Scientific support of the commercialization project of Eurasian carp (sazan) is underway

The employees of the “RPC of Fishery” LLP, within the the “Artificial reproduction and cultivation of fish stock of Eurasian carp (sazan) for the purpose of its further sale for stocking natural reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan” commercialization project, provide scientific support for reproduction of sazan on the base of a private partner, “Kapshagai NVH-1973” LLP.

Currently, work has been carried out on the selection of gender products from the producers of sazan. After fertilization, the caviar were transferred to the hatchery for further incubation.

During the work, the larvae will be reared under controlled conditions of RAS and then they will be released into ponds for further cultivation and sale of sazan stock for fish stocking of natural reservoirs.

At this stage, the employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP observe the process of sazan embryogenesis.

In the photo – the stage of the beginning of pigmentation of the eye of the fish:

The body of the embryo makes weak movements. At the age of a little more than two days, segmentation of the caudal region is observed. By this time, body segmentation is almost complete. Black pigment appears in the eyes. The parts of the brain now look different. Otoliths are formed in the ear capsules.

At “KIO” (Kuban Institute of Sturgeon Breeding) LLC, together with the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, the broodstock of the ship sturgeon is being appraisal in progress

Currently, within the the PTF project “Research of populations of rare and endangered species of fish and alien hydrobionts in order to develop recommendations for the artificial reproduction of rare species and prevention of the spread of alien species of fish and other hydrobionts”, at “KIO” (Kuban Institute of Sturgeon Breeding) LLC, together with the participation of employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP: Deputy CEO, Doctor of Biological Sciences Asylbekova S.Zh. and Head of the laboratory of genetics of hydrobionts Shalgimbayeva G.M. the broodstock of the ship sturgeon is being appraisal in progress.

From April 20-26, 2022, the delegations of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan visited the capital of Thailand, Bangkok

From April 20-26, 2022, within the GIZ regional project “Environmentally oriented regional development of the Aral Sea region” the delegations of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan visited the capital of Thailand, Bangkok. The purpose of this trip is “Exchange of experience in growing Artemia and other aquaculture products in Thailand”.

Participants from Kazakhstan were E. Suykbaev, chief expert of the Committee of Fishery of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Zh. Mazhibaeva, head of the laboratory of hydrobiology and hydroanalysts of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP. On the part of Uzbekistan there were representatives of relevant ministries, departments and industry science.

A general briefing was held, the conference participants visited the Department of Fisheries of Thailand (DOF), the network of aquaculture centers in the Asia-Pacific region (NACA), etc.. At the meeting, welcoming speeches were made by the CEO of DOF and Professor Patrick Sorgeloos. Next, representatives of the aquaculture sector of Thailand were distributed at the conference, with a focus on the participation of many famous sides (public and private sector, education and R&D, extension services, farmers’ associations, etc.).

Together with the delegation from Uzbekistan and Professor Patrick Sorgeloos, various issues on aquaculture in Thailand, artemia as starter feed and the possibility of introducing their technologies in our countries were discussed.

Research work on the formation of a pike broodstock and its reproduction is being carried out

Within the PTF program: “Scientific and technological support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and new fish farming facilities”, on the task: “Development and implementation of industrial technologies for growing promising fish farming objects and invertebrate hydrobionts in the conditions of fish breeding enterprises in Kazakhstan.” employees of the laboratory of aquaculture of the “RPC of Fisheries” (senior researcher Bulavina N.B, researcher Bulavin E.F) together with the base enterprise Bukhtarma NVH (BNVH) LLP carry out research work on the formation of a replacement broodstock of pike and its reproduction.

Currently, work on the selection of gender products from pike producers has been carried out. After fertilization, the caviar were transferred to the hatchery for further incubation.

As a result of the work, the resulting larvae will be reared under controlled conditions of RAS (recirculating aquaculture system), and then they will be released into ponds for further rearing and formation of pike broodstock.

The employees of the “RPC of Fisheries”, senior researcher, Dolgopolova S.Y. and, researcher, Mukatai A.A. was completed offline courses

Inside April 20-22, 2022, the employees of the “RPC of Fisheries”, senior researcher, Dolgopolova S.Y. and, researcher, Mukatai A.A. completed offline courses by subject: Assessment of uncertainty of measurement results” in “Kazakhstan Institute for Advanced Training in Technical Regulation, Metrology and Management Systems LLP». 

The program included a three-day training, lectures were held on the subject: “Requirements for the assessment of uncertainty of measurement in accordance with GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2019; regulatory database for estimation of uncertainty of measurement; guidance on the expression of uncertainty of measurement; stages of estimation of uncertainty of measurement; main groups of the sources of uncertainty of measurement; causal diagram. Also, practical classes were held in the following subjects: calculation of uncertainty and measurement results; coefficient of correlation, coverage and sensitivity; calculation of coefficient and budget of uncertainty; preparation of a report on the uncertainty of measurements; management of significant attachments of measurement preparation of a report on the uncertainty of measurements; management of significant attachments of measurement uncertainty.

At the end of the course, our employees passed the exams with an “excellent” mark and took certificates.

The first stage of sampling for genetic analysis of sturgeons has begun

Within the project “Formation and effective use of sturgeon broodstocks, taking into account their genetic diversity in the conditions of sturgeon fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the first stage of sampling for genetic analysis of sturgeon fish at the Republican state-owned enterprise (RGKP) “UAORZ” began with the participation of employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, including Deputy CEO, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Asylbekova S.Zh. and Head of the Laboratory of Hydrobiont Genetics Shalgimbaeva G.M. Based on the results of genotyping, the Center will develop and transfer genetic passports for sturgeons selected for the broodstock.

In the Bukhtarma reservoir at fish areas №5 and №10, work was carried out to assess the status of fish resources

According to the plan of ichthyological work of the Zaisan-Yertis Interregional Basin Inspection of Fisheries in the Bukhtarma reservoir at fish areas №5 and №10, employees of the inspection together with employees of the Altai branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” with the participation of the service of huntsmans of users of nature during the period from April 23 to April 24, 2022 work was carried out to assess the status of fish resources. 

Work is also underway on the subject of catchability and selectivity of commercial fishing gear permitted for use (nylon nets) and fishing gear prohibited for use (monofilament and monofiber nets). Work is continue.

More than 20 million whitefish larvae were released into the water reservoirs of the Zaisan-Ertis basin

More than 20 million whitefish larvae were released into the water reservoirs of the Zaisan-Ertis basin.

As part of the implementation of the public contract for 2022, for the artificial reproduction of fish resources, April 22 of this year, “Shygys Universal” LLP released 4.5 million of the ripus (Coregonus albula) larvae into the Bukhtarma reservoir.

The release was carried out by a commission, which included representatives of the Zaisan-Ertis Interregional basin Inspection of fishery, the akimat, the republican “Association of fisheries-BD”, also attended by employees of the Altai branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP and representatives of the media.

We remind you that earlier, from April 18 to April 20, 2022, “Shygys Universal” LLP also released more than 17.1 million whitefish species into the Shulba reservoir as part of the implementation of the public contract. Activities for the broodstocking of fishery reservoirs of national importance continue.

Comparative experiment on selectivity of catch between traditional (nylon) fishnets vs monofilament net continues

Comparative experiment on selectivity of catch between traditional (nylon) fishnets vs monofilament net continues with a cell pitch of 30 to 100 mm. 

The event is held within the control fishing, by the employees of the Balkhash branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, together with the inspectors of the Balkhash department of the Balkhash-Alakol Interregional Basin Fishery Inspectiion (BAMBIRH).

The CEO of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, Isbekov K.B. personally got acquainted with the progress of work on place.

The works on the reproduction of sazan on the bases of a private partner – the “Kapshagai NVH-1973” LLP are carrying out

Employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP are carrying out work within the commercialization project “Artificial reproduction and cultivation of sazan fish stock for the purpose of its further realization for stocking natural reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan” on the reproduction of sazan on the bases of a private partner – the “Kapshagai NVH-1973” LLP (spawning-release farm) and also provide scientific support in conducting a spawning campaign of cyprinids, in accordance with the Memorandum of Cooperation between the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP and the “Kapshagai NVH-1973” LLP.