Mission, vision, strategy of the center

FishRPC Mission – Save and enhance fisheries resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to open new possibilities of their use.

Vision – FishRPC through the implementation of the mission and the strategy aims to become a scientific research institute of international level in the field of fisheries and ecology of aquatic biocenoses.

FishRPC Strategy until is to create a system for obtaining scientific products conforming to international standards, a reliable system of implementation of the results of research into the practice of fisheries, a stable financial position, provided by public and private research work orders.

History of Fish RPC

Kazakhstan occupies the 2 nd place after Russia among the “Union of independent states” countries in terms of inland waters, the fishery has eight pools, which resulted in a corresponding diversity and fish stocks. The fish fauna of the republic in the first quarter of the 20th century there were about 100 species and subspecies of fish. Subsequently, since the 1930s, it has undergone significant changes mainly due to large-scale acclimatization. Currently, the fish fauna are more than 150 species, many of which are valuable fishing and some – endemic to individual basins. Such species as the Balkhash perch, salmon Aral, Aralbarbel are the bearers of a unique gene pool. Unique is the fish fauna of the Caspian Sea – the world`s gene pool and reserve stocks of sturgeon.

The history of the institute began with the organization in 1929 in Aralsk fisheries research station, Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography. In 1933, a branch of the station has been opened in the city of Balkhash, which in 1934 became an independent research station VNIRO. In 1938 the station was transferred from Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography Systems, Scientific Research Institute of Lake and River Fisheries and converted into its compartment.In 1957, Aral and Balkhash department of conducting Scientific Research Institute of Lake and River Fisheries were transferred to the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (Scientific Research Institute of Lake and River Fisheries Order number 92 from 29.08.1957g., Regulation of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR number 749 from 22.10.1957g., Decree of the Kazakh SSR number 474 and 481 from 10.11.1957g ., Institute of Zoology of the order № 149 from 14.11.1957g.), which, moreover, had since the middle of 1950 has ichthyological point in Ust-Kamenogorsk.Due to the presence of water and rich fishing resources in 1959, it was decided to set up in Kazakhstan in the system of the Republican Academy of Sciences, an independent Institute of Ichthyology and Fisheries .Po the v1959, the Decision of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR and the Communist Party of Kazakhstan from 20.08.1958g. Number 725 and the Decree of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of 19.03.1959g. Number 417 from the Institute of Zoology of structure (based on his department Ichthyology and Hydrobiology) was isolated Institute of Ichthyology and Fisheries KazSSR located in Guryev (now Atyrau) and its subordinate Altai, Aral, Balkhash and Zhezkazgan offices ichthyological reference points.In 1963.in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR from 02.07.1962g. Number 523 and on the basis of Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR from 29.04.1963g. Number 619 Institute of Ichthyology and Fisheries KazSSR was transferred to the State Committee for Fisheries at the USSR Council of Ministers (Transfer Act of 15.12.1962g.) And transformed into the Kazakh Research Institute of Fisheries (KazNIIRH).In the same year, by order of the State Committee for Fisheries № 150 from 02.04.1963g. The institute was relocated from the city of Guryev in Balkhash. In the future, in connection with the transformation of the State Committee for Fisheries of the USSR Council of Ministers at the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR Institute was subordinated to the Ministry. Remaining in Guryev laboratory sturgeon KazNIIRH then became a member of the Ural-Caspian branch of the Central Research Institute of sturgeon fisheries, passed in 1988 under the authority KaspNIIRH (Astrakhan).In 1976, on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR from 17.02.1976g.KazNIIRH number 98 was handed over to the Ministry of Fisheries of the Kazakh SSR. This status of the Institute remained until his transfer head unit in 1987 from the city of Balkhash in Alma-Ata in connection with the beginning of perestroika management system and to strengthen qualified personnel. Subsequent numerous transformations and name changes and the structure of the Institute and its laboratories are largely connected with the search for optimal solutions to the changing socio – economic conditions.

In 1987.basedKazNIIRH, Kapchagai experimental demonstration fish farm, Almaty and Ust-Kamenogorsk pond farms were established Kazakh Scientific and Production Association of Fisheries (KazNPORH) state-cooperative association Kazrybhoz at the State Agricultural Committee of the Kazakh SSR.In the period of 1989-1991.from the KazNPORH were withdrawn prudhozy and fish farm and KazNIIRH December 1991. It began to operate as an independent scientific – research institution.Since January, 1992. (Resolution of the Cabinet of 09.01.1992g number 15.) KazNIIRH with four compartments – Altai, Aral, Balkhash and North – Kazakhstan and Pavlodar reference point passed in the Kazakh Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

