Comparative experiment on selectivity of catch between traditional (nylon) fishnets vs monofilament net

From April 15, 2022, as part of the control fishing with participation of the Balkhash-Alakol Interregional Basin Inspection of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, a comparative experiment was begun on the selectivity between of the traditional fishing equipment (nylon nets) and the monofilament (fishing line) with a cell pitch of 30 to 100 mm. 

These research works will be carried out during the period: in the western Balkhash from 15.04 to 22.04.2022, in the eastern Balkhash from 20.04 to 27.04.2022.

As a result of which fishing equipment with a minimum size of the constructive cell pitch will be recommended, which will not allow the possibility of by-catch of juvenile fish (non-commercial sizes, that is, immature specimens) in order to further preserve and ensure the reproduction of fish resources. 

We invite all interested parties to participate in this action!

For participation in the experiment, please contact with the following phone numbers:

  • +7 (707) 404-96-17 Asemkhanov Adilet, chief specialist of the Balkhash inspection department.
  • +7 (776) 831-81-72 Tagaev Doszhan Ospanbekovich, head of the expedition team of the Balkhash branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP.

Export of processed artemia cysts in Kazakhstan has a bright future

The export of processed artemia cysts has a huge potential and can become one of the main directions for the development of the domestic production of export-oriented starter biofeeds with a high added value for the needs of aquaculture. Stocks of artemia cysts that mined in Kazakhstan are exported in the primary processed form to the PRC at a low cost, approximately $2-8/kg. Certification of processed products, i.e. dry artemia cysts, will increase its value many times over, from about $30 to $300/kg, and thus open up opportunities for export to other countries, as well as provide domestic aquaculture producers with a quality product.

Currently, there is no regulatory procedure for the certification of artemia cysts in Kazakhstan and entrepreneurs cannot present competitive products to the international market. In this case, the laboratory of hydrobiology and hydroanalysts of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, together with the SPC of Microbiology and Virology, is working as part of the task of the targeted financing program (TFP) program “Assessment of production, genetic, chemical and microbiological parameters to develop recommendations for the certification of artemia cysts in reservoirs of Kazakhstan” for 2021 -2023. The work is aimed at developing recommendations for assessing the quality of artemia cysts in accordance with international requirements, for further certification and increasing the export potential of Kazakhstan.

In this regard, in 2021, 11 reservoirs of Pavlodar, Kyzylorda, North Kazakhstan regions were studied. This year it is planned to study 10 other reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the moment they are preparing for expeditionary trips.

The scientists of the Balkhash branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP continue to carry out fish breeding work

As part of the implementation of the TFP program “Scientific and technological support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and new fish farming facilities” for 2021-2023, the scientists of the Balkhash branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP continue a fish breeding work on the formation of a replacement brood stock of the Balkhash marinka (Schizothorax argentatus Kessler) in industrial conditions.

At this stage of the work, the size and weight characteristics and the gender of the Balkhash marinka specimens of the formed herd are determined, and the physiological state of potential spawners is assessed.

of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP congratulates own employees and veterans on the Day of Science Workers

Today, April 12 2022, CEO of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP K.B. Isbekov congratulated own employees and veterans on the Day of Science Workers, and also expressed his huge gratitude for the significant contribution to development of fishery science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and training of young specialists of our center.

April 12 – Day of Science workers

Dear colleagues, we congratulate you on the Day of Science workers!

The work of a scientist is always interesting, hard job, which inspires respect at all times. With your work, energy and enthusiasm you make an invaluable contribution to development of science.

On this significant day, we would like to wish you to find unique projects and works, in the planning and implementation of which the spirit of national science, great and useful discoveries, interesting and worthy achievements are realized!

From April 04 to April 08, 2022 in the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP the exchange of experience seminar was held

From April 04 to April 08, 2022 in the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP was held the scientific and practical exchange of experience seminar among hydrochemists, on the subject “Assessment of a conditions of reservoirs of fishery value by methods of the hydrochemical analysis”. The seminar was participated by: O.A. Sharipova, head of laboratory of the Balkhash branch, A.A. Aitkalyeva, head of the test center, S.Y. Dolgopolova, senior researcher, A. Minat, head of the expedition team, Mukatai, researcher.
During the seminar the following questions were considered:

  • – selection, preservation and storage of tests of water of the studied reservoirs;
  • – methods of determination of hydrochemical parameters in field conditions;
  • – determination of ion-salt structure of fresh and salty water objects by titrimetric methods;
  • – analysis of influence of abiotic factors on water organisms;
  • – planning of hydrochemical researches for the solution of scientific and practical tasks in the fishery industry;
  • – working off of methods of carrying out analyses of hydrochemical indicators, for expansion of area of accreditation of SPC of Fishery LLP.

Following the results of a seminar the participants successfully passed the test for the level of development of knowledge and got certificates. Certificates were presented by the deputy CEO S.Zh. Asylbekova.

Works within the project of commercialization of the financed JSC Fund of Science are begun

Works within the project of commercialization of the financed JSC Fund of Science are begun:  “Artificial reproduction and cultivation of fish stock of sazan for the purpose of its further implementation for stocking of natural water reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Catching and bonification of producers of sazan is made. Fish will be divided by sex, seated in special live-fish tanks and transported to pre-spawning ponds for the further spawning action.

Works on electronic digital chipping of sazan are conducted.

Works on electronic digital chipping of sazan by specialists of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP is carrying out. Electronic fish chipping is one of the most promising technologies today. Today, the presence of electronic identification numbers for farmed fish in every fishery is an indication of the consistent development of new fish farming methods.

Today, within the fishery development program of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a meeting was held

Today, within the fishery development program of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a meeting was held between the head of the OIE (Office International des Epizooties) regional office in Nur-Sultan, M.K. Taitubaev and a specialist in fish diseases from Italy, Mario Latini. The meeting was attended by: Deputy Chairman of the Fisheries Committee, A.S. Asylbekova, CEO of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, K.B. Isbekov, Deputy CEO of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, S.Zh. Asylbekova, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the “Kazakh Research Veterinary Institute” LLP, A.M. Abdybekova, representative of the Association “Kazakh Balyk”, M.T. Tursynali. During this meeting, issues were raised to ensure the conservation and development of the country’s aquatic biodiversity, as well as proposals for organizing a joint international project, which should be aimed at improving the health and well-being of aquatic animals, as well as improving the quality of fish products in the country.

About mutual cooperation the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP and VITA LLP

Within the Memorandum of mutual cooperation the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP and VITA LLP held a scientific and practical seminar at the fisheries school “Fish school Shardara” for businessman and fish farmers on the subject “Technologies for growing valuable species of fish and their processing”.

At a seminar the senior researcher of the aquaculture, N.S. Badryzlova was shared with her experience. During the seminar a trip was made to the fish farm of the agricultural production farm “Hamit” for holding a practical lesson.