Vacancy announcement!

Vacancy announcement!


The laboratory of hydrobiont genetics of the RPC of Fisheries (Almaty) requires scientific staff.


Qualification requirements:

  1. Higher education in the field of natural sciences, agricultural sciences (major in biology, genetics, biotechnology, fisheries);
  2. Knowledge in the field of cellular and molecular biology;
  3. Experience in this specialty is welcome;
  4. Knowledge of the state and russian languages;
  5. Computer skills at the user level: Windows, Microsoft Office Excel, Internet;
  6. Departure on business trips.


Responsibilities (basic):

  1. Independent research work (R&D) on topics in accordance with approved programs, methods, work plan;
  2. Perform laboratory analyses, tests, measurements and other types of work in the course of scientific research;
  3. Participate in and collect and process materials in the process of conducting research work;
  4. Prepare equipment for experiments and field trips;
  5. Participate in the implementation of experiments, carry out the necessary preparatory and auxiliary operations, take instrument readings, keep work logs;
  6. Process, systematize and formalize the results of analyzes in accordance with methodological materials;
  7. Perform various computational and graphic work.


Work schedule:

Monday – Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00.

Holidays are non-working days.


We offer:

1) stable salary;

2) Official registration according to the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) Opportunity for advanced training;

4) Paid vacation.


Resume should be sent to the email address acting head of the Laboratory of Hydrobiont Genetics:

Contact by phone number: +7 777-379-37-03

A meeting of the Scientific Council of NPCRH LLP is being held to review and approve work programs on research and development for 2023 year

On March 15-16, 2023, under the chairmanship of the General Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor (Associate Professor) Isbekov K.B. 2023 year, a meeting of the Scientific Council of NPCRH LLP is being held to review and approve work programs on research and development for 2023 year.

On the agenda, consideration of next working programs:

  1. According to the scientific and technical program to ensure the integrated development of aquaculture;
  2. According to the scientific and technical program for the integrated assessment of the state of fish resources and other aquatic organisms;
  3. To determine the fish productivity of fishery reservoirs, as well as to assess the state of fish resources;
  4. On the development of the Red Book of Animals of Kazakhstan and an electronic database on rare and endangered animals.

The meeting will be held from March 15 to March 16, 2023.

Alien species found in Kapshagay reservoir – shaggy сhinese crab

In the upper part of the Kapshagai reservoir, on February 26, 2023, an expedition team of ichthyologists of the “NPC RH” discovered an alien hairy-armed Chinese crab Eriocheir sinensis (H. Milne Edwards), which weighed 261 g, body length 6.8 cm and width 7.2 cm. A large male specimen in size exceeds the weight of all crabs previously noted in the reservoir (150-152 g). It has been found in catches only once since 2006, in winter it was recorded for the first time. 

Research on the influence of alien hydrobionts on the ecosystems of transboundary watercourses is carried out under the PCF program for 2021-2023.

About the organization of the fish protection campaign “Spawning”

About the organization of the fish protection campaign “Spawning”.

Every year, in all fisheries basins of the republic, depending on the established places and terms of restrictions and prohibitions approved by the order of the Forestry and Wildlife Committee No. 190 dated July 24, 2015, the interregional basin fisheries inspections together with law enforcement and environmental authorities conduct a fish protection campaign “Spawning” in order to ensure favorable conditions for natural reproduction fish resources. In this regard, the Chairman of the Fisheries Committee on February 24, 2023 No. 30-9/42 approved the order “On the organization of the fish protection campaign “Spawning”.

This promotion will be held in:

  • – On the reservoirs of the Aral-Syrdarya basin in the period from April 1 to June 10, 2023;
  • – On the reservoirs of the Balkhash-Alakol basin in the period from March 25 to July 5, 2023;
  • – On the reservoirs of the Yesil basin in the period from March 1 to July 15 , 2023;
  • – On the reservoirs of the Zaisan-Irtysh basin from March 1 to June 15, 2023;
  • – On the reservoirs of the Nura-Sarysu basin from April 20 to June 30, 2023;
  • – On the reservoirs of the Tobol-Torgai basin from March 20 to July 1, 2023;
  • – On the reservoirs of the Shu-Talas basin from March 1 to June 30, 2023.

