Kapshagai Expeditionary Detachment carry out research work on the control trap in the Kapshagai Reservoir

Since May 25, 2023, the Kapshagai expeditionary detachment consisting of: Makambetov S.Zh., Ismukhanov H.K., Igilik R. have been conducting research on control trap at the Kapshagai reservoir in order to determine the catchability and selectivity of nylon (permitted) nets and synthetic nets of monofilaments and monofilament. The work is being carried out within the framework of the budget program on forecast topics (256-102-159).

To date, 15 network stops have been carried out on the Kapshagai reservoir by different networks, including nylon networks (5 network stops), monofilament networks (0.25 mm thick) and monofilament networks (0.30 mm thick) for 5 network stops.

The chief specialist of the department of Kapshagai fish inspection of Balkhash-Alakol inter-regional basin inspection of fisheries Samsybaev E. participates in the work and registration of relevant acts.

Work continues.

Research work within the framework of the control fishing continues.

On the 8th of June 2023, in the Balkhash branch of LLP «Fisheries Research and Production Center»  was a meeting held between Deputy General Director Asylbekova S.Zh., director of the Balkhash branch E.E. Kumataeva,  the head of the Balkhash-Alakol Interregional Basin Fisheries Inspectorate Abibekov D.E. and fishermen of the Aktogay district.  There was conversation on the issues of work to determine the similarities and differences in the catch and selectivity of traditional fishing gear (nylon nets) and fishing gear made of synthetic monofilaments and monofilament. Research work within the framework of the control fishing continues.

LLP “Fisheries Research and Production Center” conducted regular control and trout measurements

In accordance with the agreement of LLP “Fisheries Research and Production Center” with LLP “Research and Production Center of Microbiology and Virology” on the project “Development of a domestic probiotic drug that increases the resistance and productivity of valuable fish species in aquaculture” on the basis of LLP “Kapshagayskoe spawning farms-1973”, studies are being conducted to assess the effectiveness of the effect of the developed domestic probiotic drug on fish-biological indicators of trout.

On June 6, in “Kapshagayskoye spawning farms-1973” LLP, scientific staff of the aquaculture laboratory of the LLP “Fisheries Research and Production Center”, N.S. Badryzlova, R.T. Barakov and A.T. Khalelov conducted another control catch and measurements of trout grown in pools using domestic artificial feed with the inclusion of probiotics.

Meeting with Nariman Amirgalievich Amirgalievich

In the head office of the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP, a meeting was held between Nariman Amirgaliev, PhD, Professor, academician, with the General director of the LLP “NPC of Fisheries” Isbekov Kuanysh Baybolatovich, PhD, Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and employees of the testing center, hydroanalytics laboratory.

During the meeting, Kuanysh Baibolatovich congratulated Nariman Amirgalievich on being awarded the high title of “Academician of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences” and presented a certificate of renaming a research vessel (Balkhash branch) “Professor N. Amirgaliev” in “Academician N. Amirgaliev”.

In turn, Nariman Amirgalievich presented the library of the Center with the author’s literature on the development of fisheries science, ecological and toxicological areas, in the field of hydrochemistry and water and environmental problems. The Hydrolitic Laboratories were presented with valuable equipment for performing a wide range of laboratory tasks and analyses.

Also, the issue of joint research work on the study of the qualitative composition of water in the reservoirs of Kazakhstan was discussed.

For reference: Amirgaliev Nariman Amirgalievich worked in the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP (formerly KazNIIRH) continuously for 53 years (from July 11, 1959 to March 31, 2012). For many years he was the head of the hydrochemistry laboratory. In 2009-2011, he was the scientific director and executor of a major project on the problems of ecology and the use of water resources in the fisheries of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Dear colleagues, congratulations on your professional holiday – Day of Fisheries Workers!

Dear colleagues, congratulations on your professional holiday – Day of Fisheries Workers!

Your work is inseparably connected with the nature and requires from you high qualification, you help to preserve and multiply fishery resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as to open new opportunities of their use!

May your labour contribution be the basis for further prosperity of the fisheries industry.

We wish all the representatives of the profession, the veterans of the industry and to your families good health, success, stability and warm meetings!

Regards, Fisheries Research and Production Centre!

