The content of iodine in fish

The mineral composition of fish meat is determined by the significant amount of important macro- and microelements contained in it, represented by phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, iron, copper, manganese, cobalt, zinc, iodine, bromine, fluorine, etc.

Today we want to tell you about the iodine content in fish.

Iodine is one of the most important and most studied trace elements, the deficiency of which has a negative impact on human health. It is a mandatory structural component of thyroid hormones – thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

The lack of iodine in the human body leads to many diseases, such as:

  • – goiter,
  • – mental and physical development lag (cretinism),
  • -causes hypothyroidism when metabolic processes slow down, which provokes overweight and obesity,
  • -the skin becomes dry and the nails brittle.
  • – people with iodine deficiency and, accordingly, thyroid dysfunction are prone to mood swings.
  • – iodine is also important in order for the pancreas to produce insulin in a normal amount and maintain blood glucose levels.

The most iodine in marine commercial fish: cod and cod liver,hake, pollock,haddock,saithe, sea bass, mackerel (quite popular and accessible to all fish, it is easy to buy both at the market and in the store). Most of the iodine is found in fish skin, because it is the skin of the fish that comes into contact with water. And if you want to preserve this iodine, you need to try to cook the fish so that both the skin and the fish itself are heated as little as possible.

The material was provided by the Vice-president, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, head of the Laboratory of food Biotechnologies and specialized food products Yu.A. Sinyavsky within the framework of a Memorandum between LLP “OO Kazakh Academy of Nutrition” and LLP “Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries” in order to disseminate knowledge about the benefits of fish and fish products.


The expeditionary detachment of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP conducted research work on the Middle and Lower Kolsai lakes.

The expeditionary detachment of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP consisting of:the head of the expedition group Makambetov S.Zh., senior researcher of the ichthyology laboratory Ablaisanova G.M., junior researcher Bakkozha Zh.M., researcher of the Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Hydroanalytics Mukatai A.A. conducted research work on the lakes Sredny and Nizhny Kolsai.

As a result of the work, the expedition team took water samples for hydrochemical and hydrobiological studies, and collected ichthyological materials for analysis.

The work was attended by the chief specialist of the Kapshagai fish Inspection, Yelekenov E.Zh., as well as representatives of the inspection of the State Enterprise “Kolsai Kolderi”.

These works were carried out within the framework of the budget program 256 Management, ensuring the conservation and development of forest resources and wildlife, under subprogram 102 Ensuring the conservation, reproduction and rational use of wildlife resources.

About the benefits of fish oil

Fish is an indispensable food in the human diet. Unlike existing sources of nutrients and energy, fish and fish products contain high-grade proteins and fatty acids, as well as essential vitamins and minerals.

Today we would like to tell you about the benefits of fish oil. Taking this supplement used to be almost mandatory, since it was believed that only it would help to form bones correctly and protect against rickets. And there are many reasons for this. Fish oil is a mixture of various triglycerides, which include more than 25 high-molecular fatty acids. It is easily absorbed by the human body, is characterized by high nutritional value and is a source of linolenic, linoleic and archidonic acids that normalize fat metabolism.

Fish fats contain about 86% unsaturated fatty acids. In addition, fish oil is a source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and E. Fish fats contain about 86% unsaturated fatty acids. In addition, fish oil is a source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and E.Scientists note a high concentration of fatty acids in herring fillets, salmon (chum salmon, trout, salmon), mackerel and sardine. Highly unsaturated fats are effective as a means of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. For example, 30 g of fish oil reduces cholesterol in the blood by 7%.

The material was provided by the Vice-president, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, head of the Laboratory of food Biotechnologies and specialized food products Yu.A. Sinyavsky within the framework of a Memorandum between LLP “OO Kazakh Academy of Nutrition” and LLP “Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries” in order to disseminate knowledge about the benefits of fish and fish products.

Employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP examined 7 reservoirs of the North Kazakhstan region, according to the calendar plan.

In the period from August 16 to August 24, 2022, employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, consisting of: Head of the lab. hydrobiology and hydroanalytics of Mazhibayeva Zh.O., researcher Kozhizhanova B.A. and head of the support station of Petropavlovsk Fefelov V.V. surveyed 7 reservoirs of the North Kazakhstan region, according to the calendar plan.

During the trip, the hydrological regime of the lakes was analyzed, water samples were taken for hydrochemical and hydrobiological studies. Samples of artemia crustaceans and their cysts were collected to study their microflora and physico-chemical composition.

The work was attended by the chief specialists of the department of the RSU “Esil inter-regional basin inspection of fisheries of the Committee of Fisheries of the Ministry of Fisheries of the Republic of Kazakhstan” Lopatsky A.L. and Ramazanova E. E.

These works were carried out within the framework of the projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and STP.

Work is being carried out on the cultivation of the larvae of black sodier fly on various substrates and their further use as fish feed

The Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) is a large american fly from the family of soldier flies (Stratiomyidae), the natural distribution area of North and South America. And this object is of great scientific and practical interest.

The content of crude protein in them is from 30 to 40%, lipids are 20-40%, and due to their enriched biochemical composition, larvae are used as a feed additive for juvenile fish. The nutritional value of the larvae depends on the substrate on which they are grown.

Also, larvae are natural converters of organic substrates, which are a good source of protein and fat.

The insect gained wide popularity due to the highly efficient bioconversion of various solid organic waste, as well as the high nutritional value of larvae with the possibility of use in feeding agricultural animals.

