A scientific and practical seminar on the topic “Technologies for growing valuable fish species” is being held.

In the period from September 25 to September  30, a scientific and practical seminar is being held at the “FISH SCHOOL” aquaculture training center for entrepreneurs and fish farmers on the topic “Technologies for growing valuable fish species”.

Within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation concluded between the SEC “Hamit” and LLP “Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries”, the seminar was conducted by a researcher at the laboratory of aquaculture of LLP “SPC RH” Umirtaeva A.U.

During the seminar, the participants got acquainted with traditional technologies for growing valuable fish species in the conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan, with innovative technologies for cultivating promising aquaculture facilities, as well as state support measures for the development of small and medium businesses in the fishing industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the seminar, students were trained in the preparation of business plans.

Practical classes were held at the pond farm of the SEC “Hamit”, the garden farm of the LLP “Vita”, in the lake-commodity fish farm “Sultan”, at the basin farm of the IP “Baiterek” and at the fish processing plant of the SEC “Hamit”.

Research work on the certification of reservoirs of local importance in the Zhetysu region.

From August 29 to the present, the employees of LLP “NPTS RH” (Acting head of the expeditionary detachment Igilik R., junior researcher Otegen S., researcher Rakhova N.M., senior laboratory assistant Tursynaly Sh.N.) have been carrying out the following research work on the certification of reservoirs of local importance in the Zhetysu region (within the framework of agreements with the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the Zhetysu region):

  1. Selection and processing of hydrochemical samples, field and laboratory studies;
  2. Selection and processing of hydrobiological samples (zooplankton and zoobenthos);
  3. Sampling of the natural reproduction of juvenile fish by juvenile sledge (delirium) in the shallow waters of local reservoirs in the Zhetysu region;
  4. Ichthyological setups for the assessment of commercial fish stocks.

The second day of the next 7th meeting of the Commission for the Conservation and Rational Use of Aquatic Biological Resources of the Caspian Sea and the Management of their Joint Reserves is taking place.

Today, on September 26, 2023, the second day of the next 7th meeting of the Commission for the Conservation and Rational Use of Aquatic Biological Resources of the Caspian Sea and the Management of their Joint Reserves is taking place.

The meeting of the intergovernmental Commission will last until September 27, at which the reports of the parties on the use of the catch quota of fish resources, on the reproduction and protection of aquatic biological resources of the Caspian Sea, on the state of aquatic biological resources based on marine scientific research, as well as the approval of joint quotas for the catch of aquatic biological resources for 2024 are presented.

Following the results of today’s meeting, the Commission decided to extend the ban on commercial fishing of sturgeon species in the Caspian Sea.

7th meeting of the Commission in St. Petersburg

Tomorrow, on 25.09.2023, the next 7th meeting of the Commission for the Conservation and Rational Use of Aquatic Biological Resources of the Caspian Sea and the Management of their Joint Reserves is taking place in St. Petersburg (Russia).

The meeting is chaired by the Russian Federation. The meeting is attended by representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Parties).

From the Republic of Kazakhstan, the meeting is attended by:

1. N.T. Zhunusov, Chairman of the Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of the delegation.

2. Kantarbayeva A.M., Head of the Department of International Legal Problems of the International Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. Isbekov K.B., Doctor of Biological Sciences, General Director of LLP “Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries”.

Consideration of the following issues is on the agenda:

1. Provision of reports on the execution of items of the Protocol of the 6th meeting of the Commission.

2. Provision of reports of the Parties for 2022 on the use of the catch quota (volumes), on reproduction and protection of aquatic biological resources.

3. Discussion of the state of aquatic biological resources based on marine scientific research.

4. Discussion of the minutes of the meeting of the Working Group on Science and Aquaculture established by the Commission.

5. Consideration of the extension of the ban on commercial fishing of sturgeon species in the Caspian Sea.

6. Approval of quotas (volumes) of catch of joint aquatic biological resources for 2024.

7. Discussion of the issue of joint research work in the Caspian Sea.

8. Discussion of the issue of joint releases of juvenile sturgeon fish species from artificial reproduction.

9. Discussion of the Commission’s logo and acronym.

The meeting will be held from September 25 to 27, 2023. At the end of the meeting, a protocol will be drawn up with the decisions taken.

