Research work is being carried out on the Kolsai lakes

Currently, employees (head of the expeditionary detachment Makambetov S.Zh., senior researcher Ablaisanova G.M., acting researcher Bekturov D.S., junior researcher Bakkozha Zh.M., senior laboratory assistant Tursynaly Sh.N.,) LLP “Fisheries Research and Production Center” on the lakes Lower and Middle Kolsai, located in specially protected natural areas (Protected areas) of the State National Natural Park (SNNP) “Kolsai Kolderi” the following comprehensive research works are carried out on BP 256 (subprogram 102):

– hydrochemical sampling;

– selection of hydrobiological samples during the growing season (zooplankton, phytoplankton, zoobenthos);

– sampling of juvenile rainbow trout by juvenile sledge (fishing net) on Kolsai Lakes to assess natural reproduction;

– nets are set up to assess commercial fish stocks.

Also, to study the current state of native fish species, an additional delusional catch of the river was carried out. Shelek and 12 Scaleless osman and 1 Tibetan stone loach were found.

For reference: The Lower and Middle Kolsai lakes are located in the Almaty region and complex research work has been carried out by the FishRPC since 2017. According to literary sources, the initial ichthyofauna of the Lower Kolsai Lake consisted of native fish species – Scaleless osman (Gymnodyptichus dybowskii, Kessler, 1874) and Tibetan stone loach (Tziplophysa stolickai, Steindachner, 1866).

Previously, the Middle Kolsai Lake was fishless, and in 1965-1969, rainbow trout juveniles were launched into the Lower and Middle Kolsai Lakes. The settlers subsequently successfully naturalized and formed self-reproducing populations, completely displacing the Scaleless osman and partially Tibetan stone loach, which is now very rare in catches.

In the period from August 14 to August 20, a scientific and practical seminar was held on the basis of the SEC “Hamit”

In the period from August 14 to August 20, a scientific and practical seminar was held at the FISH SCHOOL aquaculture training center for entrepreneurs and fish farmers on the topic “Technologies for growing valuable fish species”.

Within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation concluded between SEC “Hamit” and LLP “Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries”, the seminar was conducted by a researcher at the laboratory of aquaculture of LLP “SPC RH” Umirtaeva A.U.

During the seminar, the participants got acquainted with traditional technologies for growing valuable fish species in the conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan, with innovative technologies for cultivating promising aquaculture facilities, as well as state support measures for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the fishing industry of Kazakhstan.

Also, they were trained in the preparation of business plans. Practical classes were held at the pond farm of the SEC “Hamit”, the garden farm of the LLP “Vita”, in the lake-commodity fish farm “Sultan”, at the basin farm of the IP “Baiterek” and at the fish processing plant of the SEC “Hamit”.

8 -9 August IV International Webinar on the theme: “The state of the Caspian seal population (Pusa caspica) – present and future” was held

8 -9 August, from 10:00 to 17:00 h, with simultaneous translation in Russian and English languages in LLP “Scientific and Production Centre of Fishery of Fishery” (Almaty) is held IV International Webinar on the theme: “The state of the Caspian seal population (Pusa caspica) – present and future”.

Organiser of the webinar: Institution “Institute of Hydrobiology and Ecology”, with the support of the Committee of Fishery of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and “Tengizchevroil” LLP, co-organiser “Scientific and Production Centre of Fishery” LLP of the Committee of Fishery of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Moderator of the webinar: Isbekov Kuanysh Baibolatovich, General Director of “Scientific and Production Centre of Fisheries” LLP, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Ass. Professor.

N.T. Zhunusov, Chairman of the Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, made a welcoming speech.

Participants of the webinar are representatives of the Caspian countries, representatives of International organisations of Great Britain, USA, University of Leeds, Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Khazar State Nature Reserve, LLP “Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology”, Caspian Institute of Biological Resources of Dagestan Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Republican State Enterprise “Kazgidromet”, Republican State Enterprise “Institute of Microbiology and Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, National Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

According to the webinar programme the following reports are planned:

  1. Conducting comprehensive studies of the current state of the Caspian seal population in the Caspian Sea water area;
  2. Monitoring of the Caspian seal in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea;
  3. Current state of the Caspian seal population off the coast of Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea in 2021-2023;
  4. Monitoring of Caspian seal releases on the coast of Dagestan (December 2022): extent and possible causes;
  5. On studies of the age composition of seal releases and possible causes of their deaths;
  6. Diagnostic studies of the causes of Caspian seals deaths in autumn 2023;
  7. Observation of Caspian seal diseases in Kazakhstan;
  8. Brief communication: Information on chipping, tagging and passportisation of Caspian seals in 2023;
  9. Quantification of the magnitude of Caspian seal mortality associated with artisanal fisheries and the impact of the commercial chain of Caspian seal products;
  10. How will climate change and sea level decline affect the future demography of Caspian seal populations and their habitats?
  11. On regression and distribution studies of Caspian seal in the north-eastern part of the Caspian Sea;
  12. Multi-year fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea;
  13. Marine debris and microplastics in the ecosystem of the coast and coastal water area of the Caspian Sea.

Reference: Caspian seal (Pusa caspica) is the only mammal endemic to the Caspian Sea. It is included in the IUCN Red List as an endangered species. It is included in the List of rare and endangered animal species of Kazakhstan (Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 746 dated 9 November 2020). The species has a similar status in other Caspian countries.

3 August 2023 specimen of spike was caught on the left bank of Kapshagai reservoir

3 August 2023 during the research fishing by employees of the laboratory of ichthyology LLP “Scientific and Production Centre of Fisheries” (head of the expedition team Makambetov S.J., senior researcher Ablaisanova G.M., junior researcher Bakkozha J.M.) on the left bank of Kapshagayskogo reservoir in the area of 23 fish plot caught 1 specimen of spike 7.0 kg during the implementation of research on the project PCF “Study of populations of rare and endangered fish species and alien hydrobionts in order to develop recommendations for artificial reproduction of rare species and prevent the spread of alien species of fish and other hydrobionts”. 


Scientific research fishing of spike is carried out according to the issued Permit of the Committee of Fishery of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 04.04.2023 (№KZ24VEP00146656) for scientific research. 


  Reference: The spike (Acipenser nudiventris Lovetsky, 1828) belongs to the sturgeon family, a rare and valuable fish species. Two populations of the species (Aral and Balkhash populations) are listed in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan in category I as endangered populations. Ship is also listed in the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Wildlife (IUCN 1994) as Critically Endangered (CR): A2cde

Research works carried out in the summer period on the Ili River and Kapshagai Reservoir

Currently, the staff (head of the expedition team Makambetov S.J., senior researcher Ablaisanova G.M., acting researcher Bekturov D.E., junior researcher Bakkozha J.M.) of LLP “FishRPC” in the Ile River and Kapshagai Reservoir are carrying out the following works:  

– Complex research works in Kapshagai reservoir on BP 256 (subprogramme 102):

– sampling of natural reproduction of juvenile fish by fry dragging (rags) in shallow waters, in the coastal zone of Kapshagai reservoir;

– hydrobiological sampling during the growing season (zooplankton, phytoplankton and zoobenthos) and fish feeding during the feeding period;

– hydrochemical sampling and analysis;

– netting for biological analysis of commercial ichthyofauna by fishery areas (biotopes).

Also are carried out research and development on inventory of spawning grounds of spike in the upper reaches of the Ile river on the project of Programme Targeted Financing, works on control trapping in order to determine the catchability and selectivity of traditional (kapron) nets and nets made of monofilament and monofibre.

Chief specialist of the department Kapshagayskoy fish inspection Balkhash-Alakol interregional basin fisheries inspection Samsybaev E. takes part in the work and registration of relevant acts

The laboratory of LLP “FishRPC” works on the introduction of technology of cultivation of black soldier fly are carried out

Within the framework of the project “Development and implementation of technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feed and adaptation of technologies for the cultivation of promising live feed for valuable and endemic fish species at fishery enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan” by the laboratory of aquaculture of LLP “FishRPC” on the basis of LLP “Kapchagai spawning farm-1973” works on the introduction of technology of cultivation of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) are carried out.


To obtain larvae of theblack soldier fly the following stages of work were carried out: 1) preparation of insectarium for cultivation, 2) obtaining eggs from adults, 3) planting eggs in small nutrient substrate and obtaining larvae, 4) transplanting 5 mm larvae into large nutrient substrate and intensive feeding of larvae. At this stage of work, intensive feeding of larvae is carried out until the transition to the pupal stage. Wheat bran was used as the main substrate for larvae. Various food wastes are introduced to feed the larvae.


