CacFish Regional Commission in Dushanbe, Tajikistan hosts training seminar

The Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission for Central Asia and the Caucasus (CacFish) is hosting a training seminar on assessing inland stocks in selected large water reservoirs from November 15-17, 2022 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

From the Republic of Kazakhstan, in this seminar with a presentation on the state of assessment of stocks of inland waters, paying special attention to the status of assessed fish species, results and methods, the following take part: from the Committee for Fisheries of the MEGNR RK, the chief expert of the Department for the Protection of Fish Resources and Fisheries Regulation Muratbayeva T.Zh and Deputy General Director of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP Dr.of.Sciences, Asylbekova S.Zh.

About development of fisheries in Kazakhstan


About development of fisheries in Kazakhstan

Minister of Ecology Serikkali Brekeshev spoke about measures to develop fisheries in the republic during the Government Hour in the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The fishing industry is one of the important areas in the economy, as a basis for economic growth and employment, in the following areas: fishing and artificial fish cultivating. The main fishing is carried out in Atyrau, Almaty, East Kazakhstan and Kyzylorda regions.

It should be noted that about 40-45 thousand tons of fish are caught annually in natural reservoirs, and this figure is growing every year. At the same time, about 41 thousand tons of fish products are imported into Kazakhstan, mainly oceanic and marine fish species (mackerel and herring) and about 25 thousand tons are exported, where the main share is products of deep processing (fish fillets). At the same time, domestic fish products make successfully competition in the world market.

More details:

Stocking season with fish is coming to the end

Stocking season with fish is coming to the end.

Thousands of underyearlings of grass carp, bighead carp and sazan were released into Lake Balkhash and the Kapshagai reservoir. Stocking by fish at the end of autumn in these reservoirs is the most optimal period, according to experts. The weight of underyearlings is at least 20 g, after 4 years each of them will weigh about 3-4 kg.

“The material for artificial cultivation was caught in Lake Alakol. Before that, we also had a project for genetic research on the polymorphism of sazan, that is, we studied in which reservoirs sazan is more polymorphic in order to grow it in the future” – Asylbekova S.Zh., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director of LLP “RPC of Fisheries”.

(с) Khabar24


West Kazakhstan branch is working in 2022

The West-Kazakhstan branch “Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries” was organized in 2006 to carry out research work on the reservoirs of the region that are of fishing importance.

The West Kazakhstan branch of the RPC of Fishery LLP constantly monitors the state of ecosystems, water bodies of West Kazakhstan and Aktobe regions, developing a biological basis for the rational use and reproduction of fish stocks, gives annual forecasts of fish catch volumes, proposals for rules and mode of fishing. Every year, on the basis of a branch of scientific evidence goes Ordinance to catch limits of fish from the waters of the Government of West Kazakhstan and Aktobe regions. Accumulated many years of data bank on hydrology, hydrobiology, hydrochemistry and composition of fish fauna of the studied reservoirs.

Preliminary causes of death of juvenile fish in the Kapshagai reservoir

Preliminary causes of death of juvenile fish in the Kapshagai reservoir.

Information about the detection of the death of juvenile fish in the Kapshagai reservoir was initially received on November 2, 2022, and then the next day it was detected in the area of the Ermin recreation center.

According to the results of hydrochemical analysis of water samples, carried out in the laboratory of the “Research and Production Center of Fisheries”, the water in the Kapshagay reservoir is not dangerous for the life of fish in terms of the main indicators.

It should be noted that the cause of death can be both natural factors (lack of oxygen or specific diseases of fish), and the anthropogenic impact of economic activity in the form of pollution of the fish habitat, as well as the mechanical impact of swimming facilities or hydrotechnical structures.

The laboratory of ichthyology “RPC of Fisheries” LLP conducts urgent research in the Kapshagay reservoir

Situation on the death of juvenile fish in the Kapshagai reservoir.

On November 2, 2022, a video was posted on Instagram, which recorded the death of juvenile fish.

