On March 19, 2024, Astana hosted the opening of the Kazakh-Czech International Scientific Center for Aquaculture

On March 19, 2024, Astana hosted the opening of the Kazakh-Czech International Scientific Center for Aquaculture at the Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S. Seifullin.

 The opening ceremony of the center was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Asylbekov A.S., Chairman of the Board – Rector. KATU named after S. Seifullin Tireuov K.M., from the Embassy of the Czech Republic in the Republic of Kazakhstan Pavol Shepelyak, Professor at the University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice Tomas Policar (Czech Republic) and business partners.

The report was made by the General Director of the LLP Fisheries Research and Production Center, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Isbekov Kuanysh Baibolatovich.

After end of the event, a round table was organized to discuss the prospects for international cooperation in the field of aquaculture.

Employees of the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP of the Committee of Fisheries conduct winter research and development

From February 28 to March 23, 2024, employees of the LLP Fisheries Research and Production Center of Fisheries Committee, headed the expeditionary group Minat A., acting head of the Ichthyology laboratory Sansyzbayev E. T., junior researcher Otegen S. A., acting junior researcher Igilik R. and laboratory assistant Sakharin N. K. Winter research is being conducted on the Alakol lake system under the 021 budget program “To assess the state of fisheries reservoirs located in the Balkhash-Alakol basin, international, republican and protected areas, as well as fish stocks of reservoirs of local importance and/or to determine fish productivity in their areas, according to the maximum size of catching fish and other aquatic animals, as well as to regulate the rules and procedure of fishing, the development of biological justifications.” Also, the head of the Alakol department of the fish inspection, K. B. Zhumankulov, takes part in the expedition work.

As a result of the work on the monitoring points, ichthyological, hydrobiological, hydrochemical, hydrological samples were collected. Together with the staff of the fish inspection, aerial surveys were carried out, and fish wintering sites were monitored using an echo sounder. Currently, field and laboratory work is ongoing.

Scientific and practical seminar on the topic “Technologies for growing valuable fish species”

In the period from 11- 16 March, a scientific and practical seminar is being held at the FISH SCHOOL aquaculture training center for entrepreneurs and fish farmers on the topic “Technologies for growing valuable fish species”.

Within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation concluded between LLP “Fisheries Research and Production Center” (FishRPC) and SEC “Khamit”, the seminar was conducted by a researcher Umirtayeva A.U of the Laboratory of Aquaculture of FishRPC of the Committee of Fisheries.

During the seminar, the participants got acquainted with traditional technologies for growing valuable fish species in the conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan, innovative technologies for cultivating perspective aquaculture facilities, as well as government support measures for the development of small and average businesses in the fishing industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. While the seminar, the students studied the basic rules and effective methods for drawing up business plans. After completing the theoretical part, the participants of the aquaculture training center took a practical course on the basis of the pond farm of the SEC “Khamit”, the cage farm of LLP “Vita”, the lake-commercial fish farm “Sultan” and the basin farm of IE “Baiterek”. As part of the training, an introductory tour was conducted at the fish processing farm of the SEC “Khamit”.

From February 12 to 16, a scientific and practical seminar on the topic “Technology of growing valuable fish species” was held at the FISH SCHOOL aquaculture training center for entrepreneurs and fish farmers.

From February 12 to 16, a scientific and practical seminar on the topic “Technology of growing valuable fish species” was held at the FISH SCHOOL aquaculture training center for entrepreneurs and fish farmers.

 Within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation concluded between the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP of the Committee of Fisheries and the SEC “Hamit”, the seminar was conducted by A. U. Umirtayeva, a researcher at the Laboratory of Aquaculture of NPTS RH LLP. 

During the seminar, the participants got acquainted with traditional technologies for growing valuable fish species in the conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan, innovative technologies for growing promising aquaculture facilities, as well as government support measures for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the fishing industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

He also learns how to prepare business plans. Practical classes are held in the pond farm of SEC “Hamit”, the top Shcherbaktinsky farm of LLP “Vita”, the lake-commercial fishery “Sultan”, the basin farm of IP “Baiterek” and the fish processing plant of SEC “Hamit”.

Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and deputy of the Maslikhat of Almaty, visited the head division of the Scientific and FishRPC LLP FCMENRRK on a working visit

On January 10, 2024, Sergey Mikhailovich Ponomarev, deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Ziya Balaldinuly, deputy of the Maslikhat of Almaty, Talgatov, visited the head division of the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP on a working visit. The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Fisheries and Aquaculture “Qazaq balyk” Rysbayev Amirbek Zhumagalievich.

During the visit, the draft law “On Aquaculture”, directions and prospects of fisheries research and other topical issues of scientific development were discussed.  

Also, the laboratories were visited, where the deputies talked with the team, listened to suggestions and answered questions of interest to the team.

Research works on the certification of reservoirs of local importance Almaty region are being carried out

From September 16 to the present, employees of LLP “Fish RPC” (head of the expeditionary detachment Bakkozha Zh.M., leading researcher Ismukhanov Kh.K., researcher Ablaikhanov E.T., acting researcher Bekturov D.S., laboratory assistant Sakharin N.K.) have been carrying out the following research work on the certification of reservoirs of local importance Almaty region (under the agreement with the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of Almaty region):

  1. 1. Selection and processing of hydrochemical samples, field and laboratory studies;
  2. Selection and processing of hydrobiological samples (zooplankton and zoobenthos);
  3. Sampling of the natural reproduction of juvenile fish by juvenile travois (breden) in the shallow waters of local reservoirs in the Almaty region;
  4. Ichthyological setups for assessing commercial fish stocks.

