 16(3). DOI: 10.15666/aeer/1603_20892111.

2019 year:

  1. Krainyuk V., Assylbekova S., Kirichenko O., Isbekov K., Abzhanov T. Growth and length-weight relationships of Aral Sazan Cyprinus Carpio Aralensis Spishakow, 1935 (Cyprinidae; Osteichthyes) in the Sarysu River Watershed // Eurasian Journal of Biosciences. – 2019. –Vol. 13(1). – P. 533-539.
  2. Badryzlova N., Koishybayeva S., Assylbekova S., Isbekov K. Assessment of the production potential of two-year-old pike-perch cultivated in ponds for the formation of RBS // Eurasian Journal of Biosciences. – 2019. –Vol. 13(1). – P. 409-417.
  3. Aitkaliyeva A.A., Alpeisov Sh.A., Isbekov K.B., Assylbekova S.Zh, Badryzlova N.S. Influence of different feeds and feed additives on fish-breeding and biological indicators at rearing rainbow trout // Eurasian Journal of Biosciences. – 2019. – Vol.13(1). P. 437-442.
  4. Isbekov K.B., N. Tsoy V.N., Crétaux J.-F., Aladin N.V., Plotnikov I.S., Clos G., Berge-Nguyen M., Assylbekova S.Zh. Impacts of water level changes in the fauna, flora and physical properties over the Balkhash Lake watershed // Lakes & Reservoirs: Science, Policy and Management for Sustainable Use. – 2019. – Vol. 24(2). – P. 195-208.
  5. Evseeva A.A., Yanyginа L.V. Caddisfly Assemblages in Metal Contaminated Rivers of the Tikhaya Basin, East Kazakhstan // Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. – 2019. – Vol. 102(3). – P. 316-322.
  6. Kurzhykayev Zh., Syzdykov K., Assylbekova A., Sabdinova D., Fefelov V. Actual status of fishing reserves of the Yesil River // Zoologia. – 2018. – Vol. 36. – P. 1-9. – e30437, ISSN 1984-4689 (online). DOI: 10.3897/zoologia.36.e30437.
  7. Vlasenko P., Abramov S., Bugmyrin S., Dupa T., Fomenko N., Gromov A. et al. Geographical distribution and hosts of the cestode Paranoplocephala omphalodes (Hermann, 1783) Lühe, 1910 in Russia and adjacent territories // Parasitology Research. – 2019. – Vol. 118(12). – P. 3543-3548. doi: 10.1007/s00436-019-06462-z. ИФ WoS 2,067, Q2

2020 year:

  1. Baymukanov M.T., Zhdanko L.A., Baymukanov T.T., Dauenev E.S, Ryskulov S.E., Baymukanova A.M. Method of accounting and determination of linear sizes of Caspian seals (Phoca caspica) in rookeries using multicopters // Zoological Journal. – 2020. — Vol. 99. – № 2. – P. 215-222.
  2. Assylbekova S., Isbekov K., Zharkenov D., Kulikov Y., Kadimov Y., Sharipova O. Evaluation of the habitat state of the Zhaiyk River Ichthyofauna in modern conditions and its influence on the impacts of anthropogenic factors // Eurasian Journal of Biosciences. – 2020. – Vol. 14 (l). – P. 467-473.
  3. Badryzlova N., Koishybayeva S., Assylbekova S., Isbekov K. Technology of formation of replacement-brood stock of pikeperch in conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan // Eurasian Journal of Biosciences. – 2020. – Vol. 14(l). – P. 441-447.
  4. Ablaisanova G.M., Assylbekova S.Zh., Sambetbaev A.A., Gomulka P.J., Isbekov K.B.,  Badryzlova N.S., Koishybayeva S.K. Prospects for growing juveniles and rearing fingerlings of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) in cages in the conditions of fish farming of Almaty region // Eurasian Journal of Biosciences. – 2020. – Vol. 14(1). – P. 293-299.
  5. Bolatbekova Z.T., Assylbekova S.Zh., Kulatayev B.T., Policar T., Isbekov K.B., Koishybayeva S.K. Technology of cultivation of feeder fish for culturing tilapia (Tilapia) and clarid catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in the VI fish-breeding zone of Kazakhstan // Eurasian Journal of Biosciences. – 2020. – Vol. 14(1). – P. 475-481.
  6. Mukhramova A., Assylbekova S., Sambetbaev A., Policar T., Isbekov K., Koishybayeva S., Badryzlova N.S. Use of domestic starter feeds for culturing clarid catfish and tilapia // Eurasian Journal of Biosciences. – 2020. – Vol. 14(1). – P. 453-458.
  7. Nedoluzhko A., Slobodova N., Sharko F., Shalgimbayeva G., Tsygankova S., Boulygina E., Jeney Z., Nguyen V.Q., Nguyen Đ.Th.Th., Phạm Th.Th., Volkov A., Fernandes J., Rastorguev S. A new strain group of common carp: The genetic differences and admixture events between Cyprinus carpio breeds // Ecology and Evolution. – 2020. – P. 1–9.
  8. Krupa E., Barinova S., Aubakirova M. Tracking pollution and its sources in the catchment-lake system of major waterbodies in Kazakhstan // Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management.  – 2020. –P. 1-13.