Awarding with “Еңбек ардагері” medal

The collective of LLP «Fisheries Research and Production Center» congratulates Nina Sergeevna Badryzlova on being awarded with the “Enbek Ardageri” medal from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan in honor of Labor Day, established by the Decree of the President of the Republic in November 2013, in order to revive the traditions of respect for working professions and awareness of the importance of work from an early age.

Dear Nina Sergeevna, congratulations on receiving the well-deserved award, which is a direct confirmation of your high personal qualities. We wish you a further successful life path, the fulfillment of your plans, and the speedy implementation of large-scale goals.

For reference: N.S. Badryzlova graduated from S.M.Kirov Kazakh State University with a degree in Biology. She has been working in the fisheries science system since 1980. Long-term scientific and production activities in the LLP “Fisheries RPC” allowed her to become a highly qualified specialist in the field of aquaculture.

N.S. Badryzlova performs a large amount of scientific work, takes an active part in the development of research programs on aquaculture; develops scientific and methodological documentation, technical specifications of projects, fish-breeding and biological justifications, recommendations in the field of aquaculture.

Nina Sergeevna Badryzlova, senior researcher at the Aquaculture Laboratory, transmits the accumulated knowledge and experience to young scientists, provides methodological and advisory assistance to fish farm workers, entrepreneurs, farmers on the development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan. She is the author of more than 100 scientific articles, has 25 copyright certificates for patents and co-authored 46 recommendations.

A meeting of the Scientific Council of FishRPC LLP is being held to review and approve annual (final) research reports for 2023 year

Today, under the chairmanship of the Director General, d.b.s., ass.prof., Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.B. Isbekov, the first day of the meeting of the Coordinating and Academic Councils of FishRPC LLP is being held to review and approve annual (final) research reports for 2023 within the framework of two comprehensive Scientific and Technical programs (hereinafter referred to as STP). STP was carried out within the framework of the state order of the Committee of Fisheries of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MENR RK).


The meeting is attended by:

-Members of the Scientific Council of LLP “FishRPC”;

-Co-executors of programs;

– Scientific staff of all divisions of LLP ” FishRPC” (online and offline);


Within the framework of the STP 2021-2023: ” Scientific-technological support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the implementation of innovative technologies and new fish-farming objects” (Head of the STP, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Asylbekova S.Zh.) the following final results were obtained:

– Developed and implemented effective biotechnical methods of lake-commercial fish farming in various regions of Kazakhstan;

– Effective technologies have been developed and implemented for the formation of repair herds of rare endemic fish species of Kazakhstan in order to preserve biodiversity and develop aquaculture;

 – Developed and implemented industrial technologies for growing promising fish farming facilities and invertebrate hydrobionts in the conditions of fish farming enterprises in Kazakhstan;

– Genetic certification of repair-brood herds of valuable, endemic species of fish and invertebrate hydrobionts – potential objects of aquaculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out;

– Recommendations were formed and given on the effective use of repair and brood stocks of sturgeon fish, taking into account their genetic diversity in the conditions of sturgeon fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

-Technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feeds have been developed and implemented, and technologies for the cultivation of promising live feeds for valuable and endemic fish species have been improved at fish-breeding enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

– Recommendations have been developed for the implementation of the results of scientific and technical activities in fish farming and proposals for improving legislation for the development of fisheries.


The Scientific Council continues, tomorrow the reports on research and development will be considered within the framework of the second STP.

7th meeting on conservation and rational use of aquatic biological resources of the Caspian Sea.

02.09.2023, the 7th meeting of the Working Group on Science and Aquaculture created by the intergovernmental Commission on Conservation, Rational use of aquatic Biological Resources of the Caspian Sea is taking place.

