Meeting in the Mangystau region

Today in the Akimat of Mangistau region there was a meeting of the deputy. General Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences Asylbekova S.Zh. and director of the Atyrau branch Kadimov E.L. with Deputy Akim of Mangustau Region Kulzhanov K.Zh. and the head of the Fisheries Department of the Mangystau region.

During the meeting, the tasks of developing the Fisheries Program until 2030 in the Mangistau region, as well as research work on the topic: BR21882122 “Sustainable Development of Natural-Industrial and Socio-Economic Systems of the West Kazakhstan Region in the Context of Green Growth: A Comprehensive Analysis, Concept, Forecast Estimates and Scenarios” , with upcoming monitoring studies of the Kazakh part of the Caspian Sea, were discussed.

Issues regarding the 019 program, innovative projects in the field of fisheries in the Mangistau region were discussed.

BOSIET course

This year, employees of the Fisheries Research and Production Center LLP continue scientific research on the topic: BR21882122 “Sustainable Development of Natural-Industrial and Socio-Economic Systems of the West Kazakhstan Region in the Context of Green Growth: A Comprehensive Analysis, Concept, Forecast Estimates and Scenarios”.

According to the calendar plan for July – August 2024, monitoring of environmental factors (hydrology, hydrochemistry, toxicology, fish food supply) of the Kazakhstan part of the Caspian Sea is planned, in this regard, employees of the head unit and the Atyrau branch (group leader, PhD Abilov B. I.) to go to sea they take a course on safety precautions and emergency response at sea (BOSIET) in the village. Bautino, Tupkaragan district, Mangistau region. The BOSIET course lasts 3 days and includes the following segments: familiarization with safety, use of rescue equipment before the arrival of rescue services, first aid for various injuries, etc. Only after passing the exams and certificate, researchers are able to go to sea to network installation and take samples for analysis.









Dear colleagues and workers in the fishing industry!

The Fisheries Research and Production Center for congratulates you on your professional holiday – Fisheries Workers’ Day!

On this day, we congratulate veterans, fishery workers, fishery scientists, ichthyologists, fish inspectors, professional fishermen, sports fishermen and amateurs.

Currently, much attention is paid to the development of fisheries in the Republic of Kazakhstan in light of the implementation of the government Fisheries Development Program until 2030.

We express our sincere gratitude to everyone for their dedicated work, high skill and dedication to their work. We wish you great health, tireless strength, happiness and prosperity to your families!



Scientific research works on the rivers Zhaiyk, Kigash and the Caspian Sea

This year, employees of the FishRPC continue scientific research on the topic:

BR21882122 “Sustainable Development of Natural-Industrial and Socio-Economic Systems of the West Kazakhstan Region in the Context of Green Growth: A Comprehensive Analysis, Concept, Forecast Estimates and Scenarios”.

Research fishing is carried out, hydrochemical, hydrobiological, ichthyological and toxicological samples are collected for laboratory analyzes on the Zhaiyk, Kigash, and Caspian Sea rivers, and the hydrometeorological conditions of the study area are recorded.

The director of the Atyrau branch of the Fisheries Research and Production Center LLP E.L. Kadimov, senior researcher T.A. Uteuliev, and B.L. Kadimov, a researcher and junior researcher Suleimenov S.B are taking part in the research.

From July 5 to July 8, 2024, Deputy General Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences Asylbekova S.Zh. on a working visit the enterprises for growing fry and commercial fish of the Turkestan region SEC “HAMIT” and LLP “FIRST FISH COMPANY” for the implementation of PTF projects for 2024-2026.

From July 5 to July 8, 2024, Deputy General Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences Asylbekova S.Zh. and director of the Aral branch, PhD Barakbaev T.T. on a working visit the enterprises for growing fry and commercial fish of the Turkestan region SEC “HAMIT” and LLP “FIRST FISH COMPANY” for the implementation of PTF projects for 2024-2026.

For information

SEC “Hamit” was established in 2006 in order to organize the production, processing and sale of fish and fish products. Located in the Turkestan region, Shardara. In 2009, a new factory for processing, storing and freezing fish products was built and put into operation. At this time, the factory is constantly updated with the latest equipment, both domestically produced and from foreign partners. SPK has operating workshops for the production of salted and dried products, smoked and frozen fish. The production capacity of the Khamit enterprise is up to 2.64 thousand tons of finished fish products per year (or 220 tons per month).

It has ponds and cage farming for growing carp fish up to 50 tons.

FIRST FISH COMPANY LLP was built in 2011 and will be engaged in growing in ponds and RAS, selling fingerling rainbow and commercial trout, Siberian sturgeon and sterlet. Located in Tyulkubas district, village Arys, Turkestan region. Production capacity is 800 tons of fish per year, facility area is 5.5 hectares.


Passed the Scientific Council for the consideration and approval of research work programs for scientific and technical programs for 2024-2026

07/03/2024, in the Head Office (Almaty), the Scientific/Coordination Council was held to review and approve the work programs of research on scientific and technical programs for 2024-2026. The meeting is held in offline and online formats.

Representatives of the Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and representatives of the organization of co-executors of the programs took part in the meeting:

– “Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after. S. Seifullin”;

– Kazakh Research Veterinary Institute;

– “Institute of Hydrobiology and Ecology”;

– LLP “Research and Production Center for Microbiology and Virology”;

– System Research Company “Factor” LLP;

On the agenda:

– Consideration of work programs on the topic: “Development and implementation of innovative technologies and new aquaculture facilities that are cost-effective in the natural and climatic conditions of various regions of Kazakhstan”, program manager: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Asylbekova S.Zh.;

– Consideration of work programs on the topic: “Comprehensive studies of reservoirs for the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic biological resources based on assessment of their potential and modeling of stock dynamics”, program leader: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Isbekov K.B.

After the Scientific/Coordinating Council, working meetings on the projects are planned.

Took part in a working meeting of the research group

06/28/2024 at West Kazakhstan University named after. M. Utemisov (Uralsk), held a working meeting of the research group within the framework of the program BR21882122 “Sustainable development of natural-economic and socio-economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region in the context of green growth: comprehensive analysis, concept, forecast estimates and scenarios.”

The working meeting was attended online by Asylbekova S.Zh., head of the “Fish Resources” block of the subprogram: “Assessment of natural resource potential as the main factor in the development of natural-economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region”, Deputy General Director of FishRPC, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kulikov E.V., leading researcher of FishRPC, Candidate of Biological Sciences, with a report on the topic: “Assessment of the fishery and resource potential of Western water bodies -Kazakhstan region”.

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