The employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP are examined 7 hyperhaline salt lakes of the North Kazakhstan region

During June 2022 for execution of works on the «Study of an export-oriented bioresource – Artemia franciscana to develop a biological justification for their introduction, in order to increase the productivity of salt reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan» project (Grant № BR10264205) the employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP (Mazhibaeva Zh.O., Fefelov V.V. and Kozhizhanova B.A.) are examined 7 hyperhaline salt lakes of the North Kazakhstan region: Solyonoe (Senzharka), Solyonoe (Kladbinka), Pasynki, Semilovo, Kalibek and tributaries, Ushsay, Zhamantuz (Roshchinskoe).

The hydrological regime of lakes was studied, the materials were collected on hydrochemistry, hydrobiology, microbiology, genetics and the physicochemical composition of crustaceans and their cysts.

During the expedition trip to the North Kazakhstan region, the head of the department of the RGU “Esil Interregional Basin Inspection for Fisheries” of the Committee for Fisheries of the MEGNR RK Kakimov I.A. was participated in the working group on activation and survey of water reservoirs.

Monitoring studies are being carried out on the downstream of juvenile sturgeon and semi-migratory fish species of the Zhaiyk River

From May 25 to the present day, the researchers of the Atyrau branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP carrying out monitoring studies on the downstream of juvenile sturgeon and semi-anadromous fish species of the Zhaiyk River. 

In the course of trawling from the ship “Amangaliev Duisekesh” during this period, 3 times more juvenile sturgeon species were caught compared to last year. Today, studies confirm that the conditions for the natural reproduction of stellate sturgeon and sterlet have been preserved in the lower reaches of the Zhaiyk River. Research will continue until the end of this month.

The work is carried out within the framework of the project “Ecological and genetic monitoring of sturgeon species of fish of the Zhaiyk-Caspian basin” of the budget program “Complex assessment of the condition of fish resources and other hydrobionts of the main fishing water rezervoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of evidence-based recommendations for their sustainable use””.

In the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP was summed up the results of an online training seminar

Today, 12/23/22, Professor of the Department of Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture of the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals, Doctor of Biological Sciences, visited the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP. Litvinenko A.I. to summarize the results of the training seminar held online during the period from 26.09.22-28.09.22 on the topic: «Modern methods for studying the ecological and biological characteristics of the Artemia branchiopod crustacean and assessing the quality of cysts».

Professor Litvinenko A. I. noted the positive results of the seminar and the great interest of the students, where the lecturers shared their experience and knowledge in the field of artemia research, achievements and prospects. Further Litvinenko A.I. presented certificates of the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals (Russian Federation, Tyumen) to the employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP on the completion of the training course. Also, the meeting was attended by P. Dubovoy, director of the production enterprise for the processing of Artemia cysts “Vostok Akvakultura”, located in Pavlodar.

During the business meeting, discussions were held on the topic “Evaluation of methods for obtaining and processing Artemia cysts”, while which issues relevant to both science and business were discussed.

CEO of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, Doctor of Biological Sciences Isbekov K.B. noted the importance of the meeting and proposed strengthening cooperation between scientific organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Russia in the frame of joint research projects to study the object of research.

Works on testing the survival of the polychaete Hediste divesicolor of the Aral Sea in natural water with different mineralization is continue

Within the project “Development of evidence-based recommendations for increasing the fish productivity of fishery reservoirs through the introduction and reintroduction of fish and hydrobionts – components of the food base of fish” of the program «Complete assessment of the state of fish resources and other hydrobionts of the main fishing water reservoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of evidence-based recommendations for their sustainable use» works on testing the survival of the polychaete Hediste divesicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776) of the Aral Sea in natural water with different mineralization is continue by the efforts of the employees of the laboratory of hydrobiology and hydroanalysts of the head unit of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP. During the experiment, observations are also made of the feeding behavior and dietary preferences of polychaetes.

The head of RC of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, completed a training course in accordance with GOST ISO / IEC 17043-2013 and RK ISO 19011-2019

June 13-15, 2022 A.A. Aitkaliyeva, head of Research Center of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, completed a training course in accordance with GOST ISO / IEC 17043-2013 “Conformity assessment. Basic requirements for proficiency testing” and ST RK ISO 19011-2019 “Guidelines for the audit of management systems”, at the “Institute of Technical Regulation, Metrology and Management Systems of Kazakhstan” LLP.

The program included a three-day training, lectures and practical exercises were held on the topic: GOST ISO/IEC 17043-2013. Basic provisions; Procedural documents of the accreditation body; Requirements for the management system; Interlaboratory comparative tests and comparisons; Calculation of statistics of functioning of laboratories; Conclusion on the quality of test results; Proficiency testing programs for quality indicators; Calculation of the value of z-index, zʹ-index, ζ-index, En-index; Requirements for the assessment of measurement uncertainty; Calculation of standard uncertainty for types A and B, total standard uncertainty, calculation of expanded uncertainty; ST RK ISO 19011-2019.

At the end of the course, the student passed the exam with an “excellent” mark and received a certificate.

Research fishing for the sturgeon thorn is carried out in accordance with the permit for the use of wildlife

Currently the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP is doing research works by the project PTF (ПЦФ) “The study of populations of rare and endangered fish species and alien hydrobionts in order to develop recommendations for the artificial reproduction of rare species and the prevention of the spread of alien kinds of fish and other hydrobionts”.  

