Research work at the State Scientific and Production Enterprise “Burabay”

In accordance with the agreement with the Institute of Geography and Water Security for research work with the State Scientific-Production Enterprise “Burabay” of the UDP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of the implementation of the project “Restoration and conservation of the ecosystem of the “Burabay” for 2024-2025″ LLP ” Fisheries Research and Production Center” began field work on the collection of materials and sampling for analysis in the reservoirs of the Shchuchinsk-Borovskoi resort area.”

It is planned to carry out the necessary instrumental measurements and take samples for hydrochemistry, hydrobiology and ichthyology in seven reservoirs of the Shchuchinsk-Borovskoi zone. In accordance with the terms of reference, it is planned to conduct 4 expedition trips at different times of the year with subsequent processing of materials in laboratory conditions and reflection of the research results in the final report.

Employee certification

In order to ensure compliance of the qualifications of employees with their positions and career prospects, assessment of the level of their professional training and in connection with the expiration of the period, from 15 May 2024 to 27 June 2024 in all branches of the FishRPC, attestation is planned employees.

All employees of FishRPC are subject to attestation: scientific workers, managers and employees of administrative and management personnel, engineering and technical personnel, support staff who have worked at FishRPC for at least 3 months.

The main principles of attestation are transparency, collegiality, and consistency.

The objectives of attestation are:

– Objective assessment of the professional level of employees and their suitability for the position held;

– Identification of problem areas of FishRPC;

– Identifying prospects for the most effective use of employees, stimulating their business activity and professional growth;

– Increasing the level of professional competence and responsibility for the results of the work performed;

– Objective personnel placement of employees of FishRPC, planning for further use in positions in the organizational structures of FishRPC.

The results of the attestation of employees of the head unit and branches of FishRPC for 2024 will be considered at a meeting of the Scientific Council of FishRPC.


Қызметкерлердің атқаратын лауазымы мен қызметтік перспективасы біліктілігінің сәйкестігін қамтамасыз ету, олардың кәсіби даярлығының деңгейін бағалау мақсатында және мерзімінің аяқталуына байланысты 15.05.2024 ж.бастап 27.06.2024 ж. дейін “Балық шаруашылығының ғылыми-өндірістік орталығы” ЖШС барлық бөлімшелерінде қызметкерлерді аттестаттау жоспарланған. 

A patent for a utility model has been obtained

The patent for utility model №9111 «A device for processing fish in natural conditions» received by the FishRPC. Authors: Assylbekova S.Zh., Isbekov K.B., Kulikov E.V., Kim A.I., Tumenov A.N., Bulekov N.U.

The patent was invented within the framework of the Calendar Plan for the Agreement between the FishRPC and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in order to implement the Program of targeted financing for 2023-2025 on the topic: BR21882122 “Sustainable Development of Natural-Industrial and Socio-Economic Systems of the West Kazakhstan Region in the Context of Green Growth: A Comprehensive Analysis, Concept, Forecast Estimates and Scenarios”, subprogram “Assessment of natural resource potential, as the main factor in the development of natural and economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region (block: fish resources).

This research is funded by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of The Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. BR21882122).

The post-realization period continues

In this year, the post-realization period of the joint project with JSC “Science Foundation” on commercialization “Artificial reproduction and cultivation of carp planting material for the purpose of its further implementation for the stocking of natural reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. 

The work on the reproduction of carp is carried out on the basis of a private partner of Kapshagai Spawning and Growing Farm-1973 LLP.

To date, the following has been done: 

– Assessment of the repair and brood stock of carp;

– Hormonal stimulation of carp producers;

– The production of sexual products (caviar and milt);

– Fertilization and incubation of fertilized eggs with the production of carp larvae;

– The stocking of the obtained carp larvae into ponds.

It is worth noting that the repair and brood stock of carp was obtained from wild producers from Lake Alakol.