2021 year:

  1. Abdybekova A.M., Assylbekova S.Zh., Abdibayeva A.A., Zhaksylykova A.A., Barbol B.I., Aubakirov M.Zh., Torgerson P.R. Studies on the population biology of helminth parasites of fish species from the Caspian Sea drainage basin // Journal of Helminthology. – 2021. – Vol. 95. – e12. – P. 1–8.
  2. Aubakirova M., Krupa E., Mazhibayeva Z., Isbekov K., Assylbekova S. The Role of External Factors in the Variability of the Structure of the Zooplankton Community of Small Lakes (South-East Kazakhstan) // Water. – 2021. – Vol. 13(7). – 962. –P. 1-25.
  3. Nedoluzhko A.V., Gladysheva-Azgari M.V., Shalgimbayeva G.M., Volkov A.A., Slobodova N.V., Tsygankova N.V., Boulygina E.S., Nguyen V.Q., Pham Th.Th., Nguyen D.T., Sharko F.S., Rastorguev S.M. Genetic contribution of domestic European common carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio) and Amur carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) to the wild Vietnamese carp population as revealed by ddRAD sequencing // Aquaculture. – Vol. 544. – 2021. – 737049. – P. 1-6.
  4. Shalgimbayeva G., Volkov A., Slobodova N., Sharko F. Tsygankova S., Nguyen V.Q., Pham T.T., Nguyen D.T., Assylbekova S.Zh., Alekseev Y., Nedoluzhko A., Fernandes J.M.O., Rastorguev S. Genetic investigation of Aral wild common carp populations (Cyprinus carpio) using ddRAD sequencing // Diversity. – 2021. – Vol. 13(7). – 295. – P. 1-9.
  5. Mikodina E.V., Shalgimbaeva G.M., Volkov A.A. Landscape and Climate Role in the Formation of Sturgeon Reproduction Biotopes in the Ural River (Zhaiyk) // E3S Web of Conferences. – 2021. – Vol. 265. – 01011. – APEEM.
  6. Abilov B.I., Isbekov K.B., Assylbekova S.Zh., Bulavina N.B., Kulmanova G.A., Koishybayeva S.K., Nikolova L. Evaluation of production and economic performance of farmed carp using small lake-commercial fish farms system in southeastern Kazakhstan // Archives of Razi Institute. – 2021. –Vol. 76(4). – P. 1143-1154.
  7. Kushnikova L.B., Nigmetzhanov S.B., Samarkhanov T.N., Myrzagaliyeva A.B., Chlachula .J, Czerniawska J. Geoenvironmental Implications and Biocenosis of Freshwater Lakes in the Arid Zone of East Kazakhstan // Sustainability. – 2021. – Vol. 13(10). – 5756.
  8. Kucharczyk D., Piech P., Nowosad J., Abdel-Latif H.M.R., Ablaisanova G.M., Sikora M. Final oocyte maturation (FOM) model and artificial reproduction of burbot spawners (Lota lota) originating from the F1 generation of a cultured stock in comparison to wild stock // Aquaculture. – 2021. – Vol. 548. – Part 2. – 737679.

2022 year:

  1. Мухрамова A.А., Асылбекова С.Ж., Сидорова В.И., Самбетбаев A.A., Исбеков К.Б. Стартовый комбикорм для Clarias gariepinus, разработанный в Казахстане: рецептура, показатели качества и эффективность в аквакультуре // Сельскохозяйственная Биология. – 2022. – T. 57. – C. 791-802.
  2. Amirbekova F., Isbekov K.B., Assylbekova S.Zh., Sharipova O.A., Adyrbekova K.B., Bulavina N.B. Biological Characteristics of a Rare and Vulnerable Species (SCHIZOTHORAX ARGENTATUS (Kessler, 1874)) of TOKYRAUYN RIVER and Approbation of Its Artificial Reproduction // Agriculture. – 2022. – Vol. 12 – P. 1-15.
  3. Assylbekova S.Zh., Mikodina E.V., Isbekov K.B., Shalgimbayeva G.M. Experience, Principles and Parameters in the Sturgeon Quality Assessment by Anomalies in Early Ontogenesis (A Review) // Biology. – 2022. – Vol. 12. – P. 1-12.
  4. Shalgimbaeva G.M.,Mugue N.S.,Isbekov K.B., Volkov A.A., Mikodina E.V. Ural (Zhayik) River Spawning Grounds of the Sturgeon (Acipenseridae) in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Modern Situation // Journal of Ichthyology. – 2022. – P. 1-15. ISSN 0032-9452.
  5. Mamilov N., Sharakhmetov S., Amirbekova F., Bekkozhayeva D., Sapargaliyeva N., Kegenova G., Tanybayeva A., Abilkasimov K. Past, Current and Future of Fish Diversity in the Alakol Lakes (Central Asia: Kazakhstan) // Diversity. – 2022. – Vol. 14(11). – Р. 1-15.
  6. Mamilov N., Shalakhmetova T., Amirbekova F., Konysbayev T., Sutuyeva L., Adilbayev Zh., Abdullayeva B. New data on diversity and distribution of fish in shallow waters in western Lake Balkhash (Kazakhstan) // Journal of Applied Ichthyology. – 2022. – Vol. 38(2). – P. 241–246.
  7. Kucharczyk D., Nowosad J., Łubowski T., Ablaisanova G.M., Zeghloul T., Abdel-Latif H.M.R. Influence of the source of spawners’ origin on oocyte maturity stages and suitability for artificial reproduction of wild pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) females during spawning season // Animal Reproduction Science. – 2022. – Vol. 243. – 107025.
  8. Aubakirova M., Krupa, E., Magda I., Assylbekova S.Z., Abayev A., Abilov B., Tumenov A., Isbekov K.B., Mazhibayeva. Z. The First Record of Non-Indigenous Cladoceran Evadne nordmanni Loven, 1836 (Cladocera, Podonidae) in the Middle Part of the Caspian Sea // Water. – 2022. – Vol. 14. –  2818.
  9. Gubasheva B.E., Bulekova A.A., Tumenov A.N.,Akkereyeva E.K., Kalmagambetova L.M. Dynamics of concentrations of heavy metals in industrial soils // IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1010 / – 2022. – 012026. – P. 1-6. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1010/1/012026.
  10. Shutkarayev A., Kim A., Krainyuk V., Isbekov K., Assylbekova S. The recreational fishing in Kazakhstan: modern level of knowledge // AACL Bioflux. – 2022. – Vol. 15(5). – P. 2310-2318.
  11. Krainyuk V., Ivanov K., Shutkarayev A., Isbekov K., Assylbekova S. The growth of rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus (Cyprinidae) in the watershed of the River Sarysu // AACL Bioflux. – 2022. – Vol. 15(5). –P. 2319-2328.

2023 year:

  1.  Krainyuk V.N., Ivanov K.P., Sereda Yu.I. The first record of the European weatherfish Misgurnus fossilis (L., 1758) (Cobitidae) in Kazakhstan waters// Russian Journal of Biological                  Invasions, 2023, Vol. 14, No 2, P 265 – 268 DOI: 10.1134/S2075111723020078 процентиль 27%, ИФ 1,2 Q4 (ПЦФ природные ресурсы)
  2. K.Adyrbekova, K.Isbekov, T.Barakbayev. Current State of Rare and Endangered Barbels of the Genus Luciobarbus Heckel, 1843 in the Aral–Syrdarya Basin (Kazakhstan) and Prospects for Their Conservation (A Review) // MDPI, Biology 2023, 12, 489. , Q1-Q2, процентиль 40, 47, 71%, ИФ 4,0 (ПЦФ природные ресурсы)
  3. (3) Guldana Maratkyzy Maratova, Kuanysh Isbekov, Shokhan Alpeisov, Nailya Bulavina, Saule Assylbekova, Kamila Adyrbekova Bekzhan Barbol Broodstock Formation and Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) Reproduction in the West-Kazakhstan Region // OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 2023, 23 (3): 361.371 Q3-Q4 процентиль 41 % (ПЦФ аквакультура)
  4. (4) Maya Bektursunova, Valentina Sidorova, Saule Zhiyenbayeva, Natalia Mashentseva, Saule Assylbekova. Effect of extrusion process parameters on pellet crumbliness in fish feed production // Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences vol. 17, 2023, p. 594-605 квартиль – Q3, процентиль – 44 %
  5. (5)Saule Assylbekova, Lyudmila Kushnikova,Baurzhan Aubakirov, Aibek Kasymkhanov Kamila Adyrbekova, Arailym Umirtayeva, Danil Kostyuchenko. Food base and nutrition of endemic lenok(Brachymystax savinovi) in Lake Markakol and in the reservoir of the river Uidene // AACL Bioflux, 2023, Volume 16, Issue 6. P. 3331-3348. Квартиль: Q3-Q4, CiteScore 1.3, процентиль 26,24
  6. (6)Nailya Bulavina, Yefim Bulavin , Alyona Mukhramova, Saule Assylbekova, Kuanysh Isbekov. Formation of pedigree brood stock of wild carp/domestic carp in the industrial conditions of the South of Kazakhstan //AACL Bioflux, 2023, Volume 16, Issue 6. P. 3416-3425. Квартиль: Q3-Q4, CiteScore 1.3, процентиль 26,24
  7. (7) Aubakirova, M., Mazhibayeva, Z., Assylbekova, S.Z. , Isbekov, K.B., Barbol, B., Bolatbekova, Z., Jussupbekova, N.,  Moldrakhman, A.,  Satybaldiyeva, G. The Current State of Zooplankton Diversity in the Middle Caspian Sea during Spring. // Diversity 2023, 15, 798. , Q2-Q3, 48, 60, 60, 71%,
  8. (8) Marat Kumar , Kobey Karamendin , Zhanara Mazhibaeva, Yermukhammet Kassymbekov,Temirlan Sabyrzhan, Kuanysh Isbekov Saule Assylbekova Aidyn Kydyrmanov. Evaluation of the Viral Diversity of Artemia Cysts from Saline Lakes of Kazakhstan through Viral Metagenomics Analysis // Fishes. – 2023. – 8(10). – p. 487 (Impact Factor 2.3, Q2-Q3, CiteScore 1.9, percentiles 42,38,32, Scopus). DOI:10.3390/fishes8100487
  9. (9) Yevgeniy Kulikov, Natalia Sadyrbayeva, Askhat Mamyshov, Kuanysh Isbekov. Application of ecosystem service value assessment of water bodies in the development offuture plans for the use of aquatic bioresources using the example of water bodies in the IleBalkhash basin // AACL Bioflux, 2023, Volume 16, Issue 6. P. 3378-3389. Квартиль: Q3-Q4, CiteScore 1.3, процентиль 26,24
  10. Vladimir Krainyuk, Azis Shutkarayev, Kuanysh Isbekov, Saule Assylbekova, Yevgeniy Kulikov.Intra-group growth variability of perch (Perca fluviatilis L., 1758) (Percidae) of Shalkar and Small Chebachye lakes //     AACL Bioflux, 2023, Volume 16, Issue 5. P.2757-2764. Квартиль: Q3-Q4, CiteScore 1.3, процентиль 26,24
  11. Девятков В.И. A New Genus and Two New Species of Short-Palped Crane Flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) from Central Asia // diversity 2023, 15, 988. – С. 2-26. Квартиль Q2-Q3, процентиль 48, 60, 60, 71%
  12. Olga Kirichenko, Kuanysh Isbekov, Saule Assylbekova, Baurzhan Aubakirov, Alyona Mukhramova. // State overview of the Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) population in the Irtysh basin //        AACL Bioflux, 2023, Volume 16, Issue 6. P.3349-3356. Квартиль: Q3-Q4, CiteScore 1.3, процентиль 26,24
  13. Zhumagazy Kurzhykayev Azis V.Shutkarayev, Vladimir A.Popov, Gulnaz K.Barinova, Ainur S. Assylbekova. Assessing the Ecological and Biological Forage Base of the Tobol River: Implications for Planktonic and Benthic Communities //    International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics Vol. 18, No. 3, June, 2023, pp. 605-611.Квартиль: Q3  Импакт-фактор: 0.743, JSR Q3), CiteScore 2019: 1,4 процентиль -45

2024 year:

  1. Yelena Oleinikova, Nina Badryzlova, Aigul Alybayeva, Zhanerke Yermekbay, Alma Amangeldi and A.M. Amankeldi Sadanov // Effect of a Probiotic Preparation Based on Lactic and Propionic Acid Bacteria on the Growth of Young Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus Mykiss in Aquaculture // International Journal of Veterinary Science. Квартиль– Q2 Процентиль – 65
  2. Kamila Adyrbekova , Silvia Perea and Ignacio Doadrio // Development and characterization of fifteen polymorphic microsatellite loci for rare and endangered species within Luciobarbus Heckel, 1843 genus in the Aral basin and their conservation application //Fishes 2024, 9, 169. Квартиль– Q3 Процентиль – 41
  3. Birzhan Nurgaliyev, Bakytkanym Kadraliyeva, Zhenis Kushmukhanov, Utegen Taubaev, Assylan Tuleuov, Askhat Zhumabayev // Results of Parasitological Research on Hydrobionts from Water Bodies in West Kazakhstan Region // Int J Vet Sci, 2024, 13(1): 85-93. Квартиль– Q2 Процентиль – 65


2017 year:

1) Cage for cultivationwith the dried cleared small-blade cloth. Patentfor utility model No. 2139 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) Deep hydroacoustic fish protection device for dams of smallhydropower plants. Patent for utility model No. 2150 of the Republic ofKazakhstan;