The final information on the results of the campaign will be posted as it is completed.

A seminar has begun in Antalya (Turkey)

A seminar within the framework of the FAO project “Capacity building for sustainable fisheries management and Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Turkey” (FISHCap), carried out by the “Mediterranean Research and Training Institute of Fisheries” (MEDFRI) has begun in Antalya (Turkey). The seminar is attended by representatives of the following countries: Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Turkey on February 27, 2023..

  • The head of the aquaculture Laboratory Abilov B.I. and senior researcher Bulavina N.B. take part in the seminar from the Research and Production Center of Fisheries LLP, Kazakhstan.
  • The main purpose of the seminar is to support the exchange of knowledge, technologies and best practices for their promotion among countries.  
  • The duration of the seminar is 5 days. Laboratory workshops, a review of the MEDFRI fish breeding site and a visit to the trout farm are planned.


On February 27, 2023, a seminar-meeting on the topic: “Anti-Corruption Policy” was held at the head office of the Research and Production Center for Fisheries LLP. The seminar-meeting was held by the compliance officer for combating corruption Turguldinov E.S.

During the seminar-meeting Turguldinov E.S. explained in detail the main provisions of the Concept of the Anti-Corruption Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, spoke about the latest changes in the anti-corruption legislation.

Also, the main requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Combating Corruption”, the system of measures taken by the state to combat corruption, implement the anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as responsibility and punishment for corruption crimes provided for by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on administrative offenses were highlighted.

Based on the results of the seminar-meeting, the following recommendations were made:

– on a permanent basis to comply with the norms and principles of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Combating Corruption”;

– prevent the commission of misconduct and other offenses for which the law provides for disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability and others;

– signal about committed misconduct and other offenses for which the law provides for disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability and others. 

The changes and additions have been made to fish farming regulations

The changes and additions have been made to fish farming regulations.

     Standards for the cultivation of rainbow trout, pike perch, tilapia and clary catfish. These standards are of a recommendatory nature and the subjects of aquaculture can be guided by them when conducting fish farming. By Order of the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 6, 2023 No. 33, appropriate amendments and additions were made to the fish-breeding standards for artificial reproduction, commercial cultivation and transportation of the main aquaculture facilities using various technologies.

      In particular, the order supplemented the fish-breeding standards for the cultivation of rainbow trout, pike perch, tilapia and clary catfish. These standards are of a recommendatory nature and the subjects of aquaculture can be guided by them when conducting fish farming.

The full text of the fish-breeding regulations can be found at the link:

Research work is underway to assess the role of recreational fishing

The scientific staff of the Research and Production Center of Fisheries LLP carry out research work within the framework of the task of the Scientific and Technical Program “Evaluation of the role of recreational fishing and its impact on ichthyocenosis in the main fishing water bodies of Kazakhstan” to assess the role of recreational fishing in the Kapshagai reservoir and Alakol system of lakes (Lake Sasykkol, Lake Alakol).

In the course of the work, general monitoring of the catches of amateur fishermen is carried out, biological indicators of the caught fish are taken, experiments are made with winter rods to determine the catchability of various fishing gear and baits.

It is worth noting that research under this task is being carried out for the third and final year, and based on the results, according to the calendar plan, recommendations will be developed on the optimal organization of catch statistics.

Changes have been made to the Rules for Subsidizing the reimbursement of part of expenses

In the Rules for subsidizing the reimbursement of part of the costs of investment investments, the criteria for the size of the area of LCFF have been reduced.
By Order No. 29 of the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 1, 2023, amendments were made to the Rules of Subsidizing the reimbursement of part of the expenses incurred by the subject of fisheries for investment investments in terms of reducing the criteria for the size of the area of lake commercial fish farms from 100 to 50 hectares.
This amendment will allow expanding the number of small businesses in the field of fisheries that grow fish in natural reservoirs, which will be covered by state support measures.