Restrictions and prohibitions on the use of wildlife and fish resources in the reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The order of the acting as the chairman of the Committee of forestry and fauna of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 24, 2015 No. 190 imposed restrictions and a prohibitions on use of fauna objects, including when fishing in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

According to the Order of the Balkhash-Alakol Interregional Basin Fishery Inspection (BAMBIRH) dated April 1, 2022 No. 23 н/қ during the spawning period of fish in 2022, a prohibition on fishing was introduced in the Kapshagay reservoir and all rivers and watercourses falling into it from April 15, 2022 to May 30, 2022 (inclusive).

The timing of the introduction of a prohibition on fishing on Lake Balkhash and the Alakol system of lakes, as well as in other regions of the republic, will be announced additionally, based on the results of a study of these reservoirs for the temperature regime and maturation of the gonads of commercial fish species. Detailed information on all regions of the country is available on the website of the information and legal system of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Adilet, as well as on the website When fishing, it is necessary to strictly comply with the established of the law requirements, for the violation of which both administrative and criminal liability is provided.

From March 30 to April 06 the employees of the Balkhash branch the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP are conducting research work

From March 30 to April 06 employees of the Balkhash branch the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP carry out research work on the Ili River (Tasmurun district) within framework of the Agreement under program 256, subprogram 102.

Expeditionary work includes:

  • – Daily monitoring of the temperature regime of the Ili River;
  • – Selection of hydrochemical and hydrobiological samples;
  • – Nets measurements of fish of each species were made, taking into account the temporary instructions, taking the length, weight, scales for age;
  • – Selection of mature commercial fish species for determine absolute individual fertility (AIF).

The objects of research are commercial fish populations and hydrobiocenoses.  Material is being collected for the development of a biological justification for the limits of fish catching and other water animals on the Ile River.

The obtained scientific data on the status of fish stocks, their biological characteristics are the basis for calculating catch limits and developing a strategy for careful management of stocks and ensuring sustainable fishery, optimal distribution of fishing efforts in the water area of reservoirs.

For the period of research work, the spawning course of asp was noted, according to the result of catches from 100 specimens of caught asp: 42% finished spawning, 52% at stage IV, 6% are juvenile. Works on catching asp are carried out by floatable nylon fishnets. 

Comparative experiments on selectivity of catch by various fishnets within control catch

On April 2, 2022, as part of the control fishing with participation of the Balkhash-Alakol Interregional Basin Inspection of Fishery and the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, a comparative experiment was begun on the selectivity between of the traditional fishing gears (nylon nets) and the monofilament (fishing line) with a cell pitch of 30 to 100 mm. 

This experiment will last for 10 days, as a result of which fishing gears with a minimum size of the constructive cell pitch will be recommended, which will not allow the possibility of by-catch of juvenile fish (non-commercial sizes, that is, immature specimens) in order to further preserve and ensure the reproduction of fish resources.

We invite all interested parties to participate in this action!

Fish species related to alien relatives found in Kazakhstan water reservoirs and their impact on the environment

Systematically related species are species that came into the environment specifically or accidentally, in addition to their main habitat. These species adapt quickly, when the environment for them is  favorable. Alien species are widely distributed throughout the world and are found in all categories of living organisms (plants, animals, fish, etc.) and in all types of ecosystems.

According to the latest data, black bream, whitefish, tilapia, snakehead live in the Ili River and the Kapchagai reservoir. Almost all of this fish came from neighboring China, that is, from the transboundary Ili River. Exotic species have a negative impact on biodiversity, ecosystems, and populations. They lead to habitat changes, competition for nutrients, predation, disease and loss of genetic diversity.

Scientific research is needed to determine the presence of alien species in water reservoirs. Preservation of biodiversity is an urgent problem today. This is reflected in the Convention on Biological Diversity. In order to resolve this issue, the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP has begun to conduct research within the Program “Comprehensive assessment of the status of fish resources and other hydrobionts of the main fishery reservoirs of Kazakhstan and development of evidence-based recommendations for their sustainable use.”

Employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP carried out research work

During the research, the following works were carried out:

  • a general monitoring of the catches of recreational fishermen was carried out;
  • the species composition of the caught fish was determined;
  • the biological indicators of these fish were taken;
  • experiments were carried out with winter rods to determine the catchability of various fishing equipment and baits.