As previously reported, the Working Group of employees of the Balkhash-Alakol Interregional Basin Fisheries Inspection of the Departments of Ecology and Police, and the local executive authority, the Office for Emergency Situations of the city of Konaev, the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control for the city of Konaev, RGP “Kazgidromet”, “Research and Production Center of Fisheries” LLP arrived at the place of discovery of the dead juvenile fish.

Today, the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control for the city of Konaev, the Department of Ecology for the Almaty region, “Scientific and Production Center for Fisheries” LLP, RGP “Kazhydromet” are carrying out relevant studies to determine the causes of death of juvenile fish. 

The results of hydrochemical analysis will be known in 3 days, the results of toxicological and ichthyopathological analysis – in 1 month.

Work is already underway. The ichthyology Laboratory of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP conducts ichthyological, biochemical and ichthyopathological studies, sampling, work is carried out using an underwater drone, and the reservoir is post-monitored.

This year, the state allocated 500 million tenge for the project to preserve the North Aral Sea

This year, the state allocated 500 million tenge for the project to preserve the North Aral Sea.

The cracked section of the Kokaral dam in the Kyzylorda region, which divides the Aral Sea, is being re-strengthened. This year, the state allocated 500 million tenge for the project to preserve the North Aral Sea.

More than 200 meters of the dam, which was called the construction of the century, were in danger of losing the Small Aral. According to experts, the work to strengthen the dam was started on time. At the meeting of fishermen, held in this sea region, the topic of preserving the Small Aral, as well as a number of projects for the development of fisheries, was discussed.

Today, over 700 fishermen in the area make their living from the sea. There are 10 fish factories in the region. Currently, scientists are working on the restoration of corals in the North Aral Sea.

Interview with Maira Kalymbetova, researcher of the Aral branch of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, dedicated to the work with the Aral barbel in the North Aral Sea

(с) National TV channel “Qazaqstan”

Caspian University hosted an international scientific conference

International scientific conference “”Science, art and education through the prism of public-private partnership in the new conditions”” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Caspian Public University was held at Caspian University, the purpose of which was to unite the efforts of scientists, artists, representatives of business, industry and government agencies to strengthen a single scientific and cultural space and develop proposals for solving urgent problems of our time in the field of ecology and the environment. 

At the invitation of the organizing committee, Adyrbekova K.B., Acting Head of the Laboratory of Hydrobiont Genetics, took part in the conference, where she made a presentation on the topic “Genetic studies of hydrobionts in Kazakhstan” in the section “Science and Technology”, at the session “Problems of ecology caused by global challenges”.

The conference was also attended by experts, scientists, representatives of government agencies, industry, non-governmental public organizations and business communities.

The second day the meeting of the Academic Council of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP is continuous

October 13, 2022, . the second day the meeting of the Academic Council of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP is continuous.

On the agenda, consideration and approval of annual (interim) reports on R&D for 2022 under the Scientific and Technical Program: 

STP “Complex assessment of the state of fish resources and other hydrobionts of the main fishing water reservoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of evidence-based recommendations for their sustainable use”. Head of STP – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Isbekov K.B

These studies are carried out by order of the Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MEGNR RK).

The following tasks of the project were considered: valuation of water biological resources and ecosystem services,Increasing the fish productivity of fishery reservoirs through the introduction and reintroduction of fish and hydrobionts, study of populations of rare and endangered fish species and alien hydrobionts, development of improvement and justification of the optimal set of fishing gear, assessment of the role of recreational fishing, ecological and genetic monitoring of sturgeon species, development of recommendations for the certification of Artemia cysts, distribution of the population of the Caspian seal in the Kazakhstani part of the Caspian Sea during the period of sea level decrease and development of recommendations for the conservation of habitats of the species.

The interim results of this year correspond to the implementation of the plan for the scientific and technical program, all target indicators were achieved with overfulfillment, the results of all these works were assessed positively. The following people took part in the discussions:

  • Ismukhanov Kh.K., Candidate of Biol.Sci., Leading Researcher of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP;  
  • Rysbaev A.Zh., Chairman of the Board of the Republican Association of Fisheries and Aquaculture “Qazaq balyk”;
  • Aladin N.V., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Brackish Water Research at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.