3) The method of growing juvenile carp and pikeperch. Patent for utilitymodel No. 2159 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) Device for catching and transporting fish from fixed cages. Patentfor utility model No. 2511 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

5) Device for catching young fish from fry ponds. Patent for utilitymodel No. 2512 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) Artificial breeding ground for sturgeon. Patent for utility model No.2456 of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2018 year:

1) Compound feed for trout fry with probiotic preparation. Patent forinvention No. 32671 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) Deep fish protection device for flooded intakes of coastal waterintakes. Patent for utility model No. 2724 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) Device for incubating fertilized sturgeon roe in natural waterconditions. Patent for utility model No. 2709 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) Method of monitoring habitat and protection of valuable species offish using unmanned aerial vehicles. Patent for utility model No. 2681 of theRepublic of Kazakhstan;

5) Fish protection device for small water intakes. Patent for utilitymodel No. 2762 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) Fish protection device for the water discharge structures ofhydroelectric dams and reservoirs. Patent for utility model No. 2763 of theRepublic of Kazakhstan;

7) Device for degassing and aeration of water in fish plants. Patent forutility model No. 2891 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

8) The method of incubation of carp / carp caviar. Patent for utilitymodel No. 2925 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

9) The method of growing fish stock of stellate sturgeon. Patent forutility model No. 3077 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

10) Device for transporting live perch. Patent for utility model No.3078 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

11) Artemia egg collecting device. Patent for utility model No. 3079 ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan;

12) The method of growing fish stock of Russian sturgeon. Patent forutility model No. 3138 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

13) The method of estimating the number of fish echo sounder. Patent forutility model No. 3242 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

14) Improved double-walled fishing net. Patent for utility model No.3404 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

15) The method of calculating the number of migratory fish in rivers.Patent for utility model No. 3379 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

16) A cage for rearing young common fish. Patent for utility model No.3474 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

17) The method of estimating the amount of fish caught by recreationalfishing. Patentfor utility model No. 3475 of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2019 year:

1) Device for rearingtrout with direct-flow water supply system. Patentfor utility model No. 3603 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) Method of obtaining planting material for grass carp in 3-4 fishbreeding zone: Patent for utility model No. 3888 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) Method for obtaining and incubating fertilized pike perch eggs:Patent for utility model No. 3889 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) Mullet fishing device: Patent for utility model No. 3926 of theRepublic of Kazakhstan;

5) Method for growing two-year-old pike perch in ponds: Patent forutility model No. 3927 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) Method of cultivation of vinegar eel (Turbatrix aceti) as a starterfeed for juvenile fish: Patent for utility model No. 4073 of the Republic ofKazakhstan;

7) Installation with closed water supply for incubation of carp andherbivorous fish eggs: Patent for utility model No. 4075 of the Republic ofKazakhstan;

8) Method of transportation of carp / carp of different ages: Patent forutility model No. 4231 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

9) Improved pond for raising early juvenile carp: Patent for utilitymodel No. 4232 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

10) An improved method for monitoring and protecting large fisheryreservoirs: Patent for utility model No. 4236 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

11) Method of making collectible specimens of fish and othercold-blooded vertebrates: Patent for utility model No. 4404 of the Republic ofKazakhstan;

12) Method of making exhibits of fish, amphibians, reptiles: Patent forutility model No. 4405 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

13) Channel spawning complex for reproduction of pike perch: Patent forutility model No. 4485 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

14) Device for mounting the echo sounder sensor: Patent for utilitymodel No. 4493 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

15) Fishing cap net with constant fishing area: Patent for utility modelNo. 4486 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

16) Device for taking benthic samples in reservoirs with different typesof bottom relief: Patent for utility model No. 4499 of the Republic ofKazakhstan.

2020 year:

1) Method of growingthree-year-old pike perch in ponds: Patent for utility model No. 4967 of theRepublic of Kazakhstan, А01 / К 61/00 (2006.01), within the framework ofproject No. АР05130395 (MES);

2) Improved removable container for transportation of live juvenilecarp: Patent for a useful model No. 4968 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, A01 / K61/00 (2017.01), in project No. 0147-18-GK (JSC Science Foundation);

3) Method of cultivation of white enchitrea (Enchytraeus albidus) as alive starter food for juvenile fish: Patent for utility model No. 5065 of theRepublic of Kazakhstan, A23 / K 1/00 ​​A01K 61/00 (2017.01);

4) Improved rakolovka-trap: Patent for utility model No. 5164 of theRepublic of Kazakhstan, А01К 69/08 (2006.01);

5) Improved hydrobiological beam trail for catching bottom and bottomorganisms: Patent for utility model No. 5179 of the Republic of Kazakhstan,A01M 23/02 (2006.01);