Research works

From 5th of May to 8th of June 2023 Kapshagai expeditionary detachment consisting of: Makambetov S.Zh., Ismukhanov H.K., Igilik R., Moldrakhman A.S., Bekturov D.S. conduct research work on the Kapshagai reservoir and the Ili River within the framework of the budget program on forecast topics. And later from 11th June  to 16th June , 2023 Alakol expeditionary detachment consisting of: Karlybayuly S., Bakkozha Zh.M., Utegen S.A., Aubakirova M.O., Kozhizhanova B.A., Mukatai A.A. conduct research work on the Alakol lake system within the framework of the budget program on forecast topics (256-102-159).

Hydrobiological and hydrochemical samples were taken from 15 monitoring stations at the Kapshagai reservoir. 4 hydrobiological and hydrochemical samples were also taken on the Ile River.

At the Kapshagai reservoir, 16 network stops were delivered at 16 stations, all fish were analyzed, 3 of 5 stations were worked out along the Ile River, and work on collecting ichthyological materials continues at two stations.

The chief specialist of the department of Kapshagai fish inspection of Balkhash-Alakol inter-regional basin inspection of fisheries Samsybaev E. participates in the work and registration of relevant acts.

21 ichthyological, hydrobiological and hydrochemical monitoring stations have been worked out on the lakes of the Alakol system. Sampling work continues.

The chief specialist of the department of the Alakol fish inspection of Balkhash-Alakol inter-regional basin inspection of fisheries Kulenova Sh. takes part in the work and registration of relevant acts.

Hydro-analytical studies of the water of the Alakol lake system, the Kapshagai reservoir and the Ili River

From May 5 to the present, employees of LLP “Fisheries Research and Production Center”: Dolgopolova S.Yu. – Head of the laboratory, Mukatai A.A. – researcher and Bekturov D.S. – researcher, conduct hydroanalytical studies of the water of the Alakol lake system, Kapshagai reservoir and the Ili River. 

At the moment, water samples have been collected and hydrological studies have been carried out at the Kapshagai reservoir and the Ili River.The selected water samples are examined in the laboratory of the Fisheries Research Center for the content of chemicals, nutrients and salt composition. Research works are carried out within the framework of  program-targeted financing (267-101-154) and forecast forecast topics (256-102-159). Studies of the Alakol lake system are continuing.


The 6th meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee of the FAO Regional Commission on Fisheries and Aquaculture of Central Asia and the Caucasus is taking place.

On period of May 31 and June 1, 2023, Astana hosts the sixth meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee of the FAO Regional Commission on Fisheries and Aquaculture of Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Topics to be considered at the commission:

Regional Code of Practice for Ensuring Occupational Safety in Aquaculture and Fisheries;

Development of species diversity in aquaculture;

Data collection system for CacFish fishing gear types

Gender issues in fisheries and aquaculture: regional synthesis.

The meeting is attended by Chairman of Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan – N.T. Zhunusov, Deputy of Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan – A.S. Asylbekov, Head of the Aquaculture Department of Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan M.M. Gabbasov,  Chairman for Almaty region Association of legal entities “Republican Association of Fishery and Aquaculture “Qazaq balyk” – Marlen Tursynali , Regional Departments of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Non-profit joint-stock company  “KazNARU”, participating representatives from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Deputy Director General, Doctor of Biological Sciences Asylbekova S.Zh. takes part in the work of the commission on behalf of LLP«Fisheries Research and Production Center».


Simulation training on the topic “Responding to the occurrence of infectious diseases of fish”

On May 26, 2023, in the city of Konaev, a simulation training on the topic “Responding to the occurrence of infectious diseases of fish” was held.The event was held within the framework of an agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the World Organization for Animal Health Veterinary Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with the simulation training plan for 2022-2023.

The event was attended by representatives of the following organizations: the Committee of Fisheries of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Balkhash-Alakol inter-regional basin inspection of fisheries, Almaty Regional territorial Inspection of the Committee of Veterinary Control and Supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Veterinary Department of Almaty region, the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control in the city of Konaev and employees of LLP “Scientific and Production Center fisheries”: Head of the Hydroanalytics laboratory S.Y. Dolgopolova, head of the expedition team S.Z. Makhambetov and senior laboratory assistant R. Igilik.

During the event, the main points about the interaction of organizations to respond to the mass death of fish were discussed and an informational video was filmed.