On March 03-05, 2022, the Coordination and Academic Councils of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP were held

The Council considered annual work programs for 2022 on targeted financing programs:

– STP “Scientific and technological support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and new fish farming facilities”;

– STP “Complex assessment of the status of fish resources and other hydrobiotics of the main fishing reservoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of scientifically based recommendations for their sustainable use”.

Also, at the Academic Council, the leading researcher of the ichthyology laboratory, E.V. Kulikov, held a working seminar on the subject: “Systematic actions to improve the quality of predictive researches by the example of the Kapshagai reservoir and the Alakol lake system, modernization of the scheme for calculating the maximum permissible level (MPL) and modeling status of bioreserves to verify the MSY criteria”.

The chairman of the Fishery Committee held a meeting with users of natural resources

On February 10, 2022, chairman of the Fishery Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhunusov Nariman Talgatovich arrived on a working visit to Kyzylorda.

During the visit, in the conference hall of the Aral-Syrdarya interregional basin inspection of fishery with the participation of deputy akim of the Aral region Abishev Yerkin Zhumakhanovich, head of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management Shamenov Baurzhan Serikovich, director of the Aral branch of the Scientific and Production Center of Fishery LLP Barakbayev Tynysbek Temirkhanovich and director of the Association of Fisheries-BD Balkeev Abzal Pernebaevich held a meeting.

During the meeting, the issues of fisheries in the region were discussed, proposals from users of natural resources were heard.

A seminar was held in the head department of the RPC of Fishery LLP, the leading researcher of the ichthyology laboratory E.V. Kulikov

A seminar on the topic was held in the head department of the RPC of Fishery LLP, the leading researcher of the ichthyology laboratory E.V. Kulikov: “Systematic measures to improve the quality of predictive studies on the example of the Kapshagai reservoir and the Alakol lake system, modernization of the scheme for calculating maximum allowable catches and modeling the state of stocks to test the MSY criterion.”

The seminar was dedicated to the advanced training of young specialists of the RPC of Fishery LLP and was held with the participation of Altai, Aral, Balkhash, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and Northern branches in an online format.

The following issues were considered during the seminar:

  1. Research planning
  2. Fishing work
  3. Exact compliance with research methods
  4. The use of such fishing gear that ensure the collection of material for all size and age groups of fish
  5. Lc50 and Lm50 indicators
  6. Modeling of stock status

During the seminar, topical issues on improving the quality of research in reservoirs were considered, the main attention was paid to the means of collecting and processing ichthyological material. In addition, the schemes of work on the accumulation of data in the field, the correctness of sampling at the stations were considered.

One of the main objectives of the seminar was to achieve correct data processing when calculating the number of fish in reservoirs using modern methods. In particular, special attention was paid to the catch coefficients of fishing gear, which are important in calculating the maximum allowable catches and modeling the state of fish stocks

Appropriate reclamation works were carried out on the loose section of Lake Alakol Zhaypak

The scientific staff of the Ichthyology Laboratory of the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP, together with the inspectors of the Department of the Alakol Fish Inspection, as well as with the participation of volunteers, in order to prevent the death of fish resources and other aquatic animals in winter due to lack of oxygen, appropriate reclamation work was carried out on the loose section of Lake Alakol Zhaypak.

During these works, about 140 holes were drilled, in which reed sheaves were installed to enrich the water with oxygen and prevent the death of fish. In total, 16 people, 1 motodrill and 4 vehicles were involved in the event.

Specialists of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP conducted research within the task of the PTF program

As part of the task of the program-targeted financing (PTF) “Complex assessment of the status of fish resources and other hydrobionts of the main fishing reservoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of scientifically based recommendations for their sustainable use”, for 2021-2023, specialists of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP was conducted studies to assess the hydrological and hydrochemical regime and feed base (zooplankton and macrozoobenthos) of the Zhaiyk river.

2021 is characterized as a dry year, which negatively affected the conditions of hydrobionts of the Zhaiyk River during the spawning migrations of sturgeon. The natural reproduction of sturgeons remains at a low level, a small number of  juveniles of stellate sturgeon and sterlet are noted. Today, work continues on the assessment of the genetic diversity of sturgeon fish selected from the natural environment of the Zhaiyk River for the formation of broodstocks at the sturgeon hatchery (RGKP “UAORZ” and “AORZ”).

The good news is the capture of winter forms of stellate sturgeon and russian sturgeon. The results of this work will serve as the basis for the development of complex recommendations for the conservation of sturgeon biodiversity through the formation of sturgeon’s broodstocks at sturgeon hatcheries, aquaculture of sturgeon farms in the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the genetic structure of producers and their genetic certification.