 The meeting is chaired by the Russian Federation. The meeting is attended by representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 Consideration of the following issues is on the agenda:

  1. Analysis of approaches to determining quotas (volumes) of catch of joint aquatic biological resources.
  2. Organization of joint research to assess the condition of sturgeon fish of the Caspian Sea.
  3. Discussion of the draft Program on the assessment of stocks of fodder, fish resources and determination of maximum allowable catches of commercial fish species.
  4. Determination of the order of exchange of genetic samples of sturgeon fish species.
  5. On the possibility of the mechanism of exchange of reproductive material for artificial reproduction of sturgeon fish species.
  6. On approaches to determining the optimal number of sturgeon species seized for reproductive purposes.
  7. On the possibility of joint release of juvenile sturgeon species from artificial reproduction and the mechanism of its implementation with the participation of representatives of all Caspian countries.
  8. On recommendations for the period of establishing a ban on commercial fishing of sturgeon fish in the Caspian Sea.
  9. On the mechanism of bilateral and (or) multilateral cooperation with the approval of a unified methodology for expeditionary scientific research and analysis of the results obtained.
  10. On the development of commercial aquaculture in the Caspian Sea, taking into account environmental aspects.
  11. On the establishment of scientific and technical cooperation and the exchange of expert and professorial staff to improve the scientific level of specialists.
  12. On the implementation of periodic monitoring of all stages of production and release of sturgeon species by representatives of the Caspian countries.

 At the end of the meeting, an appropriate Protocol will be drawn up.

About conferring an honorary title “Balyk sharuashylygy salasynyn enbek sinirgen kyzmetkeri”

The staff of «Fisheries Research and Production Center» LLP congratulates Kulmagambetov Tynyshtyk Kulmagambetuly on receiving the honorary title “Balyk sharuashylygy salasynyn enbek sinirgen kyzmetkeri” from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and wishes good health, well-being and long life!

For reference: Kulmagambetov Tynyshtyk Kulmagambetuly was born on 18.04.1943 in the village Mergensai near the Aral Sea. In 1960 he graduated from high school with a gold medal. He started his career in 1966 and worked in senior positions in the Aral Fish Combine, the Aral District Party Committee, the Kokshetau Fish Factory, the Kapshagai fish complex and the Taldykorgan regional fishing base.

In the period from 2001 to 2007, he was the director of the Aral branch of the «Fisheries Research and Production Center» LLP.

From 2008 to the end of 2014, he worked in the Head Department (Almaty) as a manager of the information and innovation department, participated in conducting research in the field of fisheries and implementing their results into production, shared practical experience with young specialists.

On a working visit to LLP “Kapshagay spawning and rearing farm-1973”

On August 25, 2023, Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ponomarev S.M. and General Director of the TV channel “Turan TV” Botabekov R.B. paid a working visit to LLP “Kapshagai spawning and rearing farm-1973”.

During the meeting, the General Director of the LLP “Kapshagai spawning and rearing farm-1973” Shadibekov A.K. spoke about the current work of the economy, problematic issues and future plans.

Also, the meeting was attended by the head of the RSU “Balkhash-Alakol Interregional Basin Fisheries Inspectorate” Suyubaev A.K. and General Director of LLP “Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries” Isbekov K.B., who spoke about the problems and prospects for the development of the fishing industry, the state of modern fisheries science and jointly developed scientific projects with this economy.

Employees of FishRPC LLP took part in a webinar on the topic “How to submit a successful application for a technology commercialization grant”

Today, the scientific staff of Fisheries Research and Production Center LLP took part in a webinar on the topic “How to apply for a successful technology commercialization grant”. Organized a webinar of JSC “Science Fund” in order to assist the subjects of scientific and scientific and technical activities in the commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific and technical activities. The speaker was Kurmangazy Omarov, Director of the Department for Investments and New Projects of JSC “Fund of Science”, Candidate of Technical Sciences, experience in commercialization – 15 years.

The webinar was attended by representatives of universities, research institutes, employees of science departments, commercialization offices, business representatives, as well as other interested parties.

As part of the webinar, effective mechanisms for the commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific and technical activities were identified, the legislative basis for the implementation of projects was considered, the specifics of establishing cooperation with potential partners were studied, recommendations were given on team building, formulating the goals and objectives of submitted projects.