Research fishing of the surgeon thorn is carried out in accordance with the permit for the use of wildlife of the Committee for Fisheries of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (05/20/2022). During the research fishing, on June 15, 2022, 5 specimens juvenile of the sturgeon thorn were caught in the upper part of the right bank of the Kapshagai reservoir. The length of the fish was 29.0-32.0 cm, weight 99.7-118.6 g. All 5 specimens of the sturgeon thorn after their adaptation on the basis of a private partner “Kapshagay spawning and rearing farm-1973” (КНВХ) LLP will be transported in a live-fish machine with aeration to the fish breeding spot of the Balkhash branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP to formation a replacement broodstock of the sturgeon thorn.

2022 жылдың 7 Маусымында Алматы облысы Балқаш ауданы Құйған ауылында азаматша Рахымжанов И.М., және Құйған ауылының тұрғындары өтініші бойынша ауылдың және облыстың балық шаруашылығының мәселелері туралы жиын өтті. Келесі мәселелер талқыланды: Іле өзені мен Топар өзені арналарының гидрологиялық режимінің нашарлауы, Арал-Төбе ауылында бөгет салу, балық ресурстарының коммерциялық қорының қысқаруы, тыйым салынған балық аулау құралдарын қайта қарау және Іле өзенінің атырауында балық аулауға тыйым салу мерзімі. Жиын нәтижесінде барлық көтерілген мәселелер бойынша ауыл тұрғындарына түсініктемелер берілді Кездесуге қатысты: Алматы облысы Балқаш ауданы әкімінің орынбасары Б.Дәрібаев, Құйған ауылының әкімі Ғ.Т.Тықыров, «НПЦРХ» ЖШС Балқаш филиалының директоры Құматаев Е.Е., Төменгі Іле балық шаруашылығының инспекциясының басшысы Екетайұлы А. және ауданның жергілікті атқарушы органының өкілдері мен Құйған ауылының тұрғындары.

On June 7, 2022, in the village of Kuygan, Balkhash district, Almaty region, a meeting was held on the problematic issues of the village and the topic of the fisheries of the region at the request of citizen Rakhimzhanov I.M., and residents of the village of Kuigan.

The following issues were discussed: the deterioration of the hydrological regime of the Ile River and the Topar River, the build of a dam in the village of Aral-Tobe, the reduction of the commercial stock of fish resources, the revision of prohibited fishing gear and the timing of the ban on fishing in the Ile River Delta. As a result of the meeting, clear explanations were given to the villagers on all the spoken issues.

The meeting was attended by: deputy of major of the Balkhash district of the Almaty Region Daribaev B., major of the village of Kuygan Tykyrov G.T., head of the Balkhash branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP Kumataev E.E., head of the Lower-Ile Inspection of Fisheries Eketayuly A., as well as representatives of the local autority hall of the district and residents of the village of Kuygan.

The “RPC of Fisheries” LLC does R&D works for the collect and analyse of fish-bio- and morphometric indicators of the siberian sturgeon, sturgeon thorn, huso, stellate sturgeon

From 9 June, the “RPC of Fisheries” LLC does R&D works on the base of RAS in «UNKOPPA» LLC of  NAO «ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan» within the project PTF (ПЦФ) «Formation and effective use of sturgeon replacement broodstocks, taking to attention with their genetic diversity in the conditions of sturgeon fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan» for the collect and analyse of fish-biological and morphometric indicators of the siberian sturgeon, oriented to the replacement broodstock and under the project «Ecological and genetic monitoring of sturgeon species of fish of the Zhaiyk-Caspian basin»  – sampling for genetic analysis and fish breeding and biological parameters of sturgeon species: sturgeon thorn, huso, stellate sturgeon.

Taking part in the work: head of PTF, deputy CEO, D.Bi.Sci. Asylbekova S.Zh., head of the Western branch, Ph.D. Tumenov A.N., researchers Maratova G., Bulekov N. and Oskina A.

The survival of polychaete worms Hediste divesicolor of the Aral Sea in natural water with different mineralization is being tested

Within the project “Development of evidence-based recommendations for increasing the fish productivity of fishery reservoirs through the introduction and reintroduction of fish and hydrobionts – components of the food base of fish” of the program «Complete assessment of the state of fish resources and other hydrobionts of the main fishing water reservoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of evidence-based recommendations for their sustainable use» employees of the laboratory of hydrobiology and hydroanalysts are testing the survival of polychaete worms Hediste divesicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776) of the Aral Sea in natural water with different mineralization.

An expedition trip was made to Lake Solyonoe (Senzharka), Zhambyl district, North Kazakhstan region

Within the grant project «Study of an export-oriented bioresource – Artemia franciscana to develop a biological justification for their introduction, in order to increase the productivity of salt reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan» employees of the laboratory of hydrobiology and hydroanalysts (Mazhibaeva Zh.O., Kozhizhanova B.A.) together with the head of the Petropavlovsk stronghold, Fefelov V.V., carried out an expedition to Lake Solyonoe (Senzharka), Zhambyl district, North Kazakhstan region, in order to collect primary material for future analysis. During the business trip they take samples for hydrochemical, hydrobiological (phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos), genetic, microbiological and biochemical studies.