KazNARU held a dialogue platform “Technology Commercialization Point”

Today, Deputy Director General Asylbekova S.Zh. and Head of the organizational and legal Department Turguldinov E.S. LLP  «Fisheries Research and Production Center» took part in the dialogue platform “Technology Commercialization Point” on the topic “Problems of commercialization of the result of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activity in the field of agriculture” in Almaty.

Organizers of the event: Joint-Stock Company “Science Foundation”, Non-profit joint-stock company “National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Non-profit joint-stock company “Kazakh National Agrarian Research University”.

Within the framework of the dialogue platform, an exhibition of the results of scientific activities of KazNAIU and research organizations in the field of agriculture was organized.

Also, in the program of the event, speakers will speak about the results and problems of commercialization projects, about the effectiveness of business processes of interaction between business and science representatives, about the problems and ways to solve the integration of science and business and the role of the Science Foundation in this, about International experience in improving the efficiency of commercialization of technologies in the field of agriculture, about the role of patent analytics in commercialization technology and much more.

Based on the results of the dialogue platform, it is planned to develop recommendations and discuss further steps.


On the basis of the Republican State Treasury Enterprise «Kamyshlybashsky fish nursery», work was carried out on the chipping of barbel individuals

Work continues on the implementation of the tasks of the targeted financing program project: Genetic certification of the breeding stock of valuable, endemic species of fish and invertebrate aquatic organisms – potential objects of aquaculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan” sampling for genetic certification of the Aral barbel (Luciobarbus brachycephalus).

At the same time, on the basis of the Republican State Treasury Enterprise “Kamyshlybashsky fish nursery”, work was carried out on the chipping of barbel individuals.

Microchips are carriers of a unique digital code and provide error-free identification of individuals and are activated only in the electromagnetic field of the scanner. Capsules of all microchips are made of biocompatible materials, eliminating the possibility of inflammation or rejection of the chip after administration. The microchip is a sterile disposable injector with a removable needle.

The work carried out will have an auxiliary role in the bonification of fish.

Performers: Head of the Laboratory of Hydrobiont Genetics LLP «Fisheries Research and Production Center» – Adyrbekova K.B., Head of Complex Laboratory of the Aral Branch – Iskhakhov G. Zh.,  Junior research assistant of the Aral branch – Omar B.

Work is underway to select the producers of the Aral barbel for genetic certification

Work continues on the implementation of the tasks of the targeted programs financing project: Genetic certification of the repair and breeding herd of valuable, endemic fish species and invertebrate aquatic organisms – potential objects of aquaculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan” selection of producers of the Aral barbel (Luciobarbus brachycephalus) from the natural environment (near the Basykara dam, the Aral-Syrdarya basin) for genetic certification using nuclear markers.

Performers: Head of Laboratory of Hydrobiont genetics LLP «Fisheries Research and Production Center» – Adyrbekova K.B., Head of Complex Laboratory of the Aral Branch – Iskhakov G.Zh., Junior research assistant of the Aral branch – Omar B.

Congratulations on the successful defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

The staff of the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP sincerely congratulates the senior researcher of the Laboratory of Ichthyology Ablaysanova Gulmira Mukhambetalievna, researcher of the Laboratory of Ichthyology Amirbekova Fariza Talgatovna, Chief Scientific Secretary Mukhramova Alyona Alexandrovna and head of the Laboratory of Aquaculture Abilov Berdibek Ibrahimovich with successful dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Dear colleagues, we wish you further success and great achievements in fisheries science, confident strength, brilliant prospects and resounding victories.


An experiment is being conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the effect of the developed domestic probiotic drug

In accordance with the agreement of LLP “RPC of Fisheries” with LLP “RPC of Microbiology and Virology” during the implementation of the project “Development of a domestic probiotic drug that increases the resistance and productivity of valuable fish species in aquaculture” on the basis of LLP “Kapshagayskoe NVH-1973”, an experiment is being conducted to assess the effectiveness of the effect of the developed domestic probiotic drug on fish-breeding biological trout indicators.

 At the basin site of Kapshagayskoye NVH-1973 LLP, the staff of the aquaculture laboratory of RPC Fisheries LLP Badryzlova N.S., Barakov R.T. and Khalelov A.T. conduct control fishing and trout measurements.

