The employees of the laboratory of ichthyology of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP continue research work on control fishing at the Kapshagay reservoir

The expedition team of the laboratory of ichthyology of the head unit of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP together with the staff of the Balkash-Alakol interregional basin inspection of fisheries continues science research work on control fishing in the Kapshagay reservoir, in order to determine the catchability and selectivity of traditional (kapron, nylon) nets and nets made of monofilament and monofibers.

Congratulations to our dear colleagues on their professional holiday and worthy awards!

Vice Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources Shalabekova A.L. congratulated all workers of the fishery industry on their professional holiday “Day of the Fisheries Worker” and presented awards.

The chief scientific secretary of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, Mukhramova Alena Alexandrovna was awarded a Certificate of Honor, and the senior researcher of the Northern Branch Kirichenko Olga Ivanovna was awarded the badge “Balyk sharuashylygy salasyndagy minsiz kyzmetі ushіn”, personally by the vice minister.

Also, the director of the Altai branch Aubakirov Baurzhan Sovetovich, the head of the aquaculture laboratory of the main unit Abilov Berdibek Ibragimovich, the head of the laboratory of hydrobiology and hydroanalysis of the main unit Mazhibayeva Zhanara Omirbekovna, senior researcher of the Atyrau branch Tasmaganbet Arepbayevich Uteuliev, senior researcher of the ichthyology laboratory of the main unit Ablaisanova Gulmira Mukhambetkalievna was awarded with certificates of honor.

Leading researcher of the laboratory of ichthyology of the main unit Ismukhanov Khismet Kuspanovich and veteran of the Atyrau branch Elena Borisovna Bokova were awarded the honorary title “Balyk sharuashylygy salasynda enbek sinirgen kyzmetker”.

Senior researcher of the laboratory of ichthyology of the main unit Danko Elena Konstantinovna and head of the scientific stronghold of Karaganda city Krainyuk Vladimir Nikolaevich were awarded the badge “Balyk sharuashylygy salasyndagy minsiz kyzmetі ushіn”.

 Congratulations to our dear colleagues on their professional holiday and worthy awards!

The head division of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP sincerely congratulates the staff of the Altai branch on the 70th anniversary!

The head division of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP sincerely congratulates the staff of the Altai branch on the 70th anniversary!

Since the formation of the Altai branch in 1951 and up to the present time, it has been annually carrying out fisheries research in the reservoirs of the East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar regions, and in the 70-80s of the last century, the field of activity of the Altai branch also included reservoirs of Northern and Southern Kazakhstan. It was then that the foundations for the development of fish protection measures were laid in the southern reservoirs to protect juvenile of fish from getting into water intake facilities.

At present, the Altai branch is doing complex fisheries research throughout the Yertis basin, and is productively developing technology for the artificial reproduction of rare and endemic fish species, thanks to which the protection, reproduction and use of fish resources in this basin is effectively carried out.

The path that the Altai branch has traveled for 70 years – this is years of hard work, scientific and creative research, well-deserved recognition of scientific achievements and successful practical activities of the team.

We wish the staff of the Altai Branch inspiration in solving difficult problems at the intersection of science and practice, professional success, new victories and achievements!

The employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP carried out a trip to the water reservoirs of the state national natural parks “Kokshetau” and “Burabai”

In the period from June 19 to June 30, 2022, the expeditionary squad under leadership of the head of the scientific stronghold of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP in Karaganda, Krainyuk V.N. carried out a trip to the reservoirs of the state national natural parks “Kokshetau” and “Burabay”, as part of the implementation of BP-256 SP 102.

As a result of the trips, materials were collected and samples were taken to determine the male and age structure of the ichthyofauna of the food base reservoirs, the biochemical composition of the water, as well as the condition of the general and commercial stock of fish populations and other hydrobionts.

Research work is underway on the reservoirs of the reserve water fund of the Akmola region

rom June 21, the expeditionary squad of the Northern Branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, consisting of: senior researcher Kirichenko O. I., Akhmedinova S. N., researcher Ivanova K.P., carry out science research work on the reservoirs of the reserve fund of the Akmola region according to the program 256/102. All necessary samples are taken for analysis on water hydrochemistry, food base and species composition of fish in reservoirs.

From June 28 to July 3, on the basis of the SPK “Hamit” a scientific and practical seminar is being held at the aquaculture training center “FISH SCHOOL”

From June 28 to July 3, on the basis of the SPK “Hamit” a scientific and practical seminar is being held at the aquaculture training center “FISH SCHOOL” for businessmen and fish farmers on the subject “Technologies for growing valuable fish species and their processing”.

The initiator and organizer of the seminar is the Association of legal entities the “Republican Association of Fisheries and Aquaculture “Qazaq balyk”, the moderator is the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the donor company is “Tengizchevroil” LLP.

The seminar is followed by Badryzlova N.S. and Umirtaeva A.U. special for assist in the professional development and training of businessmen and fish farmers within the Memorandum of Cooperation, that concluded between SPK “Hamit” and “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, the purpose of which is to develop mutually beneficial cooperation to ensure progress in the fishing industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP visited the first shrimp aquafarm in the Almaty region on a working visit

For the purpose of mastering and possible further cooperation, at the invitation of the project manager of the first shrimp farm in Kazakhstan, Ruppo A., our management consisting of the CEO Isbekov K.B., the deputy CEO Asylbekova S.Zh., the head of the laboratory of aquaculture Abilov B. and head of the laboratory of hydrobiology and hydroanalysts Mazhibayeva Zh. visited a shrimp aquafarm on a working visit.

Construction of an aqua farm located 10 km. from Almaty, started in 2015, with the involvement of dutch specialists, the production technologist is an invited specialist from India, who not only establishes technological processes on the farm, but also trains our local kazakh workers in their skills. 2,000 sq.m. have been allocated for the shrimp pools. There are 16 pools in total, each with 70 cubic meters of water.

An expeditionary trip was carried out as part of the certification of reserve reservoirs of local importance in the West Kazakhstan region

On June 13-25, the employees of the West-Kazakhstan branch of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP made an expeditionary trip as part of the certification of reserve water reservoirs of local importance.

Data were collected for hydrochemical analysis, research of the food base of fish, research fishing was carried out; data were collected to assess the state of populations and ichthyopathological studies on the most common diseases – postodiplostomiasis and ligulosis

Today, employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP take part in a meeting of the Working Group of science and aquaculture

Today, employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP take part in a meeting of the Working Group of science and aquaculture, established by the Intergovernmental commission for the conservation and rational use of aquatic biological resources of the Caspian Sea. 

The meeting is chaired by the Republic of Kazakhstan, namely, the Fisheries Committee of the MEGNR RK. The meeting is attended by representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan, as well as КАПЭ LLP, Kazecoproekt LLP and the Institute of hydrobiology and ecology from the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The meeting will consider issues related to the conservation and rational use of water biological resources and the management of their joint reserves. The meeting of the Working Group will be held on June 7-8, 2022.