Meeting of the Coordinating and Academic Councils of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP for the review and approval of reports on research

Today, under the chairmanship of the General Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Ass.Prof. Isbekov K.B. a meeting of the Coordinating and Academic Councils of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP is being held to review and approve the annual (interim) reports on R&D for 2022 under the Scientific and Technical Programs:

  • STP “Scientific and technological support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and new fish farming facilities”. Head of STP – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Asylbekova S.Zh.;
  • STP “Complex assessment of the state of fish resources and other hydrobionts of the main fishing water reservoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of evidence-based recommendations for their sustainable use”. Head of STP – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Isbekov K.B.

These studies are carried out by order of the Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MEGNR RK). The following persons take part in the meeting:

  • Representatives of the customer, the Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (online);
  • Representatives of the territorial inspection of fisheries (online);
  • Scientists from all divisions of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP (online and offline);
  • Also, all interested, pre-registered persons take part in the online meeting.

Within the frame of STP “Scientific and technological support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and new fish farming facilities” positive results were obtained in the field of genetics of fish and invertebrate hydrobionts, and the fodder bases of reservoirs were evaluated. Work was continued in the field of improving breeding technologies and creating rearing stocks of rare endemic fish both in the country’s natural waters and in conditions of artificial breeding. An assessment of the genetic polymorphism of sturgeon fish species was given. Standard technologies have been developed for the creation and operation of lake-commodity farms, technologies for creating artificial and live food for valuable species of fish and other hydrobionts are being introduced. 

The following persons spoke in the discussion of this STP:

  • Representative of the “Association of Fisheries – BD” in the East Kazakhstan region, Anuarbekov S.M.;
  • Chief Specialist of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of the FGBNU “VNIRO”, Volkov A.A.;
  • Professor of the Department of Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture of the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals, Russian Federation, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Litvinenko A.I. 
  • Head of the Laboratory of Brackish Water Research of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Aladin N.V.

Within the framework of the NTP «Complex assessment of the state of fish resources and other hydrobionts of the main fishing water reservoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of evidence-based recommendations for their sustainable use» discussions will be continued at the next meeting.

Research of the Alakol lake system continues

Expeditionary team of the laboratory of ichthyology “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, consisting of: the head of the expeditionary team Karlybayuly S., junior researcher Pangereev B., senior laboratory assistant Igilik R., performs research on the lakes of the Alakol system: Sasykkol, Koshkarkol and Alakol.

The work is carried out within the budget program 256 “Management, ensuring of conservation and development of forest resources and wildlife”, under the subprogram 102 “Ensuring the conservation, reproduction and rational use of wildlife resources”.

The detachment investigates the autumn migration of fish, the catch of commercial fish species with scientific fishing gear, and keeps records of the catches of nature users in the assigned fishing areas. The research continues.


The 1st Central Asian Forum of manufacturers of high-tech laboratory solutions “Lab-Quryltai 2022” was held in Almaty.

The 1st Central Asian Forum of manufacturers of high-tech laboratory solutions “Lab-Quryltai 2022” was held in Almaty. The organizer of the forum is Micro Solutions LLP, a professional integrator of laboratory solutions that has been operating since 2016 in 8 countries of Central Asia. 

Employees of the Research and Production Center for Fisheries LLP were also invited to this event: head of the laboratory of hydrobiont genetics Adyrbekova K.B., senior researcher and researcher of the laboratory of hydrobiology and hydroanalysts Dolgopolova S.Yu., Mұқatai A.A., who took part in the work of the session “General chemistry (toxicology, pharmaceuticals, ecology, food, heavy and oil industry)” and “Molecular diagnostics and genetics”.

The plenary session considered the following issues:

  • High quality chemical reagents for accurate results and analytical studies;
  • Planning for equipping chemical laboratories according to European standards;
  • Modern methods of genetic research of the “CeGaT” laboratory, Germany.

At the end of the forum, participants were awarded certificates.

A training seminar began at “RPC of Fisheries” LLP

On September 26, 2022, a training seminar began at “RPC of Fisheries” LLP: “Modern methods for researching the ecological and biological characteristics of Artemia branchiopods and evaluating the quality of cysts”. 

The seminar was organized within the grant project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (young scientists): “Study of an export-oriented bioresource – Artemia franciscana to develop a biological rationale for their introduction, in order to increase the productivity of salt reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The speakers of the seminar are: professors of the Department of Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture of the Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, Russian Federation Litvinenko A.I. and Litvinenko L.I.

The following topics are discussed in the seminar program:

  • Determination of the production characteristics of the parthenogenetic population of Artemia;
  • Ways to increase the survival rate of brine shrimp juveniles under cultivation conditions;
  • Features of growing and increasing the productivity of mature crustaceans;
  • Ways to increase the productivity of natural artemia reservoirs;
  • Methods of population differentiation and identification;
  • Features of determining the morphometric parameters of artemia;
  • The most acceptable statistical processing programs;
  • Study of the food spectrum of artemia in natural reservoirs;
  • Optimal types of feed for artificial cultivation of Artemia;
  • Methods for enriching the food base of artemia in natural reservoirs;
  • Veterinary and sanitary standards for Artemia cysts;
  • Methods for studying artemia for the content of pathogenic organisms;
  • New approaches for determining Approximate allowable level and/or Maximum allowable level;
  • Assessment of the quality of Artemia cysts.