In 1992, funding for the Ural-Caspian department Ural-Caspian branch of the Central Research Institute of sturgeon fisheries, was discontinued. At its base formed a small scientific enterprise “Zhayyktykorgau” was incorporated in the Committee of Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Later, it was transformed in the Ural-Caspian Fisheries Research Institute.In 1994, Ural-Caspian Fisheries Research Institute transformed into a department of AtyrauKazNIIRH.In 1995. It disbanded the North-Kazakhstan branch of the institute.In 1996 KazNIIRH inducted into the National Academic Centre for Agrarian Studies (NATSAI) of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan.In 1999, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK KazNIIRH it was transformed into the State Enterprise “KazNIIRH” and his department renamed branches.In 2002, the Government Resolution dated October 29, 1148 number of RSE “KazNIIRH” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), and then reorganized by transforming the Republican State Enterprise (RSE) on the right of economic management “Scientific – production Centre for Fisheries “(” NPH PX “), the Ministry of Agriculture, together with affiliates.

In 2006, it established the North (Kokshetau) and West Kazakhstan (Uralsk) branch NPTs PX.In 2007, the RSE “SPC PX” at first reorganized into joint-stock company “KazAgroInnovation”.In 2010, at the Balkhash branch of LLP “KazNIIRH” Distribution Center established knowledge in the field of agriculture “Balkhash”.

In 2013, the Northern branch relocated from Kokshetau to Astana maintaining strongholds in the cities of Kostanay, Petropavlovsk, and offices in the city of Karaganda.

In 2015, KazNIIRH transferred to the Non-Profit JSC “National Agricultural Research and Education Center” (NAO “NANOTS”).In 2018, by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Non-Commercial Joint Stock Company “NASEC”, Kazakh Research Institute of Fishery was renamed by into “Research and Production Center of Fisheries” (RPC of Fisheries) LLP. This ordinance came into force in February 2019.By Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08.09.2020 No. 558, “Research and Production Center of Fisheries” LLP was transferred under a donation agreement from the private property of the noncommercial joint-stock company “National Agrarian Scientific and Educational Center” (NCJSC “NASEC”) to the republican property to the Committee of State Property and Privatization of the Ministry of finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the right to own and use state shares in the authorized capital of the partnership by throw to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.By Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2020, No. 955, Research and Production Center for Fisheries LLP was transferred to the Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the right to own and use state shares in the authorized capital of the partnership.

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 3, 2024 No. 426 “On measures to further improve the public administration system of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan is determined as the authorized part for the management of the fishing industry (sphere) of public administration in relation to the republican state institution “Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been transferred the rights of ownership and use of the state share in the limited liability partnership “Fisheries Research and Production Center”.


General director, Doctor of Biological Sciences,Professor, academician of the NAAS
Isbekov Kuanysh Baybolatovich

CEO`s councelor
Romashov Yuriy Tulegenovich

Deputy general director, Doctor of Biological Sciences,Professor, academician of the NAAS
Assylbekova Saule Zhangirovna

Chief Scientific Secretary, PhD
Mukhramova Alyona Aleksandrovna

Meeting on the topic: “On the development of fisheries and aquaculture”

Today, June 12, 2024, in accordance with the Plan of main activities for the implementation of the powers of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the eighth convocation for the second session, the Committee on Agrarian Issues is holding a thematic meeting on the topic: “On the development of fisheries and aquaculture.”


The meeting is attended by the General Director of the FishRPC LLP, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Isbekov K.B. with a report on the topic: “The state and problems of scientific support for the industry.”


The meeting program includes a discussion of the following issues:

Current state, problems and prospects for the development of the fishing industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

State and problematic issues of protection and reproduction of fish resources.

Condition, main problems of functioning of fishery enterprises and factors hindering the development of aquaculture.

State and problems of personnel supply in the industry.

Issues of social support for inspectors exercising state control and supervision in the field of fisheries.

Growth and problems of development of the fish processing industry, production of equipment and high-quality feed.

Other problematic issues, plans and proposals for the development of the industry.

“Artificial reproduction and cultivation of carp fish seeding material for the purpose of its further sale for stocking natural reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Currently, the post-implementation period continues within the framework of the commercialization project “Artificial reproduction and cultivation of carp fish seeding material for the purpose of its further sale for stocking natural reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan” financed by the Science Foundation JSC.

This project is being implemented on the basis of the Kapashagay Spawning and Rearing Farm LLP – 1973, in the Almaty region.