6) Improved pond for keeping juveniles of pike perch: Patent for utilitymodel No. 5163 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, А01К 61/00 (2006.01), within the framework of project No. 0008-17-ГК (JSC Science Fund);

7) Method for determining the number of fish in water bodies of localimportance: Patent for utility model No. 5219 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, А01К 69/00 (2006.01);

8) An improved method for determining the catchability of fixed nets inscientific fishing: Patent for utility model No. 5220 of the Republic ofKazakhstan, А01К 61/00 (2006.01);

9) An improved way of growing carp underyearlings in ponds: Patent for auseful model No. 5221 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, A01K 61/00 (2006.01), inraikas of project No. 0147-18-GK (JSC Science Fund);

10) Method for pasting sturgeon caviar: Patent for utility model No.5223 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, А01К 61/00 (2006.01);

11) Method for combined estimation of fish abundance with fixed nets andecho sounder: Patent for utility model No. 5222 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, А01К 69/00 (2006.01);

12) An improved method for breeding crayfish in shallow lakes: Patentfor utility model No. 5189 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, A01K 61/00 (2006.01);

13) A method for increasing the efficiency of stocking of reservoirs:Patent for a useful model No. 5273 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, MPK A01K61/00 (2006.01);

14) Method for obtaining starting compound feed for larvae and juvenilezander: Patent for invention No. 34532, IPC А01К 61/10 (2017.01), А23К 50/80 (2016.01), А23К 40/25 (2016.01);

15) Improved hydrobiological bucket bottom grab: Patent for utilitymodel No. 5266 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, MPK А01М 23/02 (2006.01);

16) Mobile installation with closed water supply for rearing juvenilesof valuable fish species: Patent for utility model No. 5333 of the Republic ofKazakhstan, IPC А01К 61/00 (2006.01);

17) Eco-friendly backwater fishing seine: Patent for utility model No.5618 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, MPK А01К 69/00 (2006.01)18) Within the framework of the commercializationproject No. 0147-18-ГК (JSC Science Fund).

2021 year:

1) Mullet fishing gear in shallow waters of the sea: Patent of theRepublic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 6527

2) Fishing cape net with an increased fishing area: Patent of theRepublic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 6581

3) Two-pocket seine: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utilitymodel No. 6963

4) Method of harvesting and processing of Artemia crustacean cysts:Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 6615.

2022 year:

1) Device for collecting artemia cysts: Patent of the Republic ofKazakhstan for utility model No. 6921;

2) Modular installation of closed water supply for the cultivation ofAustralian red-lobed crayfish: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utilitymodel No. 6981;

3) Method of environmental protection of fish and juveniles fromentering culverts: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.6982;

4) Device for uniform release of valuable fish juveniles into thereservoir during introduction in order to increase fish productivity: Patent ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7124;

5) Fixed cage seine for lifetime capture of rare and endemic fish:Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7125;

6) Active mobile hydroacoustic fish protection device for hydroelectricdams and reservoirs: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.7125;

7) Method of fishing with a fixed seine: Patent of the Republic ofKazakhstan for utility model No. 7141;

8) Method of creating a feed base in conditions of lake-commercial fishfarms: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7352;

9) Method of increasing fish productivity of reservoirs: Patent of theRepublic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7477;

10) Method of preparation of small and medium-sized lakes for stocking:Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7478;

11) The method of forming a repacement broodstock of sazan on a fishfarm: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7547.

2023 year:

1)Method for obtaining live feeds for young jade perch : Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.8062

2)Eco-friendly floating autonomous cage for maintenance of broodstock of rare and endemic fish: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.7935

3)Method for protection of valuable rare fish in cages from predatory fish-eating otter: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.7946

4)Method of fish stocking during reintroduction of valuable fish: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.8077

5)Method for studying the biological characteristics of fish – objects of recreational fishing. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.8126

6)Device for measurement of fish from catches of sport and amateur fishing.Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.8441

7)Method of producing extruded animal feed for zander fry. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No №36224

8)Process for the production of grower feed for crayfish. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No 36357

9)Method for the produetion of production compound feed for jade perel. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No 36329

10)Method for growing pike in industrial fish farming : Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.8102

2024 year:

1)A method for of aquatic habitats of rare and endangered fish species: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.8977

1)A device for processing fish in natural conditions : Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.9111

Organizational and legal documentation

– Charter of RPC of Fisheries LLP, approved by the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, order No. 315-P dated 12/10/2020;

– Certificate of accreditation “Limited Liability Partnership “Research and Production Center of Fisheries” is accredited as a subject of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities, series MK No. 000491 dated 28/02/2024, issued by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

— State license No. 02072P dated March 28, 2019 for the performance of works and provision of services in the field of environmental protection;