At the next stages of black soldier fly cultivation it is planned to obtain pupae and adult flies.


For information: Black soldier fly larvae have proven themselves as a live feed for various aquaculture facilities. The high nutritional value of larvae is primarily confirmed by a balanced set of amino acids (35-40%), safety in their use and positive effect on the complex of fish-biological indicators. Larvae are used in feeding trout, salmon, carp, tilapia and sturgeon species of fish. At many fish farms, where there is a possibility of cultivation of this object, larvae are more often used in feeding young fish from 5 to 50 g of fish.

From 19 July to date, the expedition team of LLP “FishRPC” has been carrying out research works on the Alakol lake system.

From 19 July to date, the expedition team of LLP “FishRPC” including: Sansyzbayev E.T., Otegen S., Igilik R., Abylaykhanov E.T. and Rakhova N.M. has been carrying out research works on the Alakol lake system. 


The expedition team conducts:

– echo-sounding survey of the lake system;

– sampling of natural reproduction of juvenile fish by drags (rags) in shallow waters, in the coastal zone of lake systems;

– hydrobiological sampling and fish feeding during the feeding period;

– selection and analysis of hydrochemical samples to assess the quality of the aquatic environment;

– netting for biological analysis of commercial  ichthyofauna by fishing areas (biotopes);

– analyses of catch per fishing effort according to scientific gear and fishing gear data.


At the same time, control fishing is carried out to determine the catchability and selectivity of kapron (permitted) nets and nets made of synthetic monofilament and monofibre.


Research works are carried out within the framework of budget programmes on programme-target financing (267-101-154) and forecast subjects (256-102-159).


Head specialist of Alakol fish inspection department of Balkhash-Alakol interregional basin fishery inspection Kulenova Sh. takes part in the work and drawing up of relevant acts.


The research is continuing.

In the laboratory of LLP «FishRPC» a working model of an improved hydrobiological bimetral was produced

In the laboratory of hydrobiology of LLP «Fisheries Research and Production Center» on the basis of the patent (authors Zh. O. Mazhibaeva, head of the hydrobiology laboratory and A.I. Kim, head of the complex laboratory of the West Kazakhstan branch) a working model of an improved hydrobiological bimetral for catching bottom and benthic organisms was produced. Manufacturing of the net for the new (modified) hydrobiological collecting tool was carried out by senior researcher L.A. Kovalyova.


Tests of beamtral in shallow and deep-water zone of Kapshagai reservoir, conducted on 26 July by the staff of laboratories of hydrobiology (Mazhibaeva J.O. and Kovaleva L.A.) and ichthyologists of Kapshagai expeditionary group, showed that the device allows to catch both non-benthic invertebrates and juvenile fish.


Reduced dimensions of the model (as compared to the traditional version of the beamtral trawl) allow to use the beamtral in shallow waters for hand trawling, which provides an opportunity to take into account the development of bocoplaves confined to coastal areas of water bodies.

2 rare and valuable species of spiny sturgeon (Acipenser nudiventris) were caught for scientific purposes

During the period from May to July 2023, 2 species of spiny sturgeon (Acipenser nudiventris), a rare and valuable species of fish of the sturgeon family, were caught on the right bank of the Kapshagai reservoir (96 km along the ship’s route).


The specimens weighing 7,950 and 800 grams were caught on the basis of the Permit for fishing for scientific purposes of the Committee of Fishery of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan № KZ24VEP00146656 from 04.04.2023.

After a set of measures on adaptation to artificial conditions species were transported to the fish breeding site of the Balkhash branch of the Centre for domestication and further formation of the breeding stock.


To present day, anthropogenic and other factors have led to the disappearance of the spiny sturgeon from the Aral-Syrdarya basin and sharply limited its numbers in the Balkash-Alakol basin, where it is an acclimatiser. Therefore, in 2002 the spiny sturgeon was listed in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Artificial reproduction of the spiny sturgeon may become a real opportunity to preserve biodiversity and increase the stocks of the spiny sturgeon in the reservoirs of the Balkash-Alakol basin, as well as provide an opportunity to start work on restoring the stocks of this species in the Aral-Syrdarya basin.


Works on artificial reproduction of the spike are carried out within the framework of the budget programme 267-101-154 ” Program-targeted financing of scientific researches and activities”.