It is known that larvae are able to change the microflora of manure, potentially reducing the number of harmful bacteria. They can also be included in the chain for processing various waste:

– food waste,

– droppings of birds and animals, as a result, the resulting compost can be applied as a fertilizer for growing plants.

And in our country, as well as all over the world, it is very important to combat waste by methods where fly larvae can act as a priority lever to reduce the impact of pollutants on the environment.

Scientific staff of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP are working on the cultivation of the larvae of black soldier fly on various substrates and their further use as fish feed, optimal breeding methods are determined both from the economic and from the fish farming side, based on the results, recommendations will be given applicable to the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The work is carried out within the framework of the Scientific and Technological Support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and new fish farming facilities.


Work was carried out on the development of methods for monitoring the quality of the produced juvenile sturgeon fish

The senior researcher of the aquaculture laboratory of the head division of the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP, Bulavina N.B., together with the senior researcher of the Atyrau branch Demisinova G.T. and the chief fish breeder of the Ural-Atyrau Sturgeon Plant, Zulkasheva M.A., carried out work on the basis of the plant to develop methods for monitoring the quality of the produced juvenile sturgeon fish.

In the course of the work, 2 methods were worked out for evaluating the produced juvenile sturgeon fish:

  • 1. Teratological analysis;
  • 2. Assessment of adaptive qualities of juveniles by reactions of the central nervous system.

When working out the teratological analysis of juvenile fish, the examination was carried out for the following indicators:

  • – body shape abnormalities (head shape change, body curvature, underdevelopment/presence of additional fins);
  • – anomalies of the structure of external organs (absence of eyes, curvature of the snout, etc.).

The percentage of occurrence of anomalies was low, the method of inspection used is not complicated, this allows us to recommend this technique for use at a sturgeon plant, since it is possible to evaluate the entire batch of fish being stocked from a sample.

When working out the method for assessing the adaptive qualities of juveniles by the reactions of the central nervous system (the “open field” test), the severity of the reaction of juveniles from the test sample to various stimuli (light and sound of different frequencies) was determined.

The application of the method makes it possible to assess the level of motor activity of juveniles, their reactivity to external stimuli (visual, tactile, hydrodynamic), their suitability for survival in the natural environment.

This method revealed high adaptive qualities of juvenile sturgeon fish produced from the Ural-Atyrau Sturgeon Plant.

These works were carried out within the framework of the PCF program: “Scientific and technological support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and new fish farming facilities”.

On August 18-19, 2022, a control catch of outgrowth ponds was carried out

On August 18-19, 2022, within the framework of a project with JSC “Science Foundation” on commercialization of “Artificial reproduction and cultivation of carp planting material for the purpose of its further implementation for the stocking of natural reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan” by employees of LLP “FishRPC” – Head of the aquaculture laboratory Abilov B.I., research associates Khalelov A.T., Bulavin E.F. and laboratory assistant Alishov A.K. a control catch of outgrowth ponds was made. According to the results of the wreckage, the maximum weight of carp fingerlings was 67.9 grams. The average weight on the ponds was 20-22 grams.

Earlier, for the incubation campaign (April-May), all the necessary conditions were prepared for obtaining a live resistant carp planting material. It is worth noting that the grown carp fingerlings were obtained from wild producers from Lake Alakol.

In the period from August 7 to August 13, 2022, a trip to the bitter-salty Paradise lakes of the Aksu district of the Almaty region was carried out

According to the calendar plan, in the period from August 7 to August 13, 2022, the head of the laboratory of Hydrobiology and hydroanalytics, Zh.O. Mazhibayeva, the head of the expedition team, Minat A., together with the head of the laboratory of ichthyology, Sansyzbaev E.T., made a trip to the bitter-salty Paradise lakes of the Aksu district of the Almaty region in order to collect material for data analysis in the seasonal aspect.

During the business trip, the final survey was carried out for hydrochemical, hydrobiological (phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos), genetic, microbiological and biochemical studies.

Research works are carried out within the framework of the PCF project “Assessment of production, genetic, chemical and microbiological parameters for the development of recommendations for the certification of artemia cysts in the reservoirs of Kazakhstan” of the budget program “Comprehensive assessment of the state of fish resources and other aquatic organisms of the main fishing reservoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of scientifically sound recommendations for their sustainable use”

August 12 – International Day of the Caspian Sea❗️

August 12 – International Day of the Caspian Sea❗️

The holiday begins its history on August 12, 2006, when the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Caspian Sea and the Environment from Pollution, signed in Tehran, came into force. Within the frame of this Convention, the Republic of Kazakhstan takes the necessary measures to preserve the biological resources of the sea. This important date is celebrated today in five Caspian states at once: Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan. “RPC of Fisheries” LLP congratulates scientists, ecologists and all those who are engaged in the exploration of the Caspian Sea on the holiday!

The employees of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP keep watching the polychaete Hediste diversicolor

The employees of the laboratory of hydrobiology and hydroanalysts of the main unit of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP keep watching the polychaete Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776).

The joint maintenance of oligochaetes and chironomids with polychaetes showed that the khedista, being a polyphage, prefers live food when given a choice. Pronounced selectivity was noted: first of all, small oligochaetes are eaten away. In the absence of oligochaetes, larger and tougher chironomid larvae are actively consumed, which may pose a threat of undermining the native fauna of chironomid-oligochaete type water reservoirs. Larvae of blood-sucking mosquitoes are eaten only by large polychaetes in the absence of other food.

The work is carried out within the the project “Development of scientifically based recommendations for increasing the productivity of fishery reservoirs through the introduction and reintroduction of fish and hydrobionts – components of the fodder base of fish”.