The seminar is currently ongoing.

the 5th International Fishery Forum and Exhibition Seafood Expo Russia 2022 is taking place

On September 21-23, CEC Expoforum CEC (St. Petersburg) hosts the 5th International Fishery Forum and Exhibition of the Fishing Industry, Seafood and Technologies Seafood Expo Russia 2022.

As part of Seafood Expo Russia 2022, the 1st International Educational Forum of the Fishery Skills complex is being held. КThe key event of this forum was the panel session: “International cooperation between education and business for the sustainable development of the fishery complex.”, which is dedicated to the role of international standards and technologies in the development of the fishing industry. The plenary session was attended by representatives of executive authorities, international and educational organizations, business communities of Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries.

At the invitation of the Federal Agency for Fisheries, a presentation was made in the plenary session as a speaker by the Deputy CEO of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Asylbekova S.Zh.

Also, within the International Educational Forum, a meeting was held on the issues of professional training of fish farmers.

Professor of Gent University and expert of the GIZ regional program made a working visit to “Fisheries RPC” LLP

Today, Professor of Gent University Patrick Zorgelus and national expert of the GIZ regional program Kairat Egezhanov made a working visit to “RPC of Fisheries” LLP.

During the meeting, the guests got informed with the activities of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, in particular, with the results of the grant project “Research of the export-oriented biological resource – Artemia franciscana to develop a biological justification for the possibility of their introduction, with the purpose to increase the productivity of salt water reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

The guests were informed with the results of the research of artemia by: head of the laboratory of hydrobiology and hydroanalysts, PhD, Mazhibayeva Zh.O. – with the results in the field of hydrobiology, head of the laboratory of hydrobiont genetics Adyrbekova K.B. – with the results of genetic studies of artemia.

In his turn, professor Patrik Zorgelus shared his experience and knowledge in the field of Artemia research, achievements and prospects. Also, the guests visited the laboratory, where the experiments on the project are directly carried out, talked with the team and answered questions of interest.

For reference: The regional project “Environmentally oriented regional development of the Aral Sea region” is carried out on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is realized by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH. The project provides support to the governments of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in ensuring environmentally sustainable cross-border economic development of the Aral Sea region.

Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the RK A.Kurishbaev visited “RPC of Fisheries” LLP

Today, Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akylbek Kazhygulovich Kurishbaev visited “RPC of Fisheries” LLP.

Akylbek Kazhygulovich got acquainted with the activities of the RPC for Fisheries, visited the laboratories, talked with the team, listened to suggestions and answered questions of interest to the team. During the visit, the issues of the Fisheries Development Program in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2030, the directions and prospects of fisheries research and other actual issues in the development of science were discussed.

Today, the Akimat of Almaty region carried out a scheduled inspection of the work of fishery farms in the region

Today, the akimat of the Almaty region, headed by the deputy akim Arslan Momyshuly Dandybaev, carried out a scheduled inspection of the work of the fishery farms of the region, в including “Kapshagai spawning and rearing farm-1973” (КНВХ-1973) LLP

Among the delegation were: the head of the “Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management” for the Almaty region Nusipbaev K.A., the head of the RGU “Balkhash-Alakol Basin Inspection” Suyubaev A.S., the deputy head of the RGU “Balkhash-Alakol Basin Inspection” Kumashev R. The director of “Kapshagai spawning and rearing farm-1973” (КНВХ) LLP Shadibekov A.K. acquainted the delegation with the production capacities of the farm, led them to the incubation workshop, showed the available ponds and the fish they contain.

Head of the Laboratory of Aquaculture Abilov B.I. informed about the progress of work carried out by “RPC of Fisheries” within the project with JSC “Fund of Science” for the commercialization of “Artificial reproduction and cultivation of sazan fishstock material for the purpose of its further implementation for stocking natural reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and demonstrated the biological indicators of reared underyearlings. Also, during the meeting, issues of the Fisheries Development Program of the Almaty region were discussed. 

The Australian red claw crayfish is of great interest as a new breeding facility in Kazakhstan.

The Australian red claw crayfish is of great interest as a new breeding facility in Kazakhstan.

Its value is that it has rapid growth and relatively low requirements for breeding conditions. In conditions of artificial breeding, it is unpretentious, almost omnivorous. Its meat has dietary value, high taste and nutritional qualities, and the proportion of meat (30% of body weight) exceeds 15-20% compared to long-fingered cancer. Due to its biological characteristics and taste characteristics, the species proved to be suitable for commercial breeding.

​Scientific staff of  the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP  at fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan are working on the development of effective biotechnical methods of reproduction and industrial cultivation of Australian red claw crayfish. Based on the results, recommendations will be developed for farmers in Kazakhstan. ​The research is carried out within the Scientific and Technological Support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and new fish farming facilities.