Scientific research works are being carried out on the river. Ile and Kapshagai reservoir

 From April 24 to the present time, research fellows of FishRPC (head of the expeditionary unit, acting head. laboratory of ichthyology Sansyzbaev E.T., acting junior researcher Igilik R., laboratory assistant Abishev N.B.) research work is being carried out on Ile River and Kapshagai reservoir according to BP 021 (subprogram. 100) “Determination of fish productivity of fishery reservoirs and/or their sites, development of biological justifications for the maximum permissible volumes of catches of fish and other aquatic animals, the regime and regulation of fishing in fishery reservoirs of international, republican significance and reservoirs of the protected areas of the Balkhash-Alakol basin.


The aim of this work is to assess the current state of populations of the main commercial fish species in order to calculate the maximum allowable volumes of fish resources and other aquatic animals and to develop recommendations for the rational management of fishing in the Kapshagai reservoir, the retaining zone, the Ile River in the upper reaches.


Currently, the expedition team is sampling ichthyological materials for biological analysis (size and weight indicators, sex determination and maturity stage of fish, age and fertility).

The meeting was organized on the topic: “Transformation of inland fisheries and aquaculture in Kazakhstan to ensure environmental sustainability”

05/04/2024, the head office of the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP (Almaty) was visited by Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Asylbekov A.S., Head of the Department of Aquaculture Development of the Committee of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gabbasov M.M., Senior FAO Officer for Fisheries and Aquaculture Haidar Fersoy, International Thomas Shipton, Consultant on Fisheries and Aquaculture, coordinator of FAO projects in Kazakhstan A.N. Karabayeva and FAO Program Assistant in Kazakhstan A.Z. Sakhmetova.


Also, the meeting was attended by Deputy General Director of KazNIVI LLP, Doctor of Economics, Professor Abdybekova A.M. and leading researcher of KazNIIPPP LLP Yanvareva N.I.


The meeting was organized to discuss the upcoming project, on the topic: “Transformation of inland fisheries and aquaculture in Kazakhstan to ensure environmental sustainability.”


During the meeting, the General Director of NPTS RH LLP, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor K.B. Isbekov acquainted the participants of the meeting with the history and main activities of the Center. During the discussion, Haidar Fersoy and Thomas Shipton answered questions and listened to suggestions on the project.

Research work on Lake Kolsai

From April 16 to the present, research stuff FishRPC (head of the expeditionary unit, acting head. laboratories of ichthyology Sansyzbaev E.T., acting junior researcher Igilik R., laboratory assistant Abishev N.B.) scientific research is being carried out on the lakes of Lower and Middle Kolsai located in a specially protected natural area (protected areas) of the State National Natural Park “Kolsai Kolderi” according to BP 021 (subprogram. 100) “Determination of fish productivity of fishery reservoirs and/or their sites, development of biological justifications for the maximum permissible volumes of catches of fish and other aquatic animals, the regime and regulation of fishing in fishery reservoirs of international, republican significance and reservoirs of the protected areas of the Balkhash-Alakol basin. Section: Reservoirs located in specially protected natural areas (protected areas) of the lake. Middle and Lower Kolsai.


The purpose of the work is to study trout reproduction on the Kolsai lakes. Currently, the expedition team is sampling ichthyological materials for biological analysis (size and weight indicators, sex determination and maturity stage of fish, age and fertility).


For reference: Lower and Middle Kolsai are located in the Almaty region. Comprehensive scientific research work has been carried out at the Kolsai Lakes by FishRPC since 2017. According to literary sources, the initial ichthyofauna of Lake Lower Kolsai consisted of native fish species – naked osman (Gymnodyptichus dybowskii, Kessler, 1874) and Tibetan stone loach (Triplophysa stolickai, Steindachner, 1866). The Middle Kolsai Lake was fishless. In 1965-1969, 3 and 5 thousand individuals of juveniles (fry) of rainbow trout were moved to Lower Kolsai and 1969 in the Middle Kolsai – 5 thousand individuals. The settlers subsequently successfully naturalized and formed self-reproducing populations, completely displacing the naked osman and partially Tibetan stone loach, which is very rare in catches.