— The accreditation certificate of the Testing Center of the “Research and Production Center for Fisheries” LLP is accredited in the accreditation system of the Republic of Kazakhstan for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2019 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”, No. KZ.T.02 .E1276 dated August 27, 2022. Valid until 08/27/2027;

– Certificate No. 57/21 on the assessment of the state of measurements (attestation) of the aquaculture laboratory (issued on December 24, 2021 by the Almaty branch of the National Center for Expertise and Certification;

– Certificate No. 58/21 on the assessment of the state of measuring instruments (attestation) of the laboratory of hydrobiont genetics (issued on December 24, 2021 by the Almaty branch of the National Center for Expertise and Certification;

– Certificate No. 59/21 on the assessment of the state of measuring instruments (attestation) of the ichthyology laboratory (issued on December 24, 2021 by the Almaty branch of the National Center for Expertise and Certification;

— Certificate No. 60/21 on the assessment of the state of measuring instruments (attestation) of the hydroanalytics laboratory (issued on December 24, 2021 by the Almaty branch of the National Center for Expertise and Certification;

– Certificate No. 61/21 on the assessment of the state of measuring instruments (attestation) of the hydrobiology laboratory (issued on December 24, 2021 by the Almaty branch of the National Center for Expertise and Certification;

– Certificate of conformity No. KZ.Q.02.E0792.C22.020747 dated November 11, 2022 to the requirements of ST RK ISO 9001-2016 “Quality management system. Requirements”;

— Certificate of conformity No.KZ.Q.02.E0792.C22.020750 dated November 11, 2022 to the requirements of ST RK ISO 14001-2016 “Environmental Management System”;

— Certificate of conformity No.KZ.Q.02.E0792.C22.020752 dated November 11, 2022 to the requirements of ST RK ISO 45001-2019 “Labor safety and health management systems. Requirements and guidelines for use”.


  • The technology of growing fish stock for sazan, zander, tilapia, whitefish, trout, african catfish, balkhash marinka, markakol lenok;
  • A deep hydroacoustic facility for scaring off fish and juveniles from hydraulic structures and other designs of fish protection devices at water intakes;
  • The GIS-project “Fishery and protection of fish stocks”. Spatialdigital database of scientific recommendations in the field of fisheries and protection of fish;
  • The GIS-project “Scientific recommendations for the use and protection of fish stocks in the reservoirs of Kazakhstan” exists in the format of a web map on the ArcGIS Online server. It includes the recommended number and distribution of fish sites in the water area of large reservoirs, recommended fishing effort standards, recommended location, number and equipment of fish protection organizations;
  • Aquaculture calculator – a computing application for calculating the volume of fish production depending on the region;
  • Boundary landmarks (standards) for fisheries in water reservoirs of international and national importance;
  • Development, improvement and justification of the optimal set of fishing gear in  large fishery reservoirs, taking with characteristics of ichthyocenosis and other biotic and abiotic conditions of reservoirs;
  • All departments are equipped with the necessary machinery and equipment for performing scientific work in the field and processing the collected material in stationary laboratory conditions;
  • We have developed many recommendations on aquaculture, the preservation and reproduction of fish stocks and other aquatic animals, we have issued 15 collections of scientific papers, our team has published more than 2000 scientific articles;
  • We have more than 150 patents for inventions and utility models of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Scientists of the RPC of Fisheries participate in the development of regulatory legal acts in the field of fishing (rules for the distribution of quotas, rules for fixing fish sites, restrictions and prohibitions on fishing, fishing effort standards), protection of aquatic ecosystems (methods for assessing damage to fishery, rules for classifying water reserviours as especially valuable, lists of animal species ), economics of fishery (methods for determining the rates of payment for the use of wildlife).



  • Monitoring of the ecological status of reservoirs in Kazakhstan;
  • Study of the genetic structure of the populations of the main commercial fish species in the reservoirs of Kazakhstan;
  • Improvement of biotechnologies for preservation of fish gene pool in Kazakhstan;
  • Improvement of biotechnologies for breeding valuable fish species;
  • Creation of scientific bases for the application of a careful approach in the regulation of fishery in the reservoirs of Kazakhstan;
  • Development of a network of specially protected natural areas for the preservation of biodiversity of fish and seals;
  • Implementation of fisheries sciences innovations into production;
  • Assessment of anthropogenic influence on the ecology of reservoirs in Kazakhstan;
  • Doing science and practical training for students of universities, colleges of Kazakhstan in the specialty of ichthyology, hydrobiology, hydrochemistry and fish farming;
  • Study of population dynamics and complex assessment of threat factors for the population of the Caspian seal;
  • Performing genetic certification at fish farms;
  • Getting competitive results;
  • Integration of science, education and industry.