For reference, certification of reservoirs is a set of studies to determine the boundaries of fishery reservoirs or sites, their areas, condition, species composition of fish resources and other aquatic animals produced before fixing these reservoirs, issuing recommendations.

The works are carried out for the rational use of the reservoirs of the region, for the management of fisheries and the effective development of aquaculture.

If the reservoirs are recognized as promising for fisheries, they will be included in the list of fishery reservoirs by the decree of the akimat of the region.

The end of seminar on topic «Inland Fisheries Management and Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation»

The end of seminar on topic «Inland Fisheries Management and Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation»

In a frame of seminar in the n university of CENAKVA «South Bohemian Research Centre of Aquaculture and Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses» (Vodňany, Czech Republic) several excursions on experimental fish reproduction bases and scientific laboratories of the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters were conducted. During the excursions, to the participants of the seminar were highlighted the main technological aspects of fish reproduction and modern scientific research projects of intensification of fish reproduction of hydrobionts and the next information about fish reproduction systems and experimental laboratories of CENAKVA Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters:

  1. System of aquaponics. System of aquaponics includes various amount of technological subsystems: 1) aeroponics; 2) nutrient film technique; 3) drip sustem; 4) deep water farming. The main objects of cultivation in aquaponics are tilapia and wels catfish. The harvest from green plants is 750 kg per year. For cultivation, greens (lettuce leaves and cilantro), cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers are used. The sale of commercial fish occurs when the commodity weight reaches 300-400 grams in local restaurants and cafes.
  2. Center of fish genetics. Experimental ponds and pools for the cultivation of valuable fish species represent the center. The center grows 10 species of sturgeon fish species, among which there are rare and endangered species of fish, such as bastard sturgeon (Acipenser nudiventris).  The center is also engaged in the germination of wels catfish and carp. The current direction of the laboratory is the transplantation of stem cells of valuable commercial fish species into short-cycle fish species in order to obtain offspring in a short period.
  3. Laboratory of Cryopreservation and Biochemistry. The first direction of the laboratory is the cryopreservation of sperm of commercially demanded fish species, the preservation of reproductive cells of rare fish species and the development of aquaculture by preserving valuable fish species (lines) and installing cryobanks at large fish farms.   The second direction is the assessment of pollution of aquatic ecosystems and the conduct of toxicological studies in the event of a mass death of fish.
  4. Intensive Aquaculture Laboratory. The laboratory is engaged in the cultivation of fish using a combined technology (RAS — recycling aquaculture system + ponds). The total number of ponds is 50 pcs., each of 0.25 hectares. The main objects of cultivation are sander, carp and koi carp, there is also an experimental base for the cultivation of crayfish. The fish is sold after reaching a commodity weight of 20-30 grams. On average, 800,000 units of sander are sold per year.

At the end of the seminar, all participants were awarded personal certificates.

Competition for the academic title of Professor Kuanysh Baybolatovich Isbekov

According to the Rules for awarding academic titles (associate professor, Professor), approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2011 No. 128, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 10, 2011 No. 6939, we place a certificate, a list of scientific papers, a list of publications in international peer-reviewed publications of the General Director of LLP “Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries”, Doctor of Biological Sciences Isbekov Kuanysh Baibolatovich for the assignment of the academic title of professor in the specialty 40100 – Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

Research work on Ile river and Kapshagai reservoir is being held

Since September 08, employees of LLP “Fish RPC” (head of the expeditionary detachment Makambetov S.Zh., researcher Khalelov A.T.) on Ile river and Kapshagai reservoir are carrying out the following research works within the framework of budget programs on program-targeted financing (267-101-154) and forecast topics (256-102-159):  

– collection and analysis of ichthyological material – the main biological indicators of fish;

– analyzing the composition of commercial ichthyofauna in the reservoir;

– autumn fish migration is being investigated;

– the analysis of commercial catches of nature users on the fixed fishing sites is being conducted.

– an echo-sounder survey is being carried out to account for the number of fish in the Kapshagai reservoir.

The obtained scientific data on the state of fish stocks, their biological characteristics (growth rate, sexual and age structures of the herd, fertility, yield, juveniles, and others) are the basis for calculating catch limits and developing a strategy for a precautionary approach to stock management and ensuring sustainable fishing, which is expressed in compliance with international standards and conservation of fish stocks when approaching to the boundary landmarks, as well as to the optimal distribution of fishing efforts in the water area of reservoirs and recommend optimal norms for their fishing withdrawal.

The chief specialist of the department of Kapshagai fish inspection of Balkhash-Alakol Interregional Basin Fisheries Inspectorate (BAIBFI) takes part in carrying out research works Sovetkhan Sh.S.

A seminar on topic «Inland Fisheries Management and Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation» is taking place in Czech Republic

Between 9 and 13 of October, a seminar on topic «Inland Fisheries Management and Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation» in university of CENAKVA «South Bohemian Research Centre of Aquaculture and Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses» (Vodňany, Czech Republic) is taking place.

The seminar is attended by research associate of the laboratory of aquaculture of LLP «Fisheries Research and Production Center» – PhD student Barakov R.T.

The seminar will address the following issues:

1)      Conservation of biological diversity in inland water bodies in the context of ecosystem transformations under the influence of biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors;

2)      Open water fisheries management and food chain regulation in fish stock management;

3)      Fish farming in open waters and rational approaches to fish cultivation in the RAS;

4)      Methods for assessing fish migrations and fishing;

5)      Cultivation of live feeds and the consequences of replacing fish meal with alternative sources on fish immunity;

6)      Methods of cryoconservation of fish sperm and conservation of generical diversity in situ.

In addition, during the seminar it is planned to visit fish farms.