Employees of FishRPC LLP carried out the following work:

1. Valuation of repair and breeding stock of carp;

2. Selection of reproductive products from carp producers;

3. Incubation of fertilized eggs;


4. Raising carp larvae

Research work on the Kapshagai reservoir and the Ili River

From May 18 to the present, by employees of FishRPC LLP (head of the expedition team – Makambetov S.Zh., acting head of ichthyology laboratories – Sansyzbaev E.T., acting junior researcher Igilik R., scientific employee – Mukatai A., senior laboratory assistant – Maratuly K. and laboratory assistant – Abishev N.B.) research work is carried out on the Kapshagai reservoir and the Ile River according to BP 021 “Determination of fish productivity of fishery reservoirs and/or their areas, development of biological justification for maximum permissible volumes of catches of fish and other aquatic animals, regime and regulation of fishing in fishery reservoirs of international, republican significance and reservoirs of the Balkhash-Alakol Basin Specially protected natural areas Section: Kapshagai reservoir and Ile River.”

The purpose of this work is to assess the current state of populations of the main commercial fish species to calculate the maximum permissible volumes of removal of fish resources and other aquatic animals and to develop recommendations for the rational management of fishing in the Kapshagai reservoir, the backwater zone, and the Ile River (upper reaches).

Currently, the expedition team is carrying out the following work:

– selection and analysis of hydrochemical samples;

-collection of hydrobiological samples during the growing season (zooplankton, phytoplankton and zoobenthos) and fish nutrition during the feeding period;

– networking for biological analysis of commercial ichthyofauna in fishing areas (biotopes).

During the period of scientific research work at the Kapshagai reservoir, the chief specialist of the Kapshagai fishery inspection department of the Balkhash-Alakol interregional basin fisheries inspection N.V. Shkurkin takes part.

“Artificial reproduction, cultivation and sale of one year grass carp in the conditions of the second and third fish-breeding zones”

From May 22, 2024 to the present, work continues within the framework of the commercialization project No. AP15573704: “Artificial reproduction, cultivation and sale of one year grass carp in the conditions of the second and third fish-breeding zones,” financed by the Science Foundation JSC.

This project is being implemented on the basis of the grant recipient, Bukhtarma Spawning and Rearing Farm LLP, in the East Kazakhstan region.

Currently, the staff (senior researcher Bulavina N.B., researcher Bulavin E.F.) of the FishRPC have carried out the following work:

  1. Valuation of the breeding stock of grass carp;
  2. Selection of reproductive products from grass carp breeders;
  3. Incubation of fertilized eggs;
  4. Stocking the nursery pond with grass carp larvae.


The larvae are currently being reared.

Research of the Alakol lake system

From May 18 to the present, by the employees of «FishRPC» LLP (Chiefs of the expedition team Minat A., Karlybayuly S., researcher Zhdanko L.A., acting junior researcher Bakkozha Zh. M., junior researcher Otegen S. A., laboratory assistant Sakharin. N.K.) research work is carried out on the lakes of the Alakol lake system under budget program 021 “Management, ensuring the conservation and development of fish resources”, under subprogram 100 “Ensuring the conservation, reproduction and rational use of fish resources and others aquatic animals”.

The following comprehensive work is being carried out:

🔻 selection and processing of hydrochemical samples, field and laboratory research;

🔻 selection and processing of hydrobiological samples (zooplankton, zoobenthos, phytoplankton, and nektobenthos);

 🔻 sampling of natural reproduction of juvenile fish with fry drag (nonsense);

🔻 ichthyological networks for assessing commercial fish stocks.

During the period of scientific research work on reservoirs, the acting head of the Alakol fish inspection department, Suleimenov N.B., took part.

Research into the Alakol lake system continues.

Work continues at the Burabay State Research and Production Enterprise

In accordance with the agreement with the Institute of Geography and Water Security for research work with the State Scientific-Production Enterprise “Burabay” of the UDP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of the implementation of the project “Restoration and conservation of the ecosystem of the “Burabay” for 2024-2025″ LLP ” Fisheries Research and Production Center” continues work on collecting materials in 7 reservoirs of the Shchuchinsk-Borovsk resort area.

So, from May 20 to May 27, 2024, employees of the Northern Branch, with the participation of representatives of the head division, took 275 water samples to determine the salt composition, the content of nutrients (ammonium nitrogen, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates), heavy metals (atomic emission analysis), phenolic index, as well as synthetic surfactants (SS). Processing of the collected water samples will be carried out in certified laboratories located in the cities of Karaganda and Almaty.

Students got acquainted with the work of a fish farm

On May 26, 2024, a meeting was held with students of the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, during which a researcher at the aquaculture laboratory, Barakov R.T. An introductory tour was conducted at the base of the Kapshagai spawning and breeding farm 1973 LLP. During the excursion, students got acquainted with the main production processes during the incubation campaign, the operating principle of fish farming equipment and mini-installations of closed water supply, as well as the organization of ponds for growing larvae, fingerlings and commercial fish of heat-loving aquaculture objects – carp, grass carp and silver carp.