The work on the reproduction of walleye in artificial conditions of the fish farm of the PC “Zhambyl” was carried out

Within the framework of the targeted financing program project “Development and implementation of industrial technologies for the cultivation of promising fish farming facilities and invertebrate aquatic organisms in the conditions of fish farming enterprises”, work was carried out on the reproduction of walleye in artificial conditions of the PC “Zhambyl” fish farming.

  Employees of the Aral branch of the LLP “FishRPC” acting head participate in the spawning campaign of pike perch Iskhakov G.Zh., junior researcher Omar B.M., senior laboratory assistant Kalaganov Zh.S., as well as senior researcher at the Laboratory of Aquaculture of the head FishRPC Badryzlova N.S.

 Spawning of walleye producers in the Zhambyl PC took place on non-perch nests placed in cages. The cage line was placed in the pond. Males and females were placed on spawning nests in pairs after bonitation. After the walleye spawning, the nests with the laid eggs were placed in the Amur apparatuses. During the incubation of walleye caviar, daily monitoring of the hatching of larvae in Amur apparatuses was carried out. For further cultivation, walleye larvae are planted in a closed water supply installation.

A workshop on MSC certification is being held

0.05.2023 the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP is hosting a workshop held as part of the passage of the international certification of the MSC Marine Stewardship Council by the RYBPROM company.

 The workshop is being held with the participation of MSC international experts from Norway and Russia, the management and experts of the Fisheries Research and Production Center, scientific specialists, representatives of the Fisheries Association and other interested non-governmental organizations.

 During the meeting, issues related to the system of state regulation of fishing, ensuring the sustainability of fish stocks and preserving the natural aquatic ecosystems of Lake Balkhash are discussed.

 Also, the results of the preliminary audit report on the Comprehensive assessment of the fishing of walleye, bersh and catfish by RYBPROM on Lake Balkhash, performed by experts of ControlUnion (Great Britain) within the framework of MSC certification, are presented.

 MSC certification is held in our country for the first time and opens up new opportunities to improve the status of the Republic of Kazakhstan in matters of Sustainable development, increase the investment attractiveness of the fishing industry and the image of Kazakhstan’s fish products on world markets.

 For reference: The Marine Stewardship Council (English: Marine Stewardship Council, abbreviated MSC, in Russian – MPS) is an international independent non-profit organization that sets standards for sustainable fishing to solve the global problem of overfishing, leading to the depletion of world fish stocks. The MSC mark on the products guarantees that fish and seafood come only from legitimate and environmentally responsible fisheries that care about the conservation of marine biological resources.

A training seminar is underway “Modeling the estimation of the volume of recreational fishing”

On April 26-27, the Research and Production Center for Fisheries LLP hosts a training seminar: “Modeling the assessment of the volume of recreational fishing” within the framework of the PCF project “Assessing the role of recreational fishing and its impact on ichthyocenosis in the main fishing reservoirs of Kazakhstan” .

A number of questions were raised at the seminar regarding the development of the Methodology for estimating the volume of sport-amateur fishing. The main objective of the Methodology is to assess the volume of recreational fishing in piece and weight units, both separately for each fishing reservoir, and for the entire Republic as a whole.

The trainers of the seminar LLP “Company for System Research “Factor”, represented by the General Director, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Engineering Gabbasov M.B. and analyst, doctoral student of ENU. L.N. Gumilyov Shapen K.M.

A scientific and practical seminar is being held on the platform of the SEC “Hamit” in the aquaculture training center “FISH SCHOOL”

In the period from March 24 to 29, a scientific and practical seminar is held on the platform of the SEC “Hamit” in the aquaculture training center “FISH SCHOOL” for entrepreneurs and fish farmers on the topic “Technologies for growing valuable fish species and their processing.”

Within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation concluded between SEC “Hamit” and LLP “Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries”, the seminar is conducted by employees of the aquaculture laboratory of LLP “SPC RH” Badryzlova N.S. and Umirtaeva A.U.

During the seminar, the audience got acquainted with the traditional technologies for growing valuable fish species in the conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan, with innovative technologies for cultivating promising aquaculture objects, as well as with state support measures for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the fishing industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Learn how to prepare business plans.

Practical classes are held at the pond farm of SPK Hamit, the cage farm of Vita LLP, at the lake-commodity fish farm Sultan, at the basin farm of IP Baiterek and at the fish processing plant of SPK Hamit.