Scientific and practical seminar on the topic “Technologies for growing valuable fish species” on the basis of the Khamit Agricultural production cooperative.

From April 15 to 20, a scientific and practical seminar was held at the “FISH SCHOOL” aquaculture training center for entrepreneurs and fish farmers on the topic “Technologies for growing valuable fish species” on the basis of the Khamit Agricultural production cooperative.

Within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation concluded between the “FishRPC” LLP and the “Khamit” APC, the seminar was conducted by a researcher at the Laboratory of Aquaculture of FishRPC Umirtaeva A.U.

During the seminar, the participants got acquainted with traditional technologies for growing valuable fish species in the conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan, innovative technologies for cultivating promising aquaculture facilities, as well as government support measures for the development of small and medium businesses in the fishing industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

We also studied the preparation of business plans. Practical classes were held at the pond farm of “Khamit” APC, the cage farming “Vita” LLP in the lake and commercial fish farm “Sultan”, at the basin farm of “Baiterek” IP and at the fish processing factory “Khamit” APC.

From April 06 to the present, employees of FishRPC scientific research works are being carried out on reserve reservoirs of local significance of the Zhambyl region under the 021 budget program

From April 06 to the present, employees of FishRPC (Head of the expeditionary detachment Minat A., researcher Karlybayuly S., junior researcher Otegen S. A., senior laboratory assistant Maratovich K., laboratory assistant Sakharin N. K.) scientific research works are being carried out on reserve reservoirs of local significance of the Zhambyl region under the 021 budget program “Determination of fish productivity of fishery reservoirs and/or their sites, development of biological justifications for maximum allowable catches of fish and other aquatic animals, the regime and regulation of fishing in fishery reservoirs of international, republican significance and reservoirs of protected areas of the Balkash-Alakol basin, as well as assessment of the state of fish resources in reserve reservoirs of local importance” 
The purpose of the work is to conduct research to assess the state of commercial resources and the distribution of fish and other aquatic biological resources in the water area of reservoirs of local importance in the Zhambyl region.
The study consists of the following comprehensive research works:
 – selection and processing of hydrochemical samples, field and laboratory research;
– selection and processing of hydrobiological samples (zooplankton and zoobenthos);
 – sampling the natural reproduction of juvenile fish with fry drag (bredny);
 – ichthyological networks for assessing commercial fish stocks.

Аt the head office of the «FishRPCr» LLP, a meeting of the Research Council is being held to review the work programs of research under program 021

Today 03/28/2024, at the head office of the «Fisheries Research and Production Center» LLP, a meeting of the Research Council is being held to review the work programs of research under program 021, subprogram 100 “Ensuring the conservation, reproduction and rational use of wildlife resources” for the lot “Definition fish productivity of fishery reservoirs and/or their areas, development of biological justification for maximum permissible catches of fish and other aquatic animals, the regime and regulation of fishing in fishery reservoirs of international, republican significance and water bodies of protected areas, as well as assessment of the state of fish resources in reserve reservoirs of local importance.”

The meeting is chaired by Deputy General Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor S.Zh. Assylbekova, in offline and online formats.

The following take part in the work of the Research Council:

– Representatives of the customer of the research work, the Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the head of the department of reproduction of fish resources and scientific support of the Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhubayev A.B. and chief expert of the department for the protection of fish resources and regulation of fisheries Kalmuratov M.K.;

-Chairman of the Board of the Association of legal entities “Republican Association of Fisheries and Aquaculture “Qazaq balyk” Rysbayev A.Zh.;

– Scientific staff of all branches of «FishRPC» LLP;

Based on the results of the work of the Research Council, the considered research work programs will be proposed for approval to the General Director of FishRPC» LLP.