An inspection of the implementation of research and development work was carried out at the fish breeding sector of NJSC “KATU named after Seifullin”

From August 6 to 8, 2022, an inspection of the implementation of research and development work was carried out at the fish breeding sector of National JSC “KATU named after Seifullin” under the section of the PCF project “Development and implementation of industrial technologies for growing Australian red claw crayfish in RAS”.  

An experiment is underway at the site to determine the effectiveness of the use of domestically produced specialized compound feed of “KazNIIPPP” LLP and its effect on the fishery biological indicators of australian red claw crayfish. The ongoing research on the project section match to those planned in the calendar plan for 2022.

In the monitoring and experimental work are participated: deputy CEO of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP Asylbekova S. Zh., director of the Northern Branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP Shutkaraev A.V., senior teacher Kuanchaleev Zh.B., and assistant Musin S.E of the department of of hunting and fishery of the JSC “KATU named after S. Seifullin”.

From July 15 to 29, the expedition team carried out research on the reservoirs of the Alakol lake system

From July 15 to 29, the expedition team carried out research on the reservoirs of the Alakol lake system consisting of: ichthyologists – senior researcher Danko E.K., head of the expedition team Karlybayuly S., junior researcher Pangereeva B., hydrobiologists – head of the expedition team Minat A. and senior laboratory assistant Zamandinova Z. on the topic “Determination of fish productivity of fishery reservoirs and / or their sectors, development of biological justifications for the maximum allowable catches of fish and other aquatic animals, the regime and regulation of fishing in fishery reservoirs of international, republican significance and reservoirs of protected areas of the Balkhash-Alakol basin”, section: Alakol lake system. 

During the business trip, ichthyological, hydrobiological and hydrological material was collected from the monitoring points of the fishing areas (western and southern) of Lake Alakol and lake Koshkarkol. An echo sounding survey was carried out to record for the number of fish in the southern and western waters of Lake Alakol. Control fishing was also carried out on lake Koshkarkol. Currently, research on control fishing continues on the lake. Sasykkol and in the eastern region of Lake Alakol. In addition, studies were carried out on 6 mountain reservoirs of the Alakol district of local importance to assess their suitability for fisheries: Maikankol, Abzhanov, Zhazylbekov, Satybay, Kolesnikov and Daulet. The work was also attended by the head of the Usharal inspection Zhumankulov K..

Research continues at Lake Balkhash

According to the Protocol of the meeting at the ministry of ecology, geology and natural resources to discuss problematic issues of fisheries dated March 19, 2022, from August 2 to 8, 2022, the employees of the Balkhash branch of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP continue research on Lake Balkhash as part of the control fishing to determine the similarities and differences in catchability and selectivity of traditional (kapron) fishnets and fishing gear made of synthetic monofilaments and monofibers.

The employees of the Balkhash branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” was carry out scientific research on water reservoirs of the Karaganda region

From July 19 to July 28, 2022, within the implementation of the program 256/102,  the employees of the Balkhash branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” was carry out scientific research on local water reservoirs of the Karaganda region.

The goal of the study is to determine the fishery value of the studied water reservoirs, assess the available commercial stocks to calculate the maximum allowable fish catch volume (PDU), issue recommendations for the fishery use of local water reservoirs from the reserve fund of the Karaganda region. During work, hydrochemical and hydrobiological samples are taken, a biological analysis of fish from the studied reservoirs is carried out.

In the Konaev city is planned to grow 10 thousand tons of barramundi fish per year

A year ago, “Ospanova Development” LLP began construction of the first stage of this enterprise for the planned growing of barramundi fish, valuable and exotic for Kazakhstan, for 1 thousand tons in recirculating water supply installations (RAS). At the second stage, it is planned to expand the capacity to 10 thousand tons of fish per year.

This was presented on July 25 this year during a visit to this facility by a deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.K. Kurishbaev, deputy akim of Almaty region B.K. Baizhumanov, secretary of the maslikhat of Konaev S.K. Nursultanov, deputy akim of Konaev B.F. Duisenbaev, as well as the CEO of the “RPC of Fisheries” K.B. Isbekov.

Deputy akim of Almaty region B.K. Baizhumanov saw opportunities for training personnel for the enterprise in cooperation with the Research and Production Center of Fisheries (RPC of Fisheries). The General Director of the “RPC of Fisheries” Isbekov K.B. noted the creation of favorable conditions for the development of commercial fish farming, which take the form of state support, expansion of forms and increase in the size of subsidies. He also spoke about the readiness for cooperation and scientific support of this fish farm, participation in personnel training and the introduction of innovative experience for the development of fisheries in the Almaty region.

On July 22, 2022, a regular meeting of the Zoological Commission was held at the Committee of Fisheries

On July 22, 2022, a regular meeting of the Zoological Commission was held at the Committee of Fisheries.

During the meeting, the commission recommended the withdrawal of kutum fish from the  List of the Endangered, Vulnerable, and Threatened Animals. Members of the zoological commission from “RPC of Fisheries” LLP included CEO Isbekov Kuanysh Baibolatovich and director of the Northern branch Shutkaraev Azis Vasilyevich.

Amphipods are a promising object for increasing the production potential of water reservoirs in Kazakhstan

Amphipod is one of the most common crustaceans and is found in many reservoirs of Kazakhstan. Some of them inhabit the bottom layers of water, others are buried in the ground, creating their own significant accumulations. These crustaceans are a favorite food of benthivorous and some predatory fish species. Therefore, amphipods are often used as an object of acclimatization work in order to increase the production potential of water reservoirs. 

Amphipods, or heteropods (lat. Amphipoda), are a detachment of higher crayfish from the superorder Peracarida. About 9,000 species are known, they are distributed in the benthos of the seas and fresh water bodies around the world. Amphipods are actively involved in the process of cleaning water bodies, feeding on both plant and animal remains. At the same time, they can significantly spoil the catch of fishermen by nibbling on fish caught in the nets. 

The transportation and domestication of Kapshagai ship sturgeons on the basis of the Balkhash branch is carrying out

Today, the employees of the main department carry out transportation and domestication of Kapshagai ship sturgeons on the basis of the Balkhash branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP. The following persons take part in the work:Doctor of Sciences in Biology, Deputy CEO Asylbekova S.Zh., Director of the Balkhash Branch Kumataev E.E., Head of the Laboratory of Aquaculture Abilov B.I. and researcher of the Balkhash branch, fish farmer Makhmetov I.S.

The work is carried out within the task of the scientific and technical program «The study of populations of rare and endangered fish species and alien hydrobionts in order to develop recommendations for the artificial reproduction of rare species and the prevention of the spread of alien species of fish and other hydrobionts».

The employees of the Altai branch of the “RPC of fisheries” LLP held a meeting on the base of “OstFish” LLP

For the purpose of getting acquainted with the process of implementation of PCF projects: “The study of populations of rare and endangered fish species and alien hydrobionts on purpose to develop recommendations for the artificial reproduction of rare species and the prevention of the spread of alien species of fish and other hydrobionts” and “Development and implementation of technology for the formation of a replacement brood stock of markakol lenok on purpose to preserve biodiversity and develop aquaculture”, the employees of the Altai branch of the “RPC of fisheries” LLP held a meeting on the base of “OstFish” LLP.

During the meeting, the employees of the Altai Branch spoke in detail about the technology of artificial reproduction of the siberian sturgeon, introduced the first results of the reproduction of the siberian sturgeon and the process of domestication of the markakol lenok (uskuch) on purpose to formation of the replacement brood stock.