Information base

For more than 90 years of its activity FishRPC continuously monitors the state of ecosystems, water bodies of Kazakhstan and their biological resources, the development of the biological bases of rational use and reproduction of fish stocks, gives annual forecasts of fish catch volumes, proposals for rules and mode of fishing. Every year, on the basis of science – based data KazNIIRH goes Government Decision on limits of fish catch from the Republic of reservoirs. Accumulated many years of data bank on hydrology, hydrobiology, hydrochemistry, toxicology in terms of human impact on the ecosystems of water bodies.Conducted acclimatization work on the introduction of feed and fish fauna of invertebrates.Together with the production of the works on the lake-commercial fish farming.Estimated reserves of valuable bioresource – crustacean Artemia cysts and across the waters of the mineralized waters of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It introduces the industrial fishery: developed technology of cultivation and breeding of fish with warm water and warm-water power stations. By using the latest genetic techniques (chemical mutagenesis and radiation gynogenesis) created highly productive breed groups of carp and silver carp. Scientists fish farmers developed general layout of fish farms, breeding and biotechnology regulatory framework for specific regions of Kazakhstan. A resource-saving technology of fish breeding in polyculture using cheap feed mixtures. Recommendations for prevention and treatment of fish diseases in fish and spawning-vyrastnyh farms, to reduce the incidence of fish in natural waters. Research on the technique of fishing, which allowed to offer new and more effective methods and fishing gear, machines and equipment for mechanization of labor-intensive processes in the fishing industry. It was introduced into production horizontal vacuum boilers of domestic production for the production of fish meal and progressive technology canning sardines. A number of manufacturing technologies and methods of manufacture of canned fish, sausages, fish products smoked, various range of low-value fish glue from fish scales, etc. Economic research has focused on the analysis of economic activities of fisheries in order to increase their economic efficiency and improving work organization.Since 2001, carried out comprehensive environmental studies aimed at assessing the status of living aquatic resources of transboundary water basins.A refined and developed principles and criteria for the distribution of living aquatic resources between neighboring countries. The research results are used in the work of the Commission on Aquatic Bioresources of the Caspian Sea at the interstate distribution of total allowable catches of sturgeon and other commercially valuable fish. Based on these studies and interaction with scientific – research organizations of the Caspian states to develop common methods for estimating the number of sturgeon species, developed a regional program for conservation and sustainable use of biological resources of the Caspian Sea.Currently performed research work in the following budget programs:”Applied research in the field of fisheries for the conservation and restoration of fish resources and other aquatic organisms in the water bodies of international and republican significance Republic of Kazakhstan” on the following projects:The study of population dynamics and a comprehensive threat assessment factors Caspian seal population Assessment of natural and artificial reproduction of sturgeon species Ural river Research on the effectiveness of devices used by fish protection and development recommendations on the modernization and introduction of new fish protection devices in order to preserve fish stocks in Kazakhstan waters Study of the current state of fisheries hydroecological reservoirs and development of biological studies on the feasibility and priority of the fishery reclamation to preserve and enhance the capacity of fishery ponds Assessment of the main fishery resources fishing ponds Kazakhstan to develop a careful inventory management strategy and ensure sustainable fisheries – “Development of effective commercial fish farming technologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan” the following 5 projects:Development of cost-effective technologies of cultivation of valuable species fish and their introduction to the hatcheries in Kazakhstan Development and implementation of domestic formulations specialized feed Ichthyopathological and microbiological evaluation of fish grown in fish farms Genetic evaluation and updating of the genetic data bank aquaculture Assessment of the economic and social efficiency of technology of cultivation of fish species – “Grant funding for research” on the themes:Development and implementation of biotechnological methods trout cultivation using domestic feed products with the inclusion of probiotic action to improve the conditions of cultivation and increase fish production Genetic differentiation among populations of the crustacean Artemia as a valuable bioresource salt ponds Kazakhstan Genetic monitoring of natural and artificial reproduction of sturgeon of the Ural-Caspian basin to preserve their biodiversity and restoration of Aquatic invertebrates as regional biological indicators of ecological status of water bodies in Kazakhstan.- “Normative – methodical support of agribusiness industries”;- “Carrying out activities for the dissemination and implementation of innovative experience”Running large amount of extrabudgetary contracts in areas such as:- Scientific support of fisheries management in the fixed reservoirs;- Certification of fishery reservoirs and identify promising reservoirs for fisheries management (commercial fish farming, fishing, shrimp production);- The development of fish farming – biological foundations of creating fish farms of various types;- Development of biological studies on acclimatization and stocking;- Development of biological studies for the calculation of the damage to fisheries of economic activity and recommendations for its reduction;- Development of methods and fish breeding and technological standards for artificial reproduction and commodity cultivation of new aquaculture species and a large number of other applied research work.