Specialists are developing methods for domesticating of the Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) spawners in Kazakhstan

The employees of the laboratory of hydrobiont genetics, the laboratory of aquaculture of the head unit and the Atyrau branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP together with foreign specialists carry out work within the task: “Formation and effective use of sturgeon broodstocks, taking in attention their genetic diversity in the conditions of sturgeon fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan” of the budgetary program: “Comprehensive assessment of the condition of fish resources and other hydrobionts of the main fishing water reservoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of science-based recommendations for their sustainable use” for 2021-2023 under the supervision of the Deputy CEO of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, Dr.Sci.Biol. Asylbekova S. Zh.

Specialists are working on domestication methods, they have collected fish breeding biological, morphometric and exterior indicators of the Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) spawners, which are grown on the base of a our private partner, Caspian Royal Fish LLP.

In addition, adaptation and implementation of methods for early gender detection in sturgeons is carried out for the purposeful formation of their gender structure. They study the effect of keeping conditions (temperature and oxygen regimes, feeding ration, stocking densities, water exchange) on the growth and development of individuals of the Siberian sturgeon breeding stock.

According to the results of the research, in 2023, an assessment of the genetic polymorphism of sturgeon fish kept in sturgeon fish farms in Atyrau and West Kazakhstan regions will be given and genetic passports of producers will be developed.

Until May 28, 2022, with the co-executors of the projects of Atyrau plants, our work on fish-breeding and biological measurements of sturgeon-producers selected for the recovery broodstock, and work on sampling sturgeon fish for genetic analysis will continue.. 

Methods for tracking sturgeon species in the Zhaiyk river were tested

Within the task “Ecological and genetic monitoring of sturgeon species of the Zhaiyk-Caspian basin” of the budgetary program “Comprehensive assessment of the condition of fish resources and other hydrobionts of the main fishing water reservoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of science-based recommendations for their sustainable use for 2021-2023 methods for tracking sturgeon species in the Zhaiyk river were tested, This will make it possible to determine their spawning grounds in order to develop recommendations for the protection and passage of sturgeon spawners to the spawning grounds; ichthyological studies and morphometric measurements of fish were carried out.

All work is based and carried out on the RGKP “Ural-Atyrau Sturgeon Fish Hatchery” (УАОРЗ). Entrance to the Zhaiyk River was carried out on the expedition vessel “Amangaliev D.” and on the motorboat “Master class” of the Atyrau branch.

These works are carried out by employees of the head office of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, namely: deputy CEO, Dr.Sci.Biol. Asylbekova S. Zh., head of the laboratory of hydrobiont genetics Shalgimbaeva G.M., researchers Maratova G.M., Adyrbekova K.B., senior laboratory assistant Abishev A.A., also employees of the Atyrau branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP: director of the branch Kadimov E.L.,senior researcher Uteuliyev T.A., researcher Dzhunusova G.G., junior researchers Abdoshova M.M.,  Bektemirov Zh.S. & Okhasov M.R., together with foreign specialists of the VNIRO Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography and co-executors of the project: head of the department of molecular genetics, Ph.D. Myuge N.S., chief specialist of the department of molecular genetics Volkov A.A. The work was also attended by: inspector of the RGU “Zhaiyk-Caspian Interregional Basin Fisheries Inspection” (ЖКМБИРХ) Akhtanov A. and media representatives (Caspian News).

Sampling of the Aral thorn for genetic certification and analysis of genetic variability

Within the framework of the project “Genetic certification of valuable, endemic species of fish and invertebrate hydrobionts — potential objects of aquaculture”, work is being carried out on the basis of the Balkhash branch of the FishRPC within the framework of the project “Genetic certification of valuable, endemic fish species and invertebrate hydrobionts – potential objects of aquaculture” to fulfill the tasks of the project: sampling of the Aral thorn for genetic certification and analysis of genetic variability.

 The repair herd of the Aral thorn is formed from individuals caught from the natural environment (the Ile River and the Kapshagai reservoir). Knowledge of the genetic structure of the Aral thorn is necessary for the competent formation of a repair herd with a high adaptive potential.

 Performers: Shalgimbayeva G.M. – senior researcher of the Laboratory of hydrobiont Genetics of the FishRPC; Makhmetov I.S. – research fellow of the Balkhash branch of the FishRPC., Sharipova O.A. —Head of the integrated fisheries laboratory of the Balkhash branch of the FishRPC; Volkov A.A. — geneticist of VNIIPRH (Moscow).

About spawning periods of commercial fish species

About spawning periods of commercial fish species!

The breeding season is a special stage of life for any creature, including representatives of the ichthyofauna. Lifestyle, food preferences, habitats are changing – everything is subject to the great goal of procreation. Spawning is the process of laying mature eggs by the female and its fertilization by the male. It does not happen spontaneously: it requires certain temperature and local conditions.

The question of where, how and when a fish of one species or another spawns is not only purely academic, but also of practical importance – how, where, when to catch it and whether it can be done in principle. During the fishing ban, recreational fishing is restricted or prohibited altogether!

With the onset of optimal weather conditions, representatives of the freshwater ichthyofauna rush to spawning grounds. For each species of fish, the spawning time is individual, which is determined by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On restrictions and prohibitions on the use of wildlife objects, their parts and derivatives, establishing places and terms of their use”.

Link to source: https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V1500011939

As for the puberty of fish, i.e. their ability to spawn, their age is completely different. However, most freshwater fish species can start spawning as early as 3 years. Although, there are also such species of fish that can begin to spawn the very next year after their birth.

We invite you to participate in the international conference “WORLD AQUACULTURE: PRESENT AND FUTURE”!

Dear citizens and guests of Kazakhstan!

We invite you to take part in the first international conference “WORLD AQUACULTURE: PRESENT AND FUTURE” on June 2-3, 2022, organized by Fish School LLP with the support of the Fisheries Committee of the MEGNR of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

During the event, the best fish breeders of Kazakhstan, as well as experts and entrepreneurs from Poland, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Russia will share their experience.

For complete information, please call +7777 282 99 99, +7777 756 81 23. 

Location: Almaty, Dostyk Ave., 52/2, Hotel «Kazakhstan», conference hall “Altyn Emel”.


On May 11, 2022, a meeting about problematic issues of fisheries in the region was held

Today, on May 11, 2022, a meeting in the village of Koldy, Enbekshikazakh district, Almaty region  about problematic issues of fisheries in the region was held. 

The meeting was attended by: Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Fisheries Bakhiyanov A.K., Head of the Balkhash-Alakol Interregional Basin Fisheries Inspection (BAMBIRH) Suyubaev A.S., CEO of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP Isbekov K.B., employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP: acting head of the laboratory of ichthyology Sansyzbaev E.T., leading researcher of the laboratory of ichthyology Ismukhanov Kh.K., as well as representatives of the local authority of the district, associations of fisheries, subjects of fish economy and fishermen

Among the questions raised were: discussion of the issue of introducing a moratorium on commercial fishing at the Kapshagay reservoir, increase of fishing limits, revision of fishing effort standards in the water reservoirs of the basin, lack of pasture land for livestock grazingand the return of the Chilik pond farm to state ownership.

As a result of the meeting, the residents of the village were given explanations about all the issues raised. In particular, the issue of introducing a moratorium on commercial fishing is premature today.

On the issue of increasing the limits and revising the fishing effort standards, relevant working groups have now been created, Basin inspections, together with the fishery scientific organization, carry out relevant experimental research.

According to the results of scientific research and work carried out on reservoirs, it is planned to hold a final meeting, at which the results of the work and the decisions taken on them will be announced.

Employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP successfully transported sazan producers from Lake Alakol

May 06-07, 2022, according to the calendar plan within the project with the Science Foundation JSC for the commercialization of “Artificial reproduction and cultivation of sazan fish stocking material for the purpose of its further implementation for stocking natural reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP successfully transported sazan producers from Lake Alakol in the amount of 315 specimens on special live fish vehicles for artificial reproduction from Lake Alakol to “Kapshagay NVH” LLP – 150 specimens and to “Bukhtarma NVH” LLP – 165 specimens.

These enterprises are private partners in the implementation of the project.

Employees of the aquaculture laboratory of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP carry out work on fishstocking the fry pond with the larvae of the Alakol sazan

Within the commercialization project “Artificial reproduction and cultivation of sazan fish seeding material for the purpose of its further sale for stocking natural reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, within the implementation of the agreement with JSC Science Fund,, employees of the aquaculture laboratory of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP on the base of a private partner “Kapshagai NVH-1973” carry out work on fishstocking the fry pond with the larvae of the Alakol common carp (sazan) in the amount of 2 million which received from the first round of the spawning company.

35.5 million larvae of whitefish species were released into the reservoirs of the North Kazakhstan region

As part of the execution of the state order for the artificial reproduction of fish resources for 2022, today (May 4-5), 35.5 million ripus and peled larvae were released into the Sergeevskoye and Petropavlovsk reservoirs.

The launch of fish into the reservoirs was carried out by specialists from the Esil Interregional Basin Fisheries Inspection, in addition, representatives of the local executive state authority, the Petropavlovsk fish hatchery, scientists of the branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP and journalists took part in the event.

It should be noted that the Petropavlovsk fish hatchery annually releases about 37 million whitefish larvae and underyearlings into water reservoirs. The events for stocking fishery reservoirs of republican significance are continuing in the country.


Our work on determining the selectivity of fishing gear continues

The northern branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, together with the employees of the Nura-Sarysus Interregional Fisheries Inspection and users of water reservoirs, visited the reservoirs Balyktykol, Karkaralinsky district and 10 hydroelectric facility of Canal named after Kanysh Satpaev, Osakarovskiy district of Karaganda region in order to carry out of control catches to determine the selectivity of fishing gear made of monofilaments and monofibers vs traditional nylon nets used in commercial fishing.

The collected material will be processed and, based on its results, a comparative analysis will be performed, which will be the basis for recommendations on